欢迎大家来到由 Wow Live Sabah 沙巴好买直播 和 Dong Sin Food 联合呈现以及路阳州议员 YB冯晋哲 为特别嘉宾的一项别开生面的公益直播!
Live streaming NOW: “Manufacturer donates, Everyone buys, We distribute”
Welcome to this Charity Live jointly presents by Wow Live Sabah and Dong Sin Food together with special guest YB Ginger Phoong, Luyang state assemblyman.
Don’t miss out the exclusive offers and free items during the live, and you also can buy for donation to the necessities !
同時也有26部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過191萬的網紅Emojoie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,We post unpublished photos and videos on YouTube to the Instagram. ➢ https://www.instagram.com/emojoiecuisine ➢Ingredients 15cm macaron 65g egg whit...
food manufacturer 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Wow Live Sabah 沙巴好买直播 X Dong Sin Food
Date: 18th July (Sunday)
Time: 3pm
“Manufacturer donates, everyone buys, we distribute.”
During this difficult time Wow Live Sabah and Dong Sin Food will jointly host a Charity FB Live on 18/7/21 Sunday at 3pm and highly appreciated Luyang state assemblyman YB Ginger Phoong will be attending for encouragement and support in this donation drive, thousands thanks to Dong Sin Food for lead donating 120 cartons of instant noodles. During the live we can support local brand in their exclusive launching offers and free gifts by purchase for ourselves or donate to the necessities. All the donated items will be distributed and helped by Luyang Community Centre.
Please share this event to everyone!
food manufacturer 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答
Taiwan has purchased 5.05 million doses of the #Moderna #COVID19 vaccine and took delivery of a total 390,000 doses in two shipments. In June, it has also received 2.5 million of the vaccine donated by the United States government.
food manufacturer 在 Emojoie Youtube 的最佳貼文
We post unpublished photos and videos on YouTube to the Instagram.
➢ https://www.instagram.com/emojoiecuisine
➢Ingredients 15cm macaron
65g egg white
70g granulated sugar
Food coloring
70g almond flour
70g powdered sugar
150℃ 13 min. small macaroons
24 min. large macaroons
➢Crème à la rose
2 egg whites
100g granulated sugar
230g unsalted butter
Rose aroma and essence
*Need to adjust the amount.
2 egg yolks
40g granulated sugar
100g milk
18 strawberries
Raspberries, pomegranates, etc.
1) 3:22
Warm up the egg white and granulated sugar at 50 ° C and add the food colouring to make a meringue.
2) 4:31
Add the grind almonds from 1) and powdered sugar, then mix it with a rubber spatula.
Mix until just before the traces of dropping the dough disappear slowly.
3) 5:31
Fill a pastry bag with 2) and squeeze the dough into a 15 cm circle. Make small macaroons with the remaining dough.
4) 6:54
Piled up two oven plates. Bake at 150 ° C for small macaroons for 13 minutes and 150 ° C for large macaroons for 24 minutes.
5) 8:24
・Rose cream
Warm up the egg white and granulated sugar to 50 ° C to make a meringue.
Microwave the unsalted butter to about 25 ° C and add the aroma of the rose.
I added 1 tablespoon of aroma in the video, but adjust the amount depending on the manufacturer and type.
6) 9:35
Add slightly warm milk to a mixture of egg yolk and granulated sugar and return to the pot.
Heat to 80 ° C while mixing the bottom of the pot well, and whisk with an electric whipper.
7) 11:30
Add 6) to unsalted butter little by little, mix well, and add the meringue.
* Please note that butter and 6) will separate if it’s cold.
8) 12:46
Assemble with macaron, cream and strawberries.
Macaroons become moist when put in the refrigerator for about half a day to keep them from drying. Harden the remaining cream in a container with strawberries. If you cool the cream down in the refrigerator and then reheat it, the bubbles will disappear and the cream will not melt in your mouth.
* Preheating is necessary. Even if the recipe was written without "preheat oven ...", you must preheat the oven, and please start baking when the oven reaches a set temperature.
* The result of baking may be changed depending on each oven at home. The temperature and the baking time in this recipe is only a guide.
Please check the degree of baking stuff before taking it out from the oven, and then take it out.
#Ispahan #macaron

food manufacturer 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最佳貼文
INSEAD 知識分享【做生意如打仗 - 尋找 Blue Ocean 的六條新路】
如果你的競爭對手比你更強,你應該如何打勝這場仗呢? 根據 Blue Ocean Strategy 藍海策略之父 W. Chan Kim,有六條路「打勝」這場仗。你應如何應用?
聯絡李根興 WhatsApp (+852) 90361143
做生意好似打仗咁, 如果你嘅敵人好強,你同佢正面交鋒 ,即使你贏,你都只係慘勝。 你會好傷。
你同個強過你的競爭對手鬥平 鬥靚,就等如係同佢係正面交鋒。 呢個係一個紅海, 互相廝殺,血染大海。咁點呢?
我星期六經常同唔同嘅朋友交流下做生意心得, 4位,人少少方便傾計, 如果你有興趣參加,可以whatsapp你張卡片畀我助手 Suki 5566 1335, 免費,我請食飯, 大家交個朋友。
前排就同其中一做開手袋嘅朋友Brainstorm 下佢盤生意點可以突破。 始終牽涉私隱,唔好開佢公司或人名啦。Let's call him Peter.
Peter 好成功, 紅褲仔出身,廿年前由東南亞 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) 做起, 即係幫人哋嘅品牌生產手袋。 前幾年就建立埋自己嘅品牌, 有埋自己十間八間嘅專門店, 賣到全世界都有佢嘅袋。 (為保障佢私隱,上面有啲內容我修改咗些少。)
表面上好成功,但老實說,佢都話做得好辛苦, 俾大品牌挨住嚟打。肺炎疫情更加唔洗講,基本上每個月蝕住做。
我同佢講, 佢就好似正面地同強過自己嘅敵人打仗咁, 敵人就係 LV,Chanel,Gucci,Prada 等, 佢哋永遠都喺度, 鬥平或者鬥靚,即使打贏場硬仗,好大機會即使打贏,自己都只會受重傷,慘勝。
要打佢,就應該從側邊打。 攻佢一啲佢唔為意嘅地方。 吸嗰啲根本唔會幫襯佢或就嚟發想想再幫襯佢嘅客人。吸佢嘅 Non-Customers。
你諗下,如果喺街上面問一百個人, 佢哋有冇買LV/Gucci 手袋,99個都可能答你「無買」 或唔打算「再買」。 只係得一個有。 咁你同佢打就唔應該搶嗰一個客,而係應該target嗰99個 non-customers。而嗰99個non-customers 入面,只要有一個願意幫襯你,你嘅市場佔有率就係50%,有兩個幫襯你,你嘅市佔率係66%。
你係要target嗰啲「買袋 for those do not enjoy 買袋嘅客人」。
點搵? 根據Blue Ocean Strategy 藍海策略之父 W. Chan Kim 有六條路, 唔需要條條行曬,行通一條已經足夠。
(1) Across alternative industries 跨越另一選擇行業, (2) Across strategic groups 跨越策略性群組, (3) Across chain of buyers 跨越買家決策鏈, (4) Across complementary services or products 跨越協同效應服務或產品, (5) Across functional-emotional appeal 跨越功能及情感的吸引力, (6) Across time and trend 跨越時間及趨勢.
我同Peter講, 你做手袋可唔可以試下以上六條路。
(1) Across alternative industries 跨越另一選擇行業, 例如我做商舖基金,就係跨越咗兩個行業 - 商舖及基金。 啲人覺得買舖好煩嘅,就會買我嘅商舖基金。一樣係「買舖 for those do not enjoy 買舖。」
當時我哋食緊飯,我同Peter講:「咁你又可唔可以考慮將手袋 cross 另一個行業呢? 好似我哋而家食完飯,成枱都係餸,你又可唔可以推出一啲名牌專打包外賣嘅手袋賣俾餐廳? 環保啲、保溫好啲、 款式多啲,咁餐廳可以轉售畀個客人圖利, 咁就唔會直接同 LV / Gucci 競爭, 咁會唔會吸到嗰99%嘅non-customers, 用手袋 cross Catering 餐飲,又會唔會殺出條血路呢?
(2) Across strategic groups 跨越策略性群組。 一個手袋,可以買亦可以租。係兩個Strategic Groups。既然係咁,可唔可以推出一啲月租計劃, 月費500蚊,預繳每年6000蚊,就每個月無上限,只要個客寄返個袋返嚟,就換個新袋畀佢用呢? 甚至乎搵個形象顧問,幫個客度埋嗰個月嘅新形象,畀啲surprise個客。 咁嘅話,會唔會吸引咗好多老公,幫老婆買個plan送俾佢呢? 咁老公唔使煩,老婆又有surprises。 咁係唔係「買手袋 for those do not enjoy 買手袋? 」 LV / Gucci 嘅 non-customers?
(3) Across chain of buyers 跨越買家決策鏈。 買手袋,有 users 用家 (可能係個阿太),payers 俾錢嗰個 (可能係個老公),influencers 具影響力嘅人 (可能係啲KOL,佢側邊啲阿太朋友或者仔女),critics 評論者 (可能係啲雜誌/網上專家), 上面咁多人,其實每一層都可能影響咗成個買袋嘅過程。 你想賣多啲袋,rather than 好似LV/Gucci 咁狂賣廣告, 不如可唔可以洗啲錢喺唔同層次上面影響個買家呢? 例如專門 target 啲孝順仔女, 唔知你點樣設計個手袋法, 但畀啲仔女感覺到話想阿媽用了個袋後就會「健康」啲,「青春」啲? 或者專門送啲手袋畀KOL (Key Opinion Leaders),俾啲阿太見到,佢哋又跟住買呢?
(4) Across complementary services and products 跨越協同效應服務或產品, 好似外國嘅IKEA, 通常都有個 Child Care Center, 比啲阿媽免費放低個仔女幾個鐘? 入面免費有嘢食,有嘢玩。點解? 佢呢就可以有時間入去 IKEA shopping。放低十次唔買,第十一次,冇嘢做,行下行下自然會買。 買一次就能賺返曬返嚟。
我同佢講:「咁你做手袋專門店, 又可唔可以試下提供一啲免費嘅協同效應服務,例如, 修甲、吹頭、 即場享用嘅修身飲品,whatever, 總之就吸咗個客入嚟舖頭先,十次唔幫襯,第十一次自然會買個袋。 有冇留意到坊間有好多品牌其實都已經做緊同樣嘅嘢,皇后大道中嘅 Mercedes 餐廳,銅鑼灣嘅Leica Cafe 等。
我自己日日拍片畀你免費睇,其實都係行緊呢條 Complementary 路,你睇下睇下, 睇咗100條,1000條,遲早有一日你會買返間舖。 到時第一個搵邊個? 你都可能會考慮下我。
(5) Across functional-emotional appeal 跨越功能及情感的吸引力。 要贏人,就唔好淨係鬥價或者質量。 等如買部手機咁, 唔係function勁就贏曬。 蘋果手機好多嘢都過人,但硬係有好多蘋果迷, 情感上就係要買蘋果。 佢哋多啲錢,都要願意買啲渣啲嘅產品。 呢個就係 Emotion 大過 Function.
包括我在內,點解人地幫我買舖? 可能睇咗我300條片之後,覺得呢條粉腸李根興,日睇舖晚睇舖, 講埋啲乜鬼個人道理/故事,放埋佢老婆仔女上網,感覺呃人都呃極有個譜 , 唔介意畀啲錢佢賺下。
我同Peter 講,你背後又有咩故事同人分享呢? 你盤生意呢?人哋feel唔feel到你呢? 你有乜嘢去 drive emotion 呢?
(6) Across time and trend 跨越時間及趨勢. 隨著時間同埋趨勢/科技嘅改變, 今時今日先有機會有 Deliveroo / Food Panda 等叫外賣應用程式, 網絡速度快才能做到。 以前網絡好慢嘅時候,根本做唔到。我同Peter 講,手袋一樣,有無可能推出一啲袋, 每日可以 track 住佢去邊度,提出消費建議。又或者佢唔使拎銀包出嚟就方便畀到/收到錢呢? Whatever ...
目的就係吸引嗰班 LV/Gucci 嘅 Non-Customers。 只要你吸到1%,你就有50% market share. 唔需要六條路行曬,行通一條已經可以不得了。
我同Peter佢講,there is nothing wrong with what you are doimg now. 正面交鋒,鬥平鬥靚, 養活咗99%中小企。 不過佢哋大部分都只係繼續浮浮沉沉, 要突破嘅話,就係要搵到你嘅藍海。
藍海唔係喺Customers 道搵,而係喺 Non-Customers 道搵。 唔係要去爭,而係要做大個餅。Not Compete, but to Create.
如果我買賣舖,下下都要鬥平 鬥靚,根本無錢賺。 論身家,大把舖王多我幾百倍。但點解過幾年, 係市場嚟買賣賺錢嘅街舖 ,按宗數我哋能夠佔超過五成嘅市佔率? 就係因為我哋吸咗嗰1%嘅 non-customers。
「買舖 for those do not enjoy 買舖。」 我哋搵到我哋嘅藍海。
你呢? 你有無更強嘅競爭對手? 你又係咪同人鬥平鬥靚緊? 係咪正面交鋒到好攰呢? 試下用上面六種嘅方法, 從你嘅敵人側邊打佢, 唔需要條條行得通,只要行啱一條, 希望你盤生意之後長遠亦有所突破。
「做生意如打仗。遇上更強的敵人,要避免正面交鋒。 應從側面六條路,打他們唔為意的地方。」李根興
星期六我經常會搞下 Brainstorning-for-4 早餐/午餐會,大家交個朋友???? 互相俾下意見睇下盤生意有乜可以做好啲。
對象: 管理層/生意經營者/創業者
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) 5566 1335。她會再聯絡你。
免費 (我不是靠這行搵食?)。我請食飯 ? Be friends ..... 多謝! 李根興 Edwin

food manufacturer 在 translation Youtube 的精選貼文
Manufacturer: 1985.11.03 Nihon falcom
computer: X-1 series
Hardware: YM2151
00:00 01.Training Ground / Main Theme (トレーニンググラウンド)
02:48 02.Main Theme / Ending (メインBGM「La Valse Pour Xanadu」、エンディング)
06:45 03.Boss (A VALSE POUR XANADU ~Bataille~/戦闘)
08:52 04.King Dragon (デカキャラ/デカキャラ戦闘時)
11:11 05.Ending 2 (エンディング 2)
14:21 06.Food empty (Toggle) (フードが減った時)

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