My consulting restaurant @ensue_sz latest event , second round of “Eat Give Revive” , which is joining forces with top Indian chefs from across Asia , to raise funds for India!
Lending a helping hand to support their country, the line-up will include four of Asia’s best Indian chefs : @chef_manav_tuli , @arorgarima , @prateeksadhu and @gaggan_anand . Together with Ensue Executive chef Christopher Kostow, they will create a special ’10-hands’ collaboration feast inspired by the culinary diversity of India for one night only.
With travel restrictions still in place, each chef will share two of their signature recipes, which will be sent over and recreated by Head chef Miles Pundasack-Poe and his team at Ensue in Shenzhen.
All proceeds from the dinner event will be donated to ‘Action Against Hunger’ towards relief efforts in India.
#ensuesz #eatgiverevive #charitydinner #manavtuli #gaggananand #arorgarima #prateeksadhu #christopherkostow #india #theworlds50best #michelinstar #michelinstarchef #actionagainsthunger #milespundasackpoe
#ensue #shenzhen #finediningrestaurant
eatgiverevive 在 深圳之光Ensue的神秘宴會| 6家亞洲50強餐廳的主廚聯手創作! - 壹讀 的相關結果
吃完飯,我忍不住感慨:飛蛾是幸福的,至少它看見一輩子要追的光了,值得奮不顧身的那種。人類看到值得追的光,世界就會改變。 #EatGiveRevive. 慈善晚宴菜單. ... <看更多>
eatgiverevive 在 深圳之光Ensue的神秘宴会|6家亚洲50强(Asia' - 搜狐 的相關結果
#EatGiveRevive. 慈善晚宴菜单. RMB 2288元/人. RMB 2288 per person. First Bites & Tea 餐前点及茶. ______. Raw Prawn | Tomato Dashi. ... <看更多>
eatgiverevive 在 Ensue联合6位亚洲50佳名厨共同打... 来自Ensue_sz - 微博 的相關結果
#EatGiveRevive##深圳美食##深圳美食推荐##食在深圳##深圳吃什么##深圳##米其林三星##美国米其林三星##深圳吃货攻略##深圳吃喝##深圳必吃##深圳酒吧##深圳必去##深圳 ... ... <看更多>