Chef Maxime also improvises the commonly practiced croûte de sel (French salt-baking) technique into “sugar-baking”. The approach is more or less the same but he replaces sea salt with brown sugar. As such, the quail absorbs the natural sweetness of brown sugar. How genius! He pairs the quail with Daikoku Honshimeji mushroom, pistachio quail jus and rocket puree. The sweet nuttiness of the pistachio in the rich quail jus responds well with the quail infused with sugar-baked aroma; not only does the spiciness of the ocket puree complement the pistachio and sliced mushroom, it acts to balance the rich quail jus also.
It’s a bit tiring to savor Chef Maxime’s dishes because of their high complexity, both in terms of construction and technique. It’s an exciting journey nevertheless discovering surprise after surprise at each tongue-tingling mouthful. I told Chef Maxime: “If I were to compare your creations to sex, then you have so many tricks and it never gets dull!” He giggled and nodded in agreement: “Cooking is like making love, there must be ups and downs, twists and turns. When you’re the zone then the sex will be unforgettable.”
法菜中常見「鹽焗」(croûte de sel)烹調方式,又讓Chef Maxime緊緊捉住概念轉化成「糖焗」!大同小異的做法,只是把粗鹽換成黃糖,這麼一來,乳鴿吸收的不是鹹香,而是黃糖的自然甜香!是不是很天才?配菜是大黑本菇、開心果鴿汁、芝麻菜菜蓉——濃郁的鴿汁裡頭必須有開心果的堅果甜香來回應鴿身吸收的糖焗香氣,還要加上一點芝麻菜的菜蓉來跟開心果、菇片有個交流,以芝麻菜的獨特辛香讓本菇的植物性umami不至於太寡,同時中和鴿汁的濃郁。
Chef Maxime的菜,是會吃得有點累的菜式,因為菜品結構間的線索頗多,技術含量相對也高,每一道都有在他想像遊走間的起承轉合,在舌尖營造一閃一閃的驚喜。我跟Chef Maxime說:「如果把你的菜比喻為性愛,你的性愛是永不沈悶的招數!」他聽了邊大笑邊點頭認同;「做菜就跟做愛一樣,要有高低起伏,要有起承轉合,要令人不知生死,最後回味無窮!」
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四年前餐廳開張就放在菜單上的一道魚饌,不單單是招牌菜,而且已成為餐廳的DNA,不管菜單怎樣更新,都一定保留。不花巧、簡約但選材到位、演繹精準的一道菜,以日式混合法式的烹調技術去表達了中菜蒸魚+魚湯文化的精髓,看到一個廚師寬闊的視野。這一晚徹底感動我的是,這已經吃過無數次的菜,還是吃出了不同之處,味道更好更有深度了,跟大廚Chef Maxime 查詢,他說是的,他最近在細節上作了調整及改良。
Akamutsu, the rosey seabass wrapped in Brittany Kombu with verbena and steamed with Sake over hot stones ----- the fish dish placed on the menu since day one in @ecriturehk . I think this is more than a signature dish now, it has also become part of the DNA of the restaurant. A rather simple dish, no dazzling elements, no fancy factor, however with the well-selected ingredients and calibrated execution, @mximeagilbert successfully expressed the beauty of Chinese Steamed fish + fish soup culture through his excellent cooking skill with both Japanese and French cooking techniques applied to it.
I have had this dish for many times, but the latest experience touched me greatly ----- it tastes slightly different, even better of course, the flavour carried more in-depth, and the fumet texture is thicker and smoother than the past. I checked with Chef Maxime, he said yes, he has recently made some minor adjustments in the details hence the improved version is borned. Wow! A dish that he has cooked at least a thousand times, but still able to find a way for the breakthrough, you can tell a determined and self-demanding person he is, to constantly seek improvement for better results. Respect.
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「Kabuto San壽司的空氣感」(更正:應該是Kubota San )
上週寫了我在香港喜歡的壽司師傅Masa San,他是香港少數做蝦夷前派別壽司的師傅,今天可以寫一寫Sushi Saito的Kubota San。Sushi Saito的大名不必贅言,4年多前在四季酒店開業之際引起極大轟動,可惜在東京派過來坐鎮的Fujimoto San壽司握功不過爾爾。還記得有一次我在那裡晚餐,眼睜睜看著他把手上那片柔嫩的 Otoro捏破了撕裂成兩半,看得我呆住了,他則不好意思地把醋飯和魚料扔掉再重新來過。儘管Fujimoto San態度親切友善,很懂得跟客人互動、談笑風生(這點頗有Saito San風範),但試過他的手勢兩次以後,我就沒有再去了。後來有朋友請客再多去了一次,他進步了,但於我而言未是高級壽司應有的水準,仍欠吸引力。
一年多前,聽說店裡來了新的壽司師傅Kubota San,是Saito San關掉了吉隆坡店以後把他調過來香港店的資深師傅,抱著姑且一試的心態,跟好友F小姐去吃個午餐,結果相當滿意。還記得飯後我們七嘴八舌地討論,F小姐說:「妳有沒有留意到Kubota San握的醋飯,空氣感特別好?其中有幾貫一放到碟子上,妳會看見面層的魚料稍微沉一沉。」沒錯,其中一貫的toro壽司就較為明顯,那片豔紅的魚身躺在醋飯上,中段的部分在那一秒的時間內會略為沉下,相信是醋飯內的空氣感所致。
Kubota San的握功水平高,控制節奏也一流,所以那次以後重拾了我對這家店的信心,較常回去光顧,每一次都稱心如意。Sushi Saito的午餐人均消費是1800元左右,以這個等級和表現水準來說,屬於性價比高。後來跟不同老饕友人談起,原來大家都抱著同樣的想法,難怪他們的午餐越來越難訂位,呵呵。
相信以空氣感來作為壽司的其中一個重要的評鑑標準,不會有人反對。壽司的醋飯,就是一小團米飯,Kubota San總是能以他嫻熟的手法,握出鬆緊有致的「飯糰」來,再跟魚料作個結合,成就一貫壽司所需要的一體感。有的壽司師傅捏壽司時控制不好,就會把醋飯捏得鬆,所以有時候只是夾起到一半就快要散掉了;捏得太緊也不行,除了口感會比較實,魚料亦難以跟醋飯有個緊密結合的效果。
有一次跟香港Sushi Saito的老闆黃生說起我特別欣賞Kubota San握壽司的空氣感,黃生說,Saito曾經跟他表示,Kubota San握壽司在掌握空氣感方面比他還要好,是他作為師父引以為傲的。無論如何,看Kubota San在三捏三轉間,讓醋飯中間形成「空心」狀態,飯粒間將注入更多空氣,吃起來豐盈飽滿,同時卻又做到不鬆不緊,你會明白,這種表現,才是藝術。
1.Kubota San被調派來駐守香港店以後,整體水平提升不少。
2. 這貫Otoro壽司,因為Kubota San的握功快速流利所以保留了醋飯的溫度,入口時感到飯的熱力催化了魚脂的香氣,甘美可口。
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