I get fatigue, cool feet, and dizzy easily especially when I bend down to pick up things. These happened quite often but I’m not sure the why until I did my Iron Deficiency Assessment. 😱😱
Then I found out that I have anemia or iron deficiency. I started to take BiO-LiFE Ferrovit that contains Iron, Folic Acid, and Vitamin B12. It comes in an individual blister packing for convenient, easy handling, and prevent oxidation. ✨✨
Now I feel more energetic and wake up looking fresher. The dizziness and fatigue symptoms also subside gradually. 🥰🥰
Hey! Head over to Bio-Life Malaysia to complete your Iron Deficiency Assessment (IDA) on their website. You will receive RM3 off voucher via email after you have completed your IDA Health Test. 👌👌
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irondeficiency 在 HK FOODIE ● ANNIE CHAN Facebook 的最佳貼文
平日往往會忽略左鐵質既攝取✴ 其實每名成年女性每日就需要吸收20毫克鐵🤔 鐵質係製造血紅素📛的主要元素,血紅素負責運送氧氣至身體各個部位,所以鐵質對人體十分重要既元素⚠️
30歲🙅🏻♀️開始就會流失鐵質(正正係我哩啲中女🤦🏻♀️),最無奈嘅係自己想製造唔到😢 只能靠飲食吸收,平日食牛肉100g就只能夠攝取到3毫克鐵質😑 咁其餘嗰17g點算⁉️ 吸收唔夠就好易頭暈面清清🤢 嚴重嘅仲會導致貧血😵 要吸收得夠就要返啲supplement補充返啦!
🔹️含鐵 (焦磷酸鐵) 17.6毫克,足夠一日所需攝取量🤛
🔹️成分中加入膳食纖維 - Fibersol-2,有效預防腸胃不適及便秘等💩
Annie初初都好怕佢會有鐵銹味🤨 但原來完全無🤩 而且味道酸酸甜甜,好易入口😚 每日一包,無需沖水就可直接服用✔ 仲要獨立包裝,唔怕潷既時候整到周圍都係,仲好方便攜帶👍食左佢一段時間,個人會無咁攰,唔會成日恰眼瞓💤 精力都集中啲,返工效率都高左(應該係?!)😂 仲有仲有,照鏡會發現面色紅潤左唔少☺ 哩啲唔通就係傳說中既🍑蜜核肌🍑?!
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irondeficiency 在 拉闊 Lifestyle Channel Facebook 的精選貼文
irondeficiency 在 Iron deficiency anaemia - NHS 的相關結果
Iron deficiency anaemia is caused by lack of iron, often because of blood loss or pregnancy. It's treated with iron tablets and by eating iron-rich foods. ... <看更多>
irondeficiency 在 Iron-Deficiency Anemia: Symptoms, Causes, and More 的相關結果
Iron -deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. It occurs when your body doesn't have enough iron. Potential causes include not eating enough iron- ... ... <看更多>
irondeficiency 在 Iron deficiency anemia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic 的相關結果
Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia — a condition in which blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells. ... <看更多>