threezero 在 1/6-scaled CHAPPiE by THREEZERO (Alternative Paint Variant Edition) 的影片資訊
Threezero announced the release of their 1/6th scale CHAPPiE action figure, based on Neill Blomkamp'...
Threezero announced the release of their 1/6th scale CHAPPiE action figure, based on Neill Blomkamp'...
Theezero announced the release of their 1/6th scale CHAPPiE action figure, based on Neill Blomkamp's...
開箱介紹:ThreeZero Dead Space 3: Isaac Clarke Figure 絕命異次元3~ by 大人的玩具 賣場
Pre-order opens on February 16th 9:00AM Hong Kong time @ - Price US$39...
開箱介紹: 3A threezero 1/12 20.5寸Titanfall 泰坦陨落~ by 大人的玩具 賣場
《Toy Soul 2014》將於12月19日至21日於香港九龍灣國際展貿中心Star Hall舉行! 講到咁,我地當然有飛送畀大家啦! 今次只要Share及Like我地專頁, 再將答案PM我地(...
開箱介紹:THREEZERO 魔神Z 無敵鐵金剛~ by 大人的玩具 賣場 FB https:...
Pre-Orders Opens 9:00AM Hong Kong time at Further Details on http://t...
開箱介紹:BANDAI x THREEZERO x 大河原邦男 B/3 FULLMETAL GHOST 重甲侍鬼~ by 大人的玩具 賣場
TOYSREVIL Reviews Michonne's Pet Zombies in 1/6, from AMC's "The Walking Dead", produced by threezer...