revlon photoready primer 在 [開架好物] 平價化妝品也可化出彩色秋妝?? | HIDDIE T 的影片資訊
最近有點忙,龜速剪片... 想看更多請先追蹤!! 希望你們喜歡我的影片! 請幫忙comment, like & share!❤️❤️ Thankyou so much for watching and...
最近有點忙,龜速剪片... 想看更多請先追蹤!! 希望你們喜歡我的影片! 請幫忙comment, like & share!❤️❤️ Thankyou so much for watching and...
購入してから早くやりたかったメイク💚🧡 そして、最近ちょこちょこ集めていたコスメをたくさん使ってメイクしてみました✨はずれがなさすぎてびっくりしてる😂❤️笑 今からでも使いやすいものばっかりなので、ぜ...
hi helloooo everyone, im back with another video. so, i made this video because of tiktok. i've seen...
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION FIRST ! hi everything ! first of all, im sorry for the low quality audi...
OPEN ME UP Hey Guys! (Watch in HD) So I decided to do pinky eye look with some juicy juicy lips ca...
It’s been a while since I tested new makeup on camera so today, I will be testing out a bunch of new...
Hey Guys! Okay as promised, this is my "raya on a budget" look, but I also used some expensive prod...
睇完記得Like同Subscribe!Thankyou so much for watching and Love you all~~ xoxo 如果你想我的影片有更多人看到的話可捐獻字幕啊,萬分感...
Disclaimer: This video is sponsored by Revlon, but all the reviews and opinions are 100% honest!! ...
In this video, I am showing you all the products I own from Revlon, Maybelline and L'Oreal currently...