musician institute 在 Podcast ♪ 韋禮安跟你鳥鳥天 Season 01 EP31 LINION|以自在的狀態,做出想要的音樂 的影片資訊
🎧 Podcast 數位平台點播 : 🔔 訂閱韋禮安官方頻道 :
🎧 Podcast 數位平台點播 : 🔔 訂閱韋禮安官方頻道 :
The #EndCoV project, which includes “Ghen Co Vy” song in Vietnamese, the handwashing dance challenge...
This is official beat of "Ghen Cô Vy" English version. You can take this for joining our #EndCoVchal...
I'm so happy to finally be able to share with you guys a wonderful news that we've been keeping for ...
Ghen Co Vy - Official English version | Coronavirus Song | Together we #EndCoV Get the song: https:/...
The #EndCoV project, which includes “Ghen Co Vy” song in Vietnamese, the handwashing dance challenge...
Cảm ơn 3 con : Bảo Thy, Anh Thy, Ngọc Minh Đã giúp thầy Đăng & UNICEF lan tỏa thông điệp ý nghĩa này...
🎼與美國Hollywood Musician Institute的日本吉他大師Masakiさん🎸同台飆樂🎶...
profile 1993年3月31日生,牡羊座A型,從小嚮往演藝圈工作,高中畢業後前往美國加洲Musician Institute音樂學院進修。2015年以電影《我的少女時代》歐陽非凡一角受到廣大粉絲...
PROFILE 1993年3月31日生,牡羊座A型。從小嚮往演藝圈工作,高中畢業後前往美國加洲Musician Institute音樂學院進修,高挑亮眼的外型,男孩般靦腆的笑容,氣質出眾。首張全創作專...