mrandmrschan 在 s&j《FAMiLY》pregnant women can't eat ANYTHiNG!!! NO greens, NO coffee, NO soy sauce!?!? 的影片資訊
Having grown up in the UK and Australia, you might think all we'd have to do is listen to our doctor...
Having grown up in the UK and Australia, you might think all we'd have to do is listen to our doctor...
大家可能覺得我地會聽晒西醫既就算 其實咁既做法的確會簡單好多 但係身邊好多姨媽姑姐都會不停關心同教我地 咁當聽到好多唔同嘅做法,原來有好多野要小心 真係好難返到去之前所有嘢從簡 雖然咁講好似好複雜 ...
we just did a Facebook live to share our new ad that we filmed with Damon... super chuffed!!! https:...
太耐無玩 Q&A啦 剛剛玩咗個 Facebook live 同大家分享一家三口拍廣告