kitmakvideo 在 Slimming, for beauty & High Fibre - Vegan Sesame & Tofu Soup with Mushrooms (English VO & Subtitles) 的影片資訊
Filling, good for beauty, smoothing & slimming, with high calcium and Vitamin A, this dish is very c...
Filling, good for beauty, smoothing & slimming, with high calcium and Vitamin A, this dish is very c...
飽肚、養顏、滑腸、瘦身,仲有豐富的鈣、鎂、蛋白質、維他命A,吃後會覺得好平和好舒服。快點一起做個來吃啦! 材料: 乾冬菇 4-5隻 白芝麻 4湯匙 京蔥 1條 蒜 4瓣 本菇 1包 秀珍菇 5朵 豆...
When I was a little Girl. Mince Beef (Bolognese in Hong Kong style) Rice with Fried Egg is my top 5...
Off from work now. You must be very hungry. Let's check out this classic Fried Rice dish. In 1940s...
《Kit Mak 和你食住瘦2019》頭炮 ... 不如簡簡單單來個入門沙律啦!這個沙律好易做,帶點點日式風味,好清爽好易準備。(易飽,食完腸胃清晒,肚腩細左) 材料: 甘荀 1個 蘋果 1個 洋蔥半...