home studio setup 在 【影音旅遊】影音發燒友『浦東』帶您 - 參觀日本 BeBlue Studio 榮獲 THX PM3 Studio Room證可的影院 | 廣東話 | 繁體字幕【Post76.hk影音玩樂平台】 的影片資訊
影音發燒友 "浦東兄" 在影音界一直都非常活躍,近日佢就去左日本家訪了日本HiVi影音資源評論員「潮晴男」 及「麻倉怜士」 。另外還有獲得THX認證的PM3工作室,此工作室非常適合進行電影預混和製作電...
影音發燒友 "浦東兄" 在影音界一直都非常活躍,近日佢就去左日本家訪了日本HiVi影音資源評論員「潮晴男」 及「麻倉怜士」 。另外還有獲得THX認證的PM3工作室,此工作室非常適合進行電影預混和製作電...
Salam Ramadan. Bila dah sebulan lebih PKP dekat rumah, tangan mula gatal setup macam-macam. Untuk vi...
Best in the World TV host recently launched his STAY HOME EATERTAINMENT series and we wanted the det...
这几天看会我的daily vlog,就想到不然把房间整理好一点,拍的就美一点 记得去追踪我的 Check out my FB: https://www.facebook.com/jerryfooth...
Wondering what to do in your free time? Start bullet journaling! Here are the 6 Ways to organize you...
Ultimate Minimalist Desk Setup 2020! - A Minimalist Desk Tour Setup 2020 Get Wondershare RecoverIt ...
今天·与大家分享我的暗系工作室! 虽然简单但是非常喜欢这Feel! 30天免費試用無版權音樂: https://goo.gl/dnYZh5 #HomeStudio #RoomTour #Dark ...
In this video, I will let you guys know what is my favorite or best tech for 2019 and I also have ot...
Hi Fellows, haven't making a more serious video for a long time. Becoming a father of a puppy is suc...
Finally filmed a tour! It's definitely not perfect and needs more work, but I'm really excited about...