harmonica blues 在 Blues on harmonica while snowboarding 的影片資訊
A bit of bluesy harmonica accompanied by the life threatening sound from my beloved snowboard grindi...
A bit of bluesy harmonica accompanied by the life threatening sound from my beloved snowboard grindi...
Found the video of the chimpanzee playing the diatonic harmonica online earlier. Figured he had play...
A transcription video featuring a good talented friend of mine, Wan Pin Chu!...
World class harmonica player Cy Leo performing with students from Polytechnic University. 1. Stevie...
異世界食堂是我今年夏番的精神食糧, 只是很可惜我每次作品產出都Lag很久XD 這次伴奏是我自己製作的,雖然我本身不會彈鋼琴, 不過還是硬著頭皮把伴奏一部一部都疊上去了, 我很用心也很投入這首美妙的作品...
今天是初三囉~~許多朋友新年假期可能要結束了 難得是雞年,當然不能免俗的要吹一首跟雞有關的歌 分享這首經典的爵士歌曲 The Chicken 希望大家會喜歡 : D Jang Li, a famou...
新的一年又到了 祝福大家丁酉年 家家戶戶雞祥如意 僅以這首MJ的鏡中人 獻給所有的好朋友們 :) Jang Li, a famous & professional harmonica perform...
一年快要過去了,新的一年將要到來。希望大家都能像這首歌所說的一樣:將不愉快的事情、煩心事情暫時放下,稍稍喘口氣,給自己過個小小的耶誕節,祝福大家~Merry Christmas :) Jang L...
A live recording on the tune Schindler's List by John William with the one of the most promising cla...
A live recording on the tune Intermezzo Giocoso by Rudolf Wuthner with the one of the most promising...