buddhist 在 播放念佛機/心經/大悲咒,可以家庭和諧父母健康嗎? Can A Buddhist Chant Player Improve My Family Harmony & Parent's Health? 的影片資訊
阿彌陀佛,你好!我是李季謙,來自新加坡的風水命理師。我將我的一生貢獻於弘揚佛法和中華玄學。這過程曲折離奇,卻也充滿了許多人生的領悟。 通過我的影音與寫作,盼你也能夠突破自己命運的束縛,真正活得精彩。...
阿彌陀佛,你好!我是李季謙,來自新加坡的風水命理師。我將我的一生貢獻於弘揚佛法和中華玄學。這過程曲折離奇,卻也充滿了許多人生的領悟。 通過我的影音與寫作,盼你也能夠突破自己命運的束縛,真正活得精彩。...
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The Digital Shaman is designed to help the bereaved find peace with the loss of a loved one. After d...
In 2020, with the global pandemic of novel coronavirus as a challenge in our life marked by imperman...
The Charity Treatment in a Buddhist Temple highlight video. Helping people is not about colour, rac...
People all wish to live a life of peace and well-being, but how do we find the inner tranquility and...
Tieu Can is a rural district of Tra Vinh Province, in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. -I would l...
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows ⬇️⬇️ 素豬肉: 材料: 新豬肉1包(230克) 處理: 1. 豬肉分成3份,解一解凍。 2. 第1份,純清炒; 第2份,煎;...
YOUTUBE LIVE Q&A Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents 回覆觀眾留言: 1) 00:42 - 如果唸超過49遍的報父母恩咒,可以嗎...
Chan represents the concepts and methods to calm and settle our body and mind. It is especially suit...