古典結他 在 【跟我一起學結他】? 第2課~原來學會Chord就離彈奏歌曲不遠了! [ 古典結他&鋼線結他 | 數拍子的概念 | F Chord | G7 Chord ] 可能大家都能線上學結他![粵語中字] 的影片資訊
#第二課學習內容 #老師IG已改名請睇下面infobox .古典結他 & 鋼線結他的分別 .數拍子的概念(常聽到的BPM是什麼) .掃Chord的動作 .F Chord & G7 Chord 老師K...
#第二課學習內容 #老師IG已改名請睇下面infobox .古典結他 & 鋼線結他的分別 .數拍子的概念(常聽到的BPM是什麼) .掃Chord的動作 .F Chord & G7 Chord 老師K...
BGM: https://youtu.be/wZY0dnRVlAw My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung IG : http:/...
Arranged and Played by Steven Law My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung Tab: http:/...
Arranged and Played by Steven Law [Recorded with the iSolo] My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/S...
Arranged and Played by Steven Law [Recorded with the iSolo] My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/S...
Arranged and Played by Steven Law My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung Tab: http:/...
Bgm 1 : https://youtu.be/oSv86q6c84I Bgm 2 : https://youtu.be/-70oDaz8GLo My Fans Page: https://www...
Arranged and Played by Steven Law My Fans Page: https://www.facebook.com/StevenLawCheung http://www...