Visual Studio Code's more advanced editing features (IntelliSense, refactoring tools, etc.) only work in C# files if you have a project.json ... ... <看更多>
Visual Studio Code's more advanced editing features (IntelliSense, refactoring tools, etc.) only work in C# files if you have a project.json ... ... <看更多>
Intellisense not working in C# extension of VS Code. Every time I'll have to restart the VS Code and wait. Sometimes Intellisense works and ... ... <看更多>
OmniSharp does not load correctly. The error message is not helpful on Linux. Please, see log: OmniSharp log Starting OmniSharp server at ... ... <看更多>
I am sorry I am new to vs code and Unity(for that matter git hub itself ). So the issue is that my vscode IntelliSense does not give me the ... ... <看更多>
I have the extensions needed to make it work (C#, Unity Tools, Unity Snippets Code etc...) I have set vscode as my script editor (Unity -> Edit -> Preferences - ... ... <看更多>
Using VS Code with particular technologies; Lint and IntelliSense ... C#, ASP .NET and . ... VsCode Groovy Lint - Groovy lint, format, prettify and auto-fix. ... <看更多>