關於president中文的評價, 韓國瑜
這兩天看了太多傷天害理的1450的新聞,今天來點有質感的,感謝華爾街日報的中立報導,裡頭清楚地報導了我對兩岸關係以及2020總統大選的看法,歡迎大家一起閱讀。 #還是不要忘記網路霸凌 #蔡政府要負絕...
這兩天看了太多傷天害理的1450的新聞,今天來點有質感的,感謝華爾街日報的中立報導,裡頭清楚地報導了我對兩岸關係以及2020總統大選的看法,歡迎大家一起閱讀。 #還是不要忘記網路霸凌 #蔡政府要負絕...
Breaking through the Limit Who I was... I got in an accident and the motorcycle caught on fire. ...
Breaking through the Limit Who I was... I got in an accident and the motorcycle caught on fire. ...
Breaking through the Limit Who I was... I got in an accident and the motorcycle caught on fire. ...
Breaking through the Limit Who I was... I got in an accident and the motorcycle caught on fire. ...
Yo! 我明天(8/6)下午2點在台北統一時代百貨要擔任Abercrombie&Fitch一日店長囉!!! I will be at the Uni-President Mall in Taipei...
Yo! 我明天(8/6)下午2點在台北統一時代百貨要擔任Abercrombie&Fitch一日店長囉!!! I will be at the Uni-President Mall in Taipei...
《歷史文件及川普的新冠病毒感染源不帶口罩的頭號助手Hope Hicks> * 白宮醫師康利(Sean Conley)周四(1日)發出美國總統川普夫婦的新冠病毒檢測陽性診斷信,目前倆人狀況良好,白宮醫...
【林昶佐入聯演講,於台灣外交酒會@紐約】 (中文講稿在下方) Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, I am Taiwanese Parliamentaria...
We strongly condemn Military coup. We demand immediate release of state counseller Daw Aung San Suu...