關於faithful的評價, Faii Amfine
a faithful friend is the medicine of life ❤️...
a faithful friend is the medicine of life ❤️...
由於X'MAS黎緊, 今期MILK 雜誌, 出了一本以沙田新城市廣場為主題的HOLIDAY ROMANCE特刊, 搵左我寫一篇過千字的ARTICLE. 寫文對我唔難, 但最難係MILK要我交一段...
🔺衛蘭首張聖誕主題EP- A Reason To Rejoice (studio live)🔺 演繹6首經典作品 包括《Winter Wonderland》及 個人作品《伯利恆的主角》 為你送上溫...
🇺🇸美國黃石國家公園 Yellowstone National Park 第四天旅遊下八字的後半段 從西黃石入口➡️ Old Faithful老忠實間歇噴泉(早上佳!可以到老忠實遊客中心看噴發時間,...
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy. I'll be your hope, I'll be your love,...
A very blessed New Year from my family to yours! ...
Good things happen to people who believe that God...
You can count on Jesus. He is that faithful, depe...
"The Lord will work out His plans for my life—for...
The Lord will work out His plans for your life—fo...