

disinfectant wipes的相關標籤

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關於disinfectant wipes的評價, 黎明柔


#不是業配 #自己買的 #他們貨還有很多 很久沒用這個速度舒服的好好的說話,看大家很緊張的在搶消毒劑、酒精,我想和大家分享 ,對於寶寶和幼兒,天然無毒安全,不小心吃到也沒事,是很重要的喔! 擔心酒精對孩子的皮膚造成過敏現象,擔心乾洗手殘留物質被孩子吃下肚子,我用 B&B disinfectant spray and disinfectant wipes 來消毒孩子和自己的用品與居家環境,帶出門也超方便!B&B Malaysia - Korea No.1 Total Infant Care It’s not a sponsor post, I purchase the items and share the review with you because I know how worry a mama can be when kids are so young and virus are so scary, also, alcohol wipes and dry clean gel for hands can be too strong for Kidd’s skin, here is my solution, B&B disinfectant spray and disinfectant wipes contents only natural ingredients. Plus, there are still stocks on their online shop! The page is tagged in Chinese caption. #mandychen #陳諭

#不是業配 #自己買的 #他們貨還有很多 很久沒用這個速度舒服的好好的說話,看大家很緊張的在搶消毒劑...