【#財政預算案】受疫情影響,本地 #藝文活動 如表演或展覽等都紛紛延期取消,影響藝文工作者發展。財政司司長 #陳茂波 今日(2月24日)發表2021-22年度財政預算案,其中文化藝術產業方面有幾項措施,包括:
1. 向「創意智優計劃」再度注資十億元,推動創意產業發展;
2. 文化藝術發展的開支預算超過五十七億元,其中 #西九文化區 的M+博物館及香港故宮文化博物館分別會在今年和明年開幕,演藝綜合劇場亦預計於二零二四年落成;
3. 計劃在本立法年度申請撥款,修繕荃灣公共圖書館、提升大埔文娛中心設施,以及翻新及改善西灣河文娛中心;
4. 由民政事務局成立跨政策局專責小組,預留一億元,推動藝術與科技互融;
5. 在提升旅遊資源方面,預留一億六千九百萬元用作繼續開展本地 #文化、#古蹟 和 #創意旅遊 項目,例如「鹽田梓藝術節」及「城市景昔」等。
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#財政 #藝文 #藝文特區 #演藝 #西九 #Mplus #故宮 #博物館 #圖書館 #文娛中心 #荃灣 #大埔 #西灣河 #藝術 #科技 #共融 #鹽田梓 #鹽田 #城市景昔 #明周藝文 #我就是我 M+, West Kowloon Cultural District
「west kowloon故宮」的推薦目錄:
- 關於west kowloon故宮 在 明周文化 MP Weekly Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於west kowloon故宮 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於west kowloon故宮 在 West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區- 香港故宮門票將 ... 的評價
- 關於west kowloon故宮 在 故宮博物館| 西九文化區| 香港- Palace Museum - YouTube 的評價
west kowloon故宮 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的精選貼文
【6/1 #立法會會議:朱凱廸抹黑林鄭?!】(Scroll down for English)
1. 政府同意讓馬會增加5天本地賽馬日及8天海外賽事聯播日,每次本地賽事的投注額平均是12.8億,即光增加5天本地賽事政府已每年送多馬會60億元;
2. 2016年6月馬會與政府簽訂了50年的特殊用途土地契約;
3. 2016年7月,馬會行政總裁應家柏獲頒金紫荊星章。
【Eddie Chu Bad-mouthing Carrie Lam?!】
Must the project be funded by The Hong Kong Jockey because the Hong Kong government could not afford it? There is indeed a ceiling to the budget of the West Kowloon project, but it doesn't conclude to the Hong Kong government is in short of money. If the government intend to initiate the Palace Museum project, funding should be approved by the LegCo according to current procedures; during preliminary planning, the government can choose to retain information, when the project involves government funding, however, it should follow the procedures, be scrutinized by the LegCo and consult the public. Short in finance is not a legitimate reason for the government to bypass the LegCo and outsource the project, letting other organizations to fund the project.
The most fundamental question now is where is the money from. "Donated by the Hong Kong Jockey Club" is an ambiguous answered that will not be accepted; it is merely part of the story. I would like to point out to the public the rest of the story: what decisions did the government make concerning the Hong Kong Jockey Club in the past year?
【What Was the Deal?】
1. The government agreed to increasing racing days for 5 days, as well as 8 more days of overseas race broadcast. The average turnover for a racing day is 1.28 million dollars, by increasing the racing days for 5 more days, the government is allowing the Jockey Club to make an extra profit of at least 6 billion dollars
2. Signing a 50-year lease for special purposes with the Jockey Club
3. The CEO of the Hong Kong Jockey Club was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star
It is not my intention to interpret the above as privileges offered to the Jockey Club by the government in exchange for the generous donations for the project. With the donation being enormous, the government retained all information concerning all communications and meeting with the Jockey Club. As citizens, we are uninformed of the countless meetings and negotiations between the two parties.
Mrs Carrie Lam explained holding back information as an act to prevent the Jockey Club from being in an awkward position. As the proposal is now disclosed to the public, it is necessary for Mrs Lam to account for all records of communication with the Jockey Club.
In addition, the project should not be funded by the Jockey Club through donations. All funding should be approved by the LegCo according to established procedures.
Youtube 頻道:http://goo.gl/JtEXoR
Telegram 頻道:https://telegram.me/chu_hoi_dick
west kowloon故宮 在 故宮博物館| 西九文化區| 香港- Palace Museum - YouTube 的推薦與評價

故宮 博物館| 西九文化區| 香港- Palace Museum | West Kowloon Cultural District | Hong Kong. ... <看更多>
west kowloon故宮 在 West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區- 香港故宮門票將 ... 的推薦與評價
香港故宮門票將於明天(6月14日)早上10時起網上公開發售!本館將會展出九百多件來自故宮博物院的珍貴文物,絕大部分是首度於香港公開展出。 值得一提,展廳8的特別 ... ... <看更多>