Dear BFF, for your birthday 🎂 I wanted to get you something that was cute and funny. Then I realized you have us already. 😜😜😜 #BestFunnyFriends #23yearsandcounting #3isbetterthan2 #Sistersfromanothermother 💝
Planned a surprise birthday for my BFF @low.23 with the great help of @monicavinader @ion_orchard and the kind team of my one and only #lesbolove @wendiixken 🦄✨ and @kailingtiffyx & girls! 💕🙏🏻
Thank you for doing everything and @celebloons for the personalized trinket tray and #unicorn balloons! 🎈We all had FUN and everyone loved their gorgeous gifts! 💓 [Swipe to see]✨
Lastly thank you BFFs for buying my dream gift from @monicavinader for my very (far away) birthday present! 🤣 #感恩🙏🏻🙏🏻✨ #Videos in #IGHighlights under MonicaV!
To my BFF @low.23, you’re weird but me and @wendylau35 love you! Just dun be so irritating, thanks. 👌🏻
Happy Saturday all! I’m veryyyyyyy tired from not sleeping last night, so I’ll turn in early I guess!
#monicavinadersg #surpriseparty #rosegold #jewelery #ionsingapore #sgmotherhood #friendshipgoals @ Monica Vinader