Ramai tanya saya Ustaz boleh datang rumah untuk pulihkan rumah??
Ustaz boleh datang pulihkan kedai saya?? Ramai orang kata saya tak buka kedai bila lalu depan kedai saya. Macam mana nak buat ya ust?
Saya minta maaf sangat-sangat ramai yang nak saya datang ke rumah untuk pulihkan rumah dan permis perniagaan. tapi masa saya hendak ke rumah anda amat terhad.. Di sebabkan ramai yang bertanya bagaimana nak buat pulihkan rumah di bawah saya ajarkan bagaimana cara mudah untuk pulihkan rumah mengelakkan dari gangguan makhluk halus..
Ambil Air kolah masjid 2
➡1 botol 1500ml
➡Lada Hitam 1pack kecil Dan Garam Halus 1bungkus
Cara Caranya buka pintu tingkap rumah depan belakang, kemudian Azan di dalam rumah tersebut.Azan setiap bilik rumah, dapur dan ruang tamu.. Selesai Azan..
Campurkan garam halus dan lada hitam dalam 1 piring contoh seperti dalam gambar di bawah..Manakala Air kolah masjid di buka penutup botol tersebut lalu baca seperti di bawah:
Baca Al Fatihah 11x
Ayat qursi 11x
Al Ikhlas 11x kemudian Sambung Zikir Di Bawah Baca sebanyak 3x dan selawat 11x
Selesai baca garam halus di tabur setiap bucu rumah lebihkan tabur di bilik air tandas..Tabur secubit garam tersebut setiap bucu di sekeliling rumah anda.Selesai tabur ambil air kolah masjid pula masuk kan di dalam botol #Spry contoh seperti gambar di bawah.Kemudian spry kan sekeliling rumah anda,pastikan dinding rumah anda di spry.Lebihkan juga spry di bilik air dan tandas rumah anda..Buat lah dengan yakin Inshaa Allah izin Allah rumah anda terhindar Dari gangguan makhluk halus.
Sebaik punya pendinding Adalah banyak kan amalan zikir di dalam rumah tersebut,Banyakkan baca Al quran di dalam rumah,Solat berjemaah dan perbanyakkan solat sunat di dalam rumah...InshaaAllah itulah Sebaik2 pendinding. Kerapkan juga Azan Di dalam rumah anda inshaaAllah izin Allah di dalam rumah tersebut bebas dari gangguan makhluk halus.
Manakala di permis perniagaan pula kerap kan pasang ayat suci al quran di dalam kedai. Ada masa kita sendiri yang baca Al quran di dalam kedai .Banyakkan baca surah Al waqiah untuk murah rezeki, banyakkan Solat sunat dhuha inshaaAllah izin Allah rezeki anda bertambah. Kedai anda, tapak perniagaan inshaaAllah akan semakin maju..
Apa pun semua cara di atas adalah sebagai ikhtiar sahaja..Selebihnya semua atas izin Allah...
Tanda2 Di Dalam Rumah ada Gangguan..
1)Kerap nampak kelibat dalam rumah
2)Kerap dengar bunyi ketukan di luar pintu rumah
3)Kerap dengar bunyi guli,lesung batu,tarik kerusi meja atas rumah terutama rumah Flat
4)Kerap terdengar bunyi pasir jatuh atas bumbung rumah
5)Kerap terbau busuk hanyir dalam rumah,bau colok kemenyan dan kapur barus..
6)Rasa seperti di perhatikan terutama waktu tidur
7)Kerap terdengar suara panggil tetapi ketika itu tiada siapa pun di dalam rumah..
8)Masuk rumah jadi stress serabut cepat nak marah gaduh suami isteri bila di luar ok ...
9)Masuk rumah kepala jadi pening,sakit belakang tengkuk belikat rasa berat..
10)Perut jadi kembung sedawa angin,kitaran haid tak normal sengugut yang teruk..Periksa doktor semuanya normal..
11)Susah tidur malam dalam rumah bila tidur tempat lain ok boleh tidur
12)Kerap mimpi bayi,bermain ,dukung menyusu..
13)Mimpi Jatuh tempat tinggi
14)Mimpi binatang berbisa
15)Mimpi orang kejar orang nak bunuh
16)Mimpi tempat kotor
17)Mimpi pasangan Curang kawen lain
18)Mimpi bersetubuh dengan orang yak di kenali
19)Mimpi orang tua
20)Mimpi rumah lama
21)Mimpi terbang...
Di atas adalah sebahagian tanda yang kerap berlaku pada pesakit saya yang terkena gangguan makhluk halus..Jika anda mengalaminya dapat kan rawatan islam berhampiran anda..Moga di jauhkan semua di atas berlaku pada diri kita dan family kita Aamiin..
Kredit : Pusat Perubatan Islam Al-mujahidin
Many ask me Ustaz can come home to restore the house??
Ustaz can come restore my shop?? Many people say I don't open my shop when I'm in front of my shop. How to make ya ust?
I'm so sorry for so many people who wanted me to come home to restore the house and business permit. but the time I'm going to your house is very limited.. Because many people are asking how to restore the house below I taught how to make it easy to fix home prevent the disturbance of subtle creatures..
Take water at mosque 2
➡ 1 bottles 1500 ml
➡Lada Black 1 packs Small And Smooth Salt 1 packs
How to open the window door of the back front house, then Azan inside the house. Azan every room, kitchen and living room.. Done Azan..
Mix smooth salt and black pepper in 1 example plates as in the picture below.. Whereas the mosque's water is opened by the bottle then read as below:
Read Al Fatihah 11 x
Qursi verse 11 x
Al Ikhlas 11 x then Continue Zikir Below Read 3 x and pray 11 x
Finished reading the fine salt in the sprinkle of the house more sprinkled in the toilet bathroom.. Sprinkle a pinch of salt every corner of your home. After sprinkling, taking water, the mosque is also entered into the bottle of #Spry example like the picture below. Then spry around your house, make sure the walls of your house are in spry. More than spry in the bathroom and toilet of your house.. Make it confident Inshaa Allah Allah's permission your home will be prevented from disruption of subtle creatures.
When you have a wallpaper, there are many practices of zikir in the house, read the Quran in the house, pray and multiply the circumcision prayers in the house... InshaAllah that's the best of the wall. Put the Azan in your home inshaaAllah Allah's permission in the house is free from disruption of subtle beings.
While in permis business, we often install the holy sentence of al quran in the shop. There are times that we read Al Quran in the shop. Read more surah Al waqiah for cheap provisions, increase the prayers of dhuha sunat dhuha inshaaAllah Allah's permission increases your provisions. Your shop, business site inshaaAllah will get progress..
Whatever all the way above is just an endeavor.. The rest is all by Allah's permission...
Signs In The House There Is A Disruption..
1) Often looks like the house
2) Always hear the sound of knocking outside the door
3) Always listen to the sound of sugar, dimples, pull up the table chair on the house especially the Flat house
4) Often heard the sound of sand falling on the roof of the house
5) Often smelling stinks in the house, the smell of frankincense plugs and barus chalk..
6) Feels like being noticed especially bedtime
7) Often heard calling but at that time no one in the house..
8) Entering the house to be stressed frustrated fast to get angry with husband and wife when outside ok...
9) Entering the house, head is getting dizzy, back pain and the back of the neck feels heavy..
10) Stomach becomes bloated with wind, abnormal period cycle is not normal bad threats.. Check the doctor everything is normal..
11) It's hard to sleep at night in the house when sleeping somewhere else ok can sleep
12) Always dream of babies, play, support breastfeeding..
13) Dreams Fall high places
14) A venomous animal dream
15) Dreams of people chasing people to kill
16) Dreams of dirty places
17) Dreams of a couple cheating on another wedding
18) Dreams of having fun with the people you know
19) A parent's dream
20) Old house dream
21) Dreams fly...
Above is part of the sign that often happens to my patients who are affected by disruption of subtle creatures.. If you experience it get Islamic treatment near you.. May all of the above happen to ourselves and our family Amen..
Credit: Islamic Medical Center Al-mujahidinTranslated
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有追我之前那些煙腸遊記的朋友應該記得我提過這個Andre哥。我跟他在舊舖認識,他做輪我做FX,理論上少接觸;但朋友就是這樣,合得來就搭得上咀- 縱然當時他高級很多,更比我大十多歲。我經常說「我跟Andre哥搵食」,他縱未曾是我老闆但他卻在我最初入行時教我最多投行生存之道、在trading floor待人接物、和最重要但沒人教的銷售技巧。
自上一次Whatsapp,約了很久,終於在小朋友開學後才約得上。以前Andre哥帶我去見識,十點也未開始。今天天還是亮的已經在French Window等我。他一句「衰仔」前「衰仔」後,一方面我覺得異常親切,另一方面他彷佛在跟故人說往事,金魚缸的前麈早已置身事外。
如果一切如上十年的光景,我相信生多半打他也可以輕鬆處理。但股票衍生工具在這幾年適逢巨變,vol普遍低水,說好的big rotation(至少在港股)沒出現;Risk recycling的需求減少,輪枱愈來愈難生存。不少外資行斷臂,甚至是一下子關掉整個股票衍生工具部門。Andre哥有實力未至被裁,但也自覺去到一個「一係我炒公司一係公司炒我」的地步。
這個年紀和級數的Sales head出路有三條:
2)利用現有行內名聲,加人工轉細行/中資/未插旗香港的外資搞過。但大環境使然,很難搞得起。搞不起你覺得HQ會讓你燒幾耐錢?一兩年貨仔唔得就pull the plug。輪證基本上沒太多transferable skills,是marketing多於direct sales;你搞起了也可以過橋抽板請個靚女主播就ok。最近看見翁生東山改起,莊某也由衷的佩服並祝他好運。
Andre哥有點後悔當初遲婚又花錢,最最最後悔結婚時又叫阿嫂辭職湊仔,眼見大仔才幼稚園,孖女剛出世;獨力支撐成頭家的全無風險分散。雖然未捨得離場,也得離開trading floor轉型到Compliance。
「咁叻做乜X?識會計識derivatives識finance最冇用!幫有錢人wealth transfer,收份屎糧(他想表達shxt pay),俾人炒左連自己做過乜都噏唔出。唔好話幫社會,幫自己都幫唔到,didn't create nothin'!」也許他很久沒喝,酒精令他面紅耳赤:「叻就去幫人,蠢就最好hea hea下簡單D做份牛工!」
「𠒇,唔係兜⋯」Sorry for his French.
其實有,但我跟他喝就一杯1664 Blanc後心情有點怪,決定爽約:「有林寶梗坐!」他有點若有所失的奸笑,走到ifc B4停車場我立刻明白他那臉語。他那原來亮橙的Gallardo變成了夜銀色的Model X:「還坐不坐?」
在車品品門口目送他肥厚的坐駕無聲的加速離開,我想起網絡那段Tesla outran Lambo的短片。也許人生也是一樣:在每一段snapshot中比起來有人加速快,有人高top speed,有人耐力夠,也有人節能。
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