去年秋天與 建築學人 合作位於新北市五股的新住宅開發 Big Apartment 建案的實品屋室內壁畫創作
Big Apartment 建案終於於今年完工落成
#小宅革命 由德國建築師PHILIPP MAINZER全案設計、日本陶榮株式會社燒製的頂級灰磚以及夢幻團隊們打造的北歐明朗的實品屋居家系列特別呈獻給現代人居住的多元需求
特別感謝樂工設計團隊及室內陳列設計師 Kris
Big Apartment 全新完工可預約參觀唷
Photography by Ingmar Kurth
全案規劃 照片提供|建築學人地產發展有限公司 WWW.ARCHI-PUR.COM
Finally I can get to share this special project I finished last year Fall🎈 A fun collaboration with Archi Pur for the “Big Apartment” wall decoration project, a whole new residency in New Taipei City area designed by German Architect PHILIPP MAINZER launched this year. Now is available for open house 🏠 Special thanks to interior decor artist @lin_wenyuan and CL Design Group @cl_designgroup @louielouielou21 @chija
And thank you @archi_pur for this great project
Photography by Ingmar Kurth / photography copyrighted and provided by Architectural Pursuer
#wallpaintng #interiordesign #homedecor #art #artwall #artproject #livingtrend##建築學人 #小宅革命 #colorful