今天我好開心,想要跟妳們分享。世界知名的烘培老師Sarabeth有來台灣。她1981在紐約開了第一家餐廳,36年後,美國,日本,韓國,和台灣都有分店。今天在新開幕的中壢店,我有跟她一起做超好吃的司康。喜歡吃美式早餐朋友,一定要來嚐嚐她最有名的果醬,司康,英式馬芬,還有我最愛的早餐,鬆餅與草莓和鮮奶!可惡的是中壢店限定草莓鬆餅,台北都沒有。我想我很快就叫老公帶我回來中壢!#紐約早餐女王 #甜食第一品牌 #二號店開幕 #桃園中壢SOGO店 #詠嫻健康生活
Let me tell u about my super duper awesome day! I was so excited to meet Sarabeth, the lady who started famous Sarabeth's in New York in 1981. Thirty six years later she has locations in the USA, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Today I had the honor to be her guest and bake scones with her at the opening of the new Chungli location. You must come and try her world famous jam, scones, English muffins, and my personal favorite breakfast food of all-time, waffles with strawberries and cream, which I can eat all day! The only problem is the waffles are not available at the Taipei location, only served at the new Chungli store. Guess I'm telling Alex to bring me back soon.
Sarabeth's Taiwan Sarabeth Levine
#jackiehealthyliving #sarabeths #waffleswithstrawberriesandcream