1. 因為長期帶妝膚色容易暗沉,近期找到一樣能迅速代謝老廢角質的多功能型精華 #sundayriley 的明星商品 #goodgenessundayriley ,我會先使用它快速去除老廢角質同時保濕、提亮、均勻膚色。 質地超級快吸收卻很水又保濕,完全沒有黏膩感,但最神奇的是在上完的同時立馬看到肌膚變得很透亮,好像已經做過去角質的療程😳 難怪這瓶熱賣,是這個品牌的熱銷商品⚡ 以往都很怕這類的產品引起敏感,但這瓶我的敏感肌完全沒問題,只有一開始的時候微微的紅之後就完全退了,也不會癢或腫起來,太開心找到有效果又不致敏的新歡🥰
2. 白天我喜歡用保濕度好但不油膩的霜與油來鎖住水分及滋潤我的乾燥肌...最近愛上 #DrunkElephant 的 #lalaretrowhippedcream 及 #virginmarulaluxuryfacialoil ,那瓶保濕霜根本說不上是霜,它非常清爽的質地像是慕絲般鬆軟綿綿的觸感,化開後很快就吸收了,保濕力非常夠,但相對的油脂對我來說稍顯不足。 所以我用了那瓶質地也是很好吸收的輕油來調和保濕霜來增加滋潤度,這樣的組合對白天還要上妝的肌膚剛剛好,後續底妝很服貼也不容易脫妝👍 這瓶油也是品牌的明星商品,觀望了好久才入手,一用就愛上它輕盈好吸收的質地,小小的瓶身帶出國也很方便,混在粉底裡也很加分,算是任何膚質都能駕馭的輕油!
1. 我會選用白天用的那瓶多功能精華,繼續為皮膚做一個療程才能看到效果,目前使用起來是越來越不能沒有它,立即的晶亮效果欲罷不能呀😆
2. 到了夜間保養我會選用比較滋潤的產品類型...最近喜歡#DrunkElephant 的 #apassioniretinolcream 來撫平我的乾紋&滋潤肌膚,它單純就是A醇沒有太多複雜的成分,純粹就是改善紋路! 我會再用一個比較滋潤的油來調和,一來是可以增加滋潤度、修護肌膚,二來是紓緩肌膚及放鬆緊繃的情緒比較好入眠! 這瓶來自英國 #aureliaskincarethe 的修護油 #cellrepairnightoil 是在之前去美國買東西送的贈品(容量也太大氣了吧!),很驚艷它的療癒氣味與效果,裡面有很多天然有機植萃與香氛精油,真的讓我放鬆到一上床就抵不住睡意(想滑一下手機都沒機會😆),太喜歡了啦🥰
唯有神農嚐百草才能尋覓到優秀的產品...喜歡這樣的分享嗎? 要不要之後來開個直播分享保養品與使用心得呢?
#保養心得 #保養品使用心得 #超夯國外保養品 #最火紅明星商品 #保養tips #好皮膚養成術 #透亮肌養成術 #許有湘 #shirleyhsumakeup
My recent recipe for healthy radiant skin📋
In the morning🌞:
1. I'd like to start the day with this instant plumping serum #goodgenessundayriley from #sundayriley which visibly brightens the appearance of dark spots and discoloration and at the same time plumps the look of fine lines and wrinkles instantly! It gives the radiance your skin needs to start the day⚡⚡
2. To lock in and add the moisture to the skin in the morning, I'd like to choose a lightweight cream and facial oil since I'm the type of dry skin. Recently I love to mix the #lalaretrowhippedcream and #virginmarulaluxuryfacialoil from #drunkelephant to moisturize and add radiance to my skin. The lightweight velvet textures of these two products absorbs fast and leaving the skin a smooth healthy glow!
At night🌛:
1. I'd like to apply the same treatment as the one in the morning to deeply exfoliate the dull surface of the skin. This All-in-one Lactic Acid Treatment is absorbed by the skin instantly and it gives you the clarity and radiance unbelievably fast, yet the skin is so hydrated!
2. I will choose #apassioniretinolcream from #drunkelephant and mix with the #cellrepairnightoil from #aureliaskincare to nourish my skin at night. The A-Passioni Retinol Cream has the moisture I need, at the same time improves fine wrinkles for a smoother appearance of skin. I really love to mix oil with anything to nourish my skin, especially at night...the Cell Repair Night Oil has the aroma I love(such as Neroli, Lavender, Rose & Mandarin) which helps relax my intense muscles & fall asleep faster! It also helps repair and hydrate, promoting a luminous、dewy and radiant glow that I need the next morning⚡⚡
#radiantskin #skincareroutine #myfaves #beautytips #goodskintips
virginmarulaluxuryfacialoil 在 許有湘 Shirley Hsu Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 因為長期帶妝膚色容易暗沉,近期找到一樣能迅速代謝老廢角質的多功能型精華 #sundayriley 的明星商品 #goodgenessundayriley ,我會先使用它快速去除老廢角質同時保濕、提亮、均勻膚色。 質地超級快吸收卻很水又保濕,完全沒有黏膩感,但最神奇的是在上完的同時立馬看到肌膚變得很透亮,好像已經做過去角質的療程😳 難怪這瓶熱賣,是這個品牌的熱銷商品⚡ 以往都很怕這類的產品引起敏感,但這瓶我的敏感肌完全沒問題,只有一開始的時候微微的紅之後就完全退了,也不會癢或腫起來,太開心找到有效果又不致敏的新歡🥰
2. 白天我喜歡用保濕度好但不油膩的霜與油來鎖住水分及滋潤我的乾燥肌...最近愛上 #DrunkElephant 的 #lalaretrowhippedcream 及 #virginmarulaluxuryfacialoil ,那瓶保濕霜根本說不上是霜,它非常清爽的質地像是慕絲般鬆軟綿綿的觸感,化開後很快就吸收了,保濕力非常夠,但相對的油脂對我來說稍顯不足。 所以我用了那瓶質地也是很好吸收的輕油來調和保濕霜來增加滋潤度,這樣的組合對白天還要上妝的肌膚剛剛好,後續底妝很服貼也不容易脫妝👍 這瓶油也是品牌的明星商品,觀望了好久才入手,一用就愛上它輕盈好吸收的質地,小小的瓶身帶出國也很方便,混在粉底裡也很加分,算是任何膚質都能駕馭的輕油!
1. 我會選用白天用的那瓶多功能精華,繼續為皮膚做一個療程才能看到效果,目前使用起來是越來越不能沒有它,立即的晶亮效果欲罷不能呀😆
2. 到了夜間保養我會選用比較滋潤的產品類型...最近喜歡#DrunkElephant 的 #apassioniretinolcream 來撫平我的乾紋&滋潤肌膚,它單純就是A醇沒有太多複雜的成分,純粹就是改善紋路! 我會再用一個比較滋潤的油來調和,一來是可以增加滋潤度、修護肌膚,二來是紓緩肌膚及放鬆緊繃的情緒比較好入眠! 這瓶來自英國 #aureliaskincarethe 的修護油 #cellrepairnightoil 是在之前去美國買東西送的贈品(容量也太大氣了吧!),很驚艷它的療癒氣味與效果,裡面有很多天然有機植萃與香氛精油,真的讓我放鬆到一上床就抵不住睡意(想滑一下手機都沒機會😆),太喜歡了啦🥰
唯有神農嚐百草才能尋覓到優秀的產品...喜歡這樣的分享嗎? 要不要之後來開個直播分享保養品與使用心得呢?
#保養心得 #保養品使用心得 #超夯國外保養品 #最火紅明星商品 #保養tips #好皮膚養成術 #透亮肌養成術 #許有湘 #shirleyhsumakeup
My recent recipe for healthy radiant skin📋
In the morning🌞:
1. I'd like to start the day with this instant plumping serum #goodgenessundayriley from #sundayriley which visibly brightens the appearance of dark spots and discoloration and at the same time plumps the look of fine lines and wrinkles instantly! It gives the radiance your skin needs to start the day⚡⚡
2. To lock in and add the moisture to the skin in the morning, I'd like to choose a lightweight cream and facial oil since I'm the type of dry skin. Recently I love to mix the #lalaretrowhippedcream and #virginmarulaluxuryfacialoil from #drunkelephant to moisturize and add radiance to my skin. The lightweight velvet textures of these two products absorbs fast and leaving the skin a smooth healthy glow!
At night🌛:
1. I'd like to apply the same treatment as the one in the morning to deeply exfoliate the dull surface of the skin. This All-in-one Lactic Acid Treatment is absorbed by the skin instantly and it gives you the clarity and radiance unbelievably fast, yet the skin is so hydrated!
2. I will choose #apassioniretinolcream from #drunkelephant and mix with the #cellrepairnightoil from #aureliaskincare to nourish my skin at night. The A-Passioni Retinol Cream has the moisture I need, at the same time improves fine wrinkles for a smoother appearance of skin. I really love to mix oil with anything to nourish my skin, especially at night...the Cell Repair Night Oil has the aroma I love(such as Neroli, Lavender, Rose & Mandarin) which helps relax my intense muscles & fall asleep faster! It also helps repair and hydrate, promoting a luminous、dewy and radiant glow that I need the next morning⚡⚡
#radiantskin #skincareroutine #myfaves #beautytips #goodskintips