Who is Messiah?
Messiah or Mashiach is a Hebrew term meaning "the anointed one" or "the chosen one". It comes from the Hebrew word "mashach" which means to anoint with oil. The Greek equivalent of Messiah is "Christos", translated in English as Christ.
In the Old Testament, whenever God chooses a new priest, prophet or king, He will instruct that chosen person to be anointed with oil as a sign of being specially set apart in service to Him.
For example, Moses anointed Aaron as a priest, Elijah anointed Elisha as a prophet in his place and Samuel anointed David as king over Israel.
Even furnishings in the tabernacle of Moses were anointed with oil to be set apart as holy objects for worshipping God.
So anything anointed with oil to be set apart to God is considered "maschiach".
However all these actually point to the true Messiah who would be anointed and chosen by God to complete the most important mission of all—to save mankind from their sins.
The ‘anointing oil is a picture of the Holy Spirit who comes upon the Messiah to provide divine empowerment.
In the Old Testament, there are many prophecies that point to this Messiah who would save Israel from their sins.
Jewish Rabbis mistakenly believe that there are two different Messiahs: one is "Messiah the Son of Joseph" (Mashiach Ben Yosef) and the other "Messiah the Son of David" (Mashiach Ben David).
This is because both are portrayed so differently that they think it's talking about two different people.
Mashiach Ben Yosef is depicted as a suffering servant who suffers and dies on behalf of Israel, whereas Mashiach Ben David is described as a glorious, triumphant King who defeats Israel's enemies and saves her, establishing a worldwide kingdom of peace.
Many Jews wrongly think that Mashiach Ben Yosef will act as a forerunner to announce the coming of Mashiach Ben David.
“The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah comes, he who is called Christ. When he has come, he will declare to us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I am he, the one who speaks to you.”” (John 4:25-26 WEB)
Jesus plainly declared Himself to be the Messiah and fulfillment of the prophecies about both Mashiach Ben Yosef and Mashiach Ben David.
These prophecies are not talking about two different men, but refer to the different purposes of Jesus' first and second coming.
During His first coming, Jesus came as the Lamb of God to die as a perfect atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world. At that time, He didn’t come to destroy men but to save men’s lives.
In His impending second coming, Jesus will return majestically as the Lion of the tribe of Judah to defeat the Antichrist and save Israel from him and his wicked armies.
Jesus will then establish His kingdom from Jerusalem and usher in a thousand year period of world peace known as "The Millennial Reign of Christ".
Finally, He will sit on His throne as the Judge over the living and the dead, rendering to each one according to their works.
“Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me; or else believe me for the very works’ sake.” (John 14:11 WEB)
While He was on earth, Jesus authenticated His claims of being the Messiah by working numerous miraculous signs and wonders, causing many to believe in Him.
Out of the many miracles, thirty-seven specific ones were selected by God to be recorded in the four gospels in the New Testament.
This is definitely not by chance—God wants us to study these miracles and see different aspects about Him revealed in them.
In my upcoming book "Messiah's Miracles—The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ", I expound all thirty-seven miracles and unveil God's heart of goodness, grace, mercy and love towards us as demonstrated through these miracles.
It is not God’s will for a Christian to live a natural, powerless life.
We are supposed to be seeing and enjoying the miraculous power of God at work in our lives and in the lives of those we minister to.
We can't afford to only have the word of God without the power of God—effective evangelism hinges on the potent combination of both.
“For God’s Kingdom is not in word, but in power.” (1 Corinthians 4:20 WEB)
Often we don't experience the power of God because we don't expect it to.
Some of us pray just soothe our emotional turmoil, and others go for church just to hear a good message to feed the mind, and walk off to lunch untransformed, never really encountering Jesus.
What better way to feed our faith for the miraculous than to meditate on the miracles that Jesus did? This faith-feeding process is what I feel led to facilitate through my upcoming book.
When you become a "God Every Morning" (GEM) tier and above patron on Patreon, you will receive the ebook once it's ready (early this year), ahead of everyone else who will be available to purchase it in-store.
I believe that "Messiah's Miracles--The Power of Having Faith in Jesus Christ" will be a great blessing to you. As you see God's heart for you in each one of Jesus' miracles, faith will arise in your heart to receive an overflow of miracles in all areas of your life as well.
Become a patron on Patreon (remember to click "Show More" to see all tiers) and partner with us in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world: http://patreon.com/miltongohblog
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usher meaning 在 歪畸 Facebook 的最佳貼文
愛國盡頭乃殘民赤禍 痛悟前非當自立尋生
Patriotism only ends in hardship and panic,
We repent to misdeeds to cling on to our lives
Declaration of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union on the Tian’anmen Massacre
Twenty-seven years ago, China underwent a change in the midst of spring and summer, looking forward to the emergence of democracy and freedom. In contrary, the striking democratic movement ended only in suppression and bloodshed. Countless citizens and students deceased under the state apparatus. Those who were latterly reprised and put in jail or tortured were also hard to number. Starting the student movement in the name of patriotism, students would have never imagined their country to have been taken over by communist evil who harmed people for their own doing. Lies written in black and white can never disguise the bloody truth. Even though Hongkongers live in a slightly freer place, we, with conscience and justice, have never forgotten this history of 1989. Unfortunately, on the opposite shore of the river, the Chinese seem to have long been blinded by the dictators’ fine words and actions, drowning in the nouveau-riche Chinese dream. There is no one who combats the regime’s atrocity, except very few rights defence protesters. In retrospect twenty-seven years later, the Tian’anmen Massacre marked the last chance for the Chinese Communist to improve itself, which it had missed. After the Massacre, China bid her final goodbye to democracy. Human rights was ruined amid the heyday of the party authoritarian. While the authority expanded infinitely, corruption and collusion were out of limit. As the respectable culture was undermined, society reached a point of no return.
The Tian’anmen Massacre is not only a turning point for China, but also a watershed in Hongkongers building of sense of identity. On one hand, it destroys our fantasy towards China’s Reform and Opening Up, sparking the Hongkonger’s subjective consciousness; on the other, it, paradoxically, muddles up the destiny of Hongkongers and Chinese, knocking the subjective consciousness back down. Over the years, the Victoria Park vigil and patriotism have been chained up to be an inseparable pair of twins. Today, revisiting the historical meaning of the Massacre is to tell everyone that it is more important to recognise the pursuit for freedom and democracy, than the absurdity in patriotism. As we debate over freedom and democracy, they must lead us to a new subjectivity, which is exactly the self-determination that youngsters are now chanting for. As we have realised the truth of China being nothing but a party state, ‘patriotism’ and pursuit of democracy and freedom actually contradict one another fundamentally. ‘Building a democratic China’ shall thus not be included in Hong Kong political agenda. Commemoration based on patriotism shall also be put to an end. Similar to anywhere in the world, Chinese democracy should be fought for by no other but their own people. Hongkongers have no reason to take up such forced duty, let alone ‘building a democratic China’ from afar at such a cost in order to protect ourselves. Denial of the responsibility of ‘Hongkongers building a democratic China’ never means an end to interaction between civil societies of the two nations. Just like the interaction between citizens of Hong Kong and Taiwan, of course Hong Kong can share our experience with Chinese suppressed by the Communist. But the aim of such action must not be based on a non-existent ‘duty’.
The fourth of June should never be only about wailing and whining amid candlelight once every year. While some political parties and politicians keep on proclaiming their ideal to end the one-party dictatorship, they are yet bounded by the ‘Patriotic incantation of Golden Hoop’ day in, day out. They fear and worship the Communist regime. They do whatever it takes to meet officials from Peking, never even challenging a bit of the Communist legitimacy on our sovereignty. Hong Kong is always bothered by only one political problem. It is the cost that we can take. In face of the first Future of Hong Kong discussion, most Hongkongers and even politicians had failed to learn the lesson from the Massacre, lacking the imagination towards Hong Kong subjectivity, let alone the courage to take charge of our homeland. Together with the sugar-coated poison of ‘Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong, High degree of autonomy’, Hong Kong democratisation was only delayed. Unfortunately, there is never ‘what if’ in history, but only lessons. We may not be able to alter our past, but we still have a say in our future. We shall never make the same mistake twice.
On every 4th June since today, while mourning the deceased in the Massacre from afar, we pay our silent tribute to Hong Kong, a place which has long been betrayed, pledging our strong will for self-determination towards the future after 2047. Some may argue that the Chinese Imperialism shall only make Chinese factors ubiquitous and Hong Kong can never remain uninfluenced at this small piece of land. The new generation upholding Hongkongers’ self-determination is never an attempt to deceive, but to do something that is known to be unlikely to succeed. As a result of the Communist encroachment, revolt in self-determination and independence movement in Hong Kong begin. We are more than well-informed of the realistic considerations and limitation than anyone who only douses us with cold water. Yet, it is more than clear that: for democracy, we must stand and fight, but never kneel and beg. Democracy is always a process of self-empowerment and self-realisation. We therefore must turn our sense of identity into our weapon in protests. We must struggle against the regime and seek for the most political rights for ourselves, and our next generation.
Only a few years may have gone by, but the localist ideology which was once a farce in most people’s mind has already entered the major political agenda. Indeed no one can be sure that such localist ideology can usher Hongkongers into salvation. But at this fork of our age, one way is towards the deep blue sea, and the other is towards the bloody red hell. For this we make a clear decision: we may navigate to the uncharted, but we never mix with the evils. In the meantime, we must shout at the dictators that they must pay the cost if they wish for our compliance. Hong Kong, we must protect it with our lives.