【win the lottery 之後,不要忘記教你怎麼玩樂透的老師史考特!】
❎ I'm going to buy a lottery today!
福爾摩斯來破案了!我們需要先知道英文的lottery是什麼。它就是樂透的整個機構、整個過程,包括負責經營的公司、分店、機構、賣票、買票、選號碼、宣布中獎者、付錢等等,這就是 the lottery。
所以,如果你說I'm going to buy a lottery today,意思是你要買下樂透的整個機構!以後每一個「台灣彩券」的分店都是你個人的財產!買台灣整個樂透機構應該要幾十億、幾百億吧?既然你那麼有錢,你就根本不用管樂透會不會中獎吧!
I'm going to buy a lottery ticket today!
I'm going to play the lottery today!
注意:搭配很重要。要說 buy,就需要跟 lottery ticket 一起用, 就像我上面說的,你買的只是那個票而已!
然後,play 才會搭配 lottery。這表示你會玩那個過程,但不會買那個過程!
I buy two lottery tickets every Chinese New Year.
I bought some scratch-off lottery tickets near my school, and won NT$200!
( 我在靠近學校附近買了些刮刮樂, 贏了兩百塊! scratch-off lottery 是刮刮樂,scratch 就是刮的意思。)
【什麼時候會用the lottery ?】
單獨地用 the lottery,通常是說整個機構、整個活動。如:
I think Taiwan should get rid of the lottery. It encourages people to waste money.
你應該知道,中頭獎,你可以說 hit the jackpot 或 win the jackpot:
After I win the jackpot, I'm going to travel around the world!
不過,很多人不知道win the lottery 也是中頭獎的意思,跟 win the jackpot 一模一樣。
Scott, I won the lottery!
她的英文說錯了。不中頭獎,就不能說 I won the lottery,你這樣只會害你的男朋友心臟病發作!若是一小筆錢,我們會直接說多少錢。我女友應該說:
I won two hundred dollars in the lottery.
注意:如果你要說 lottery,前面要說介詞 in。
I played the lottery so many times. This year I finally won one hundred dollars!
(我玩了樂透好多次,今年終於贏了一百元!如果聽者知道你在講 lottery,你就不用說 in the lottery。)
這就是receipt lottery。receipt是發票的意思。
根據台灣政府的網頁,這個叫做uniform invoice lottery。uniform是「統一」的翻譯文、invoice是「發票」的翻譯文。不過,在日常生活裡,沒有人會這樣講。這應該是官僚的「機器人翻譯」吧!
用法跟上面差不多。例如,我們會說play the receipt lottery:
I used to play the receipt lottery but I never won, so I don't play any more!
I won $200 in the receipt lottery, so I just bought some stuff at 7-11.
(我中了統一發票兩百元,所以我只在7-11 買了些東西。)
英文裡就是check。Receipt 與number 都可以搭配。譬如說:
I check all my receipts every period. I've won a lot of money!
(我每一期都會對全部的統一發票,我贏了不少錢。every period = 每一期)
It took me so long to check all the numbers, and I didn't win anything! Ahhhhh!
「two times用法」的推薦目錄:
- 關於two times用法 在 親愛的英文,我到底哪裡錯了? Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於two times用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於two times用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於two times用法 在 [文法] 文法請教- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊 的評價
- 關於two times用法 在 『倍數』的英文怎麼用? 兩倍 twice as +... - 每日一句學英文 的評價
- 關於two times用法 在 英文倍數用法 - 語言板 | Dcard 的評價
- 關於two times用法 在 倍數英文用法在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 的評價
- 關於two times用法 在 倍數英文用法在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 的評價
two times用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
★ 結構可以再更平行 Not only...but also ---修辭篇★
英文的句子就像天枰一般,追求"平行",這樣的準則在英語修辭學中,是很被要求的,更為極為重視"寫作語法嚴謹度"的西方主流平面媒體所重視 (e.g. The New York Times, Newsweek, Harvard Business Review, Foreign Affairs)。
Note: 在眾多修辭結構當中,特別以
"which/that 的用法"
"it/so/that 用來指代時的區分"
"only/almost 等複詞的擺放位置"
"標點符號用法" 中最可以看出該報社所依循文法修辭規範的嚴謹度。
(1) The Huffington Post 04/15/2014
Two high schoolers made headlines for not only receiving acceptance letters from Harvard, but from several Ivy League schools.
---句子裡的 not only...but 是典型需要接上平行結構的句子架構,但很明顯的 not only 後面 跟 but 後面的東西並不對等 ("receiving" 跟 "from"); 因此,若改成如此會更精準:
Two high schoolers made headlines for receiving acceptance letters not only from Harvard, but also from several Ivy League schools.
這樣形成了 not only + 介係詞片語 but (also) + 介係詞片語的精準平行結構句子。
(2) Fast Company (被英語島雜誌所引用)
The city also recently collaborated with MIT to develop a smart bike equipped with sensors to deliver to provide real-time info to NOT ONLY the rider BUT ALSO to administrators for open date aggregation on issues of....
同樣的 not only...but also 結構,後面又接了文法結構不對等的東西 ("the rider" 跟 "to administrators")
provide real-time info NOT ONLY to the rider BUT ALSO to administrators...
這樣形成了 not only + 介係詞片語 but (also) + 介係詞片語的精準平行結構句子。
between A and B, both A and B, either A or B, In contrast to A, B...., A differs from B, distinguish between A and B, A rather than B, not only A...but also B...很多很多,寫作的時候為確保有平行,把這些架構特別抓出來,單獨看 A 與 B, 兩者需要在文法結構上相同 (不可以一個分詞 一個介係詞片語), 如果相同時,才是比較嚴謹的平行結構。
two times用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
by、 through、 via 的區別
1. by:在旁邊,從旁邊,到旁邊(強調從旁邊經過或路過)
(1)pass/go by是指從旁邊經過或走過;
(2)something is done by somebody是指某事在某人身邊(旁邊)被做完,借指某事由某人完成;
(3)by 9 o'clock是指在9點鐘附近(或左右),因為當有人問你要時間表的時候,基本上是希望你在某個時間點之前完成,如果在之後完成則說明那個時間點定得沒有多大意義。
(4)by train等短語是指在火車近旁或者火車在自己近旁,借指自己在火車上。
2. through:貫穿,穿過,透過,通過(強調從內部穿透)
3. via:經由,途徑,從某處(強調通過中間的媒介達成目的)
via一詞似乎用得較少,日常生活中我們經常喜歡用by而不用via,比如要表達“發郵件”或“以郵件的方式”,基本上多數人第一個想到的就是by email,其實這時候用介詞by的話,嚴格說起來是錯誤的用法,正確的做法是用via。*
*Please note that most native speakers would still use "by email."
前面已經分析過by的本義,很明顯by表示“通過某種方式或途徑”的用法(如by train / by means of等)是借用或引申推廣出來的,但by在表示該意思的時候有個前提:主體自己要跟隨工具在一起,這是by的本義(在附件、在旁邊)所決定的,或者說,主體和工具不能發生分離(這是by與via的本質區別)。*
*This is only one possible explanation. However, to native speakers, "by" and "via" are interchangeable in this instance.
(1)send someone a note via email 是指經由email的傳遞給某人發個便條通知某人某事情;
(2)travel from A to C via B 是指從A地出發經由B地前往C地;
(3)broadcast via satellite 是指經由(或通過)衛星進行廣播。
Source: http://hi.baidu.com/heartsoft2008/item/0d5a0c12f56249ce39cb30dd
by、 through 的區別
1. through 是透過,通過某種途徑
He bought the vase through a dealer (n.).
2. by + v-ing:藉著做…,達成…目標。重點在陳述達成目標的方法。
He prepares for his finals by reviewing his notes.
-He became rich through hard work (n.).
-He became rich by working hard (by v-ing).
by, through, via 詳細解釋: http://tinyurl.com/kcezpd2
English explanation:
The word "by" is most often used, and can mean the following:
1 near someone or something; at the side of someone or something
-The telephone is by the window.
2 used to show who or what does, creates, or causes something
-He was knocked down by a bus.
3 used for showing how or in what way something is done
-The house is heated by gas.
-to travel by boat/bus/car/plane
to travel by air/land/sea
4. used to show the degree or amount of something
The bullet missed him by two inches. House prices went up by 10%.
more uses: http://oaadonline.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/by
"Through" generally means to go from one end of something/place to the other.
1. from one end or side of something or someone to the other
-The bullet went straight through him.Her knees had gone through
-The sand ran through (= between) my fingers.
2. see, hear, etc. through something to see, hear, etc. something from the other side of an object or a substance
-I couldn't hear their conversation through the wall.
3. past a barrier, stage, or test
-Go through this gate, and you'll see the house on your left.
4. (also informal thru) until, and including
We'll be in New York Tuesday through Friday.
5. by means of; because of
-You can achieve success through hard work/by working hard.
more: http://oaadonline.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/through
"Via" emphasizes by someone or something.
1. through a place
-We flew home via Dubai.
(This use is synonymous with "through/thru."
2. by means of a particular person, system, etc.
I heard about the sale via Jane.The news program came to us via satellite.
(This use is synonymous with "by.")
source: http://oaadonline.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/via
So at times, the words are interchangeable, but they all emphasize different things.
1. oaadonline.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com
2. http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-through-and-vs-via/#ixzz2VK59sm4n
3. http://hi.baidu.com/heartsoft2008/item/0d5a0c12f56249ce39cb30dd
two times用法 在 『倍數』的英文怎麼用? 兩倍 twice as +... - 每日一句學英文 的推薦與評價
https://voicetube.com/ 透過影片情境,更容易了解單字的發音及用法,還能學到更道地的生活化英文。這一次,讓我們重新愛上英文吧! WORD UP 單字救星. ... <看更多>
two times用法 在 英文倍數用法 - 語言板 | Dcard 的推薦與評價
... 意思) 不過為免混淆還是保險的DE比較好* two times higher than 其實也有類似問題不過多數英語使用者好像認同two times higher than = two times ... ... <看更多>
two times用法 在 [文法] 文法請教- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
A is twice bigger than B
只能用A is twice as big as B
two times 卻可以
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1564970413.A.D60.html
問題是為什麼twice後面不能比較級,但two/three/four...times 後面卻是as adj. as
跟比較級都可以加。所以sadlatte後來說的意思是其實也是都可以,但是native speaker
※ 編輯: leeyu7 ( 臺灣), 08/06/2019 23:54:40
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