Tropicana Gardens Mall出现日本Tempura专卖店 😍😍
超正宗Tendon,大份又好吃‼️ 全新麻辣和牛丼饭,必试 🔥🔥
喜欢吃日本Tempura的朋友们看过来!今天小编分享一家专卖Tempura的宝藏餐厅!那就是位于Tropicana Gardens Mall的【Tendon Kohaku Malaysia 】啦 🤩🤩 在这里你可以吃到最正宗的日式天妇罗!甚至在5个不同的国家都有分店 👍👍
【Tendon Kohaku】的炸天妇罗一点都不油腻!店家使用的油炸机器是日本进口的,有滤油的功能!长时间进行油炸也不会油油腻腻的 ✨✨ 这里的餐单主要都是以天妇罗为主!一共有 5️⃣ 款不同搭配的天妇罗丼饭可以挑选!还能选择搭配招牌甜酱或是密制辣味酱 😋😋
✨ Kohaku Tendon – 这里的招牌天妇罗丼饭,配料超丰富!炸老虎虾、炸鸡胸肉,炸蟹柳,炸南瓜等等都在这一碗!
✨ Prawn Tendon – 超大碗超满足的天妇罗炸虾!每一碗都有5只又新鲜又大只的老虎虾Tempura!
✨ Vege Tendon – 金黄酥脆的蔬菜天妇罗,还可以吃到蔬菜的甜味~
✨ Kakiage Tendon – 强力推荐的什锦天妇罗!把蔬菜丝和小虾拌在一起,炸至香脆~
✨ Chicken Tendon with Onsen Egg – 天妇罗鸡胸肉配上温泉蛋,味道绝了!
这里的天妇罗丼饭都会竖立着一个小碗!吃的时候,可以把天妇罗放在小碗上,方便你吃哦 😍😍 每一碗的分量都很十足!胃口不大的朋友们,可以点迷你天妇罗丼饭试试!另外现在这里有限时的【麻辣和牛肉片丼饭】,看起来就像一个小火山一样!中间放着一粒完美的温泉蛋 🥚🥚
除了丼饭,这里也可以让你把天妇罗搭配乌冬面 🍜🍜 有冷乌冬面和热乌冬面可以选择!开动之前,把所有的配料(姜蓉、白芝麻、青葱)都倒入一小杯的乌冬面酱汁内,搅拌均匀,再拌着吃就可以了!冷冷的乌冬面配上热热的天妇罗,爽到爆 🥳🥳
除了Tropicana Gardens Mall,在Lot 10 Shopping Mall也有一家分店哦!想吃的朋友们赶快到这两个地点去试试看吧 😉😉
【Tendon Kohaku - Tropicana Gardens Mall分行】
地址:Lot CC-25, West Walk, Tropicana Gardens Mall
电话:011-6993 1866
营业时间:11am - 9pm
【Tendon Kohaku - Lot 10 Shopping Centre分行】
地址:Lot P1, Unit P1-02, Level 4, Lot 10 Shopping Centre
电话:018-206 2328
营业时间:11am - 9pm
#EatTravelLove #大马吃喝玩乐 #Food #Foodie #KLfood #tendonkohaku #japanesefood #tendon
tropicana gardens mall food 在 Tallpiscesgirl Facebook 的精選貼文
🎄 The festive season is all about the spirit of giving and spreading joy. This year, Tropicana Gardens Mall promotes the joy of rallying the community and its employees to give back to the underprivileged community. Together with Kechara Soup Kitchen, you too can make a difference this Christmas by donating some food to the needy and joining the Buggy of Joy Challenge! ❤
tropicana gardens mall food 在 Beloved888 Facebook 的最佳解答
This year will be a meaningful Christmas. Let’s join Tropicana Gardens Mall and Kechara Soup Kitchen Society to give back to the society. Bring the joyful and smile to the needy.
Challenge accepted!
@khaiartzfar thanks for the nomination. I would like to nominate @leeleongwai , @maygoh , @daiseslin to join me for meaningful charity.
Simple step to join the challenge.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 𝟭: Take a selfie / short video of the food that you donate to Buggy of Joy.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 𝟮: Tag 3 friends on your Facebook to carry on the challenge.
𝗦𝘁e𝗽 𝟯: Post it with hashtag below Hashtags
#buggyofjoychallenge #TropicanaGardensMall #Kecharasoupkitchen #treeofcharity #kitajagakita