This Informal Retreat has been called to discuss how Asia-Pacific can collaborate to move through the COVID health crisis, and to accelerate the post-COVID economic recovery. Chinese Taipei will address these two topics specifically.
On COVID-19, Chinese Taipei has had an excellent record so far. With a population of 23 million, over the last year and half, and in spite of a recent surge which has now abated, we have had a total of about fifteen thousand infected cases (.07% of the population), and 763 deaths (3 out of one hundred thousand).
We believe that our experience and know-how gained can help other APEC members. We have been, and continue to be willing to help. We have donated masks and other medical supplies to other APEC members in the past and are ready and willing to share our anti-COVID-19 know-how with you.
At the same time, WE NEED HELP! Our vaccination coverage at present is less than 20%. Although the U.S. and Japan have been generous in donating vaccines to us, and our private institutions have succeeded in procuring ten million doses of vaccines, we still need more vaccines, and need them sooner! Most other APEC members need help as well. We must ask for help from the APEC members that possess and produce more vaccines than they themselves need.
On re-vitalizing Post-COVID economy, Chinese Taipei urges free trade among APEC members and in the world, after giving consideration to vital national security needs.
In the past seven decades, free trade has enabled vibrant growth in most APEC economies. Free trade is merely a way in which each APEC economy contributes its own competitive advantage and every APEC member benefits.
Recently, however, we note with concern the tendency to want self-sufficiency or “on-shoring” of semiconductor chips. We must point out that in the past many decades free trade has greatly helped the advance of semiconductor technology. In turn, the ever greater complexity of the technology has caused the supply chain to go “off-shore”.
It would be highly impractical to try to turn back the clock. If it is tried, cost will go up and technology advance may slow. What may happen is that after hundreds of billions and many years have been spent, the result will still be a not-quite-self-sufficient, and high-cost supply chain.
We do recognize national security concerns, and believe that for security applications, a self-sufficient supply chain within one’s own borders is prudent. However, for the much larger civilian market, a supply chain substantially based on free trade system is by far the best approach.
In summary, on COVID-19, Chinese Taipei can help, is ready and willing to help with its know-how, but also needs more vaccines sooner, along with many other APEC members. On Post-COVID economic re-vitalization, Chinese Taipei urges free trade, after giving consideration to vital national security concerns.
tendency中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
這陣子一些個股的飆法, 是不是讓您覺得賺錢很容易呢? 這並不是常態, 所以正確的投資與理財觀念很重要. 也請不要認為這樣(買這些飆股)能一夕致富喔.
今天要介紹的一本書, 就是作者藉由分享自己的理財方式, 希望讀者能夠參考自己的方法, 來有系統地打造一個理財計劃.
我年紀不小了, 所以不是這本書的主要目標族群😅, 不過倒挺建議剛入社會, 或是年輕人看看, 說不定會從裡面得到一些啟發. 你不理財, 才不理你. 如果能從年輕時開始擬定適合自己的理財計劃, 並養成習慣, 好好執行, 那財富指日可待!
🌻Fidelity Contrafund的Will Danoff訪談摘要
很扎實, 有內容的一篇訪談. 雖然不少內容都已經在自己的實作上了, 但有從他的談話中應證了以前的一些想法, 於是還是整理了一下筆記(不過也不是完全100%同意他的觀點就是(有寫在下方))
1. Azure revenue growth accelerated and came in above analysts’ expectations for the quarter.
2. Sales of new Xbox consoles didn’t hurt the margin of the Windows business as much as analysts had expected.
3. Revenue guidance for the company quarter beat expectations.
(中文文字來源: https://tw.appledaily.com/property/20210127/YQPVSZAXC5HV5GFAWVZACAT5QQ/)
原文: What we are witnessing is the dawn of a second wave of digital transformation sweeping every company and every industry. Digital capability is key to both resilience and growth. It's no longer enough to just adopt technology. Businesses need to build their own technology to compete and grow. Microsoft is powering this shift with the world's largest and most comprehensive cloud platform.
官方財報新聞稿連結: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/Investor/earnings/FY-2021-Q1/press-release-webcast
🌻沒太follow ARK的新聞, 不過最近連續有三個媒體在報導. 這些基金對我來說, 算是動能投資的操作方式. 若碰到修正, 會拉回很多. 供參.
高盛:美股的確已有泡沫現象 SPAC火熱
GS的CEO在財報上也有提到SPAC: Goldman Sachs warned of the risks in SPACs"I do think SPACs is a good use case, versus a traditional IPO, and advantages for sellers and for investors and looking at this ecosystem. But the ecosystem is not without flaws. I think it's still evolving. I think the incentive system is still evolving. One of the things we're watching very, very closely is the incentives of the sponsors, and also the incentives of somebody that selling. And while I think these activity levels continue to be very robust, and that they do continue as we head into 2021 continue to be very, very robust. I do not think this is sustainable in the medium term...things I certainly think is the case is you have something here it's a good capital markets innovation. But like many innovations, there's a point in time as they start, where they have a tendency, maybe to go a little bit too far, and then need to be pulled back or rebalanced in some way. And that's something my guess is we'll see over the course of 2021 or 2022, with SPAC" - Goldman Sachs (GS) CEO David Solomon
Pictures來源: 出版社提供; https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/26/microsoft-msft-earnings-q2-2021.html
tendency中文 在 lins_jap_learning Facebook 的精選貼文
When you write the word な(na), you have to take extra notice that the mark on the top right need to be written in third stroke. Basically, Kanji and hiragana has the tendency to write down from top left to the bottom right. Keep the words, you won’t make mistakes in further Kanji learning.
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tendency中文 在 Climate and Weather in Chinese 氣候和天氣中文 in 2021 - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Aug 27, 2021 - Climate and Weather in Chinese 氣候和天氣中文 Nouns: 氣候 climate, atmosphere, situation 趨勢 trend, tendency, current, climate Nouns: 天氣 ... ... <看更多>