Alfred係我喺港創人嘅拍檔。Alfred係香港華仁書院嘅舊生,其後去咗美國修讀計算機科學學士及碩士學位,並喺2001年同朋友創辦BEA系統,之後更被Oracle公司收購咗!Alfred 喺風險投資方面有好豐富嘅經驗,佢仲會喺6月26日喺線上同大家一齊探討初創公司喺疫情中嘅機遇!有興趣嘅朋友可以參加。
希望大家可以多啲支持 港創人😊
與Alfred Chuang進行有關初創公司在疫情中及疫後之對話
Alfred Chuang除咗係港創人嘅其中一個聯合創辦人,佢更加係矽谷一位享譽全球嘅企業家🤩🤩🤩!自2008年起,Alfred係風險投資領域方面已經累積唔少豐富經驗💪🏻💪🏻,並將其初創公司轉變為100多家公司,當中仲包括一啲矽谷最具標誌性的技術公司🤗!Alfred曾被風險投資公司Andreessen Horowitz命為“當時最偉大的行政總裁”👍🏻👍🏻。
Jack Lau教授今次作為主持人,佢會同Alfred一齊探討:
1. 疫情如何影響科技初創公司
2. 初創公司需要適應世界轉變嘅重要性
3. 創新技術所帶來嘅機遇
A conversation with Alfred Chuang on tech startups during & post COVID-19
Alfred Chuang is one of the co-founder of FoundersHK, he is also a globally recognized serial entrepreneur from Silicon Valley with proud roots in Hong Kong 🤩🤩🤩! With extensive experience in venture investing since 2008 💪🏻💪🏻, Alfred successfully transformed his portfolio from a handful of small startups to over 100 companies, including some of Silicon Valley’s most iconic technology companies🤗. Alfred is named by venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz as “the greatest CEO of his time”👍🏻👍🏻.
Tune in for a fireside chat with Alfred, with Prof. Jack Lau as moderator, where he will talk about:
1. How the worldwide pandemic has affected tech startups
2. The importance of a startup’s adaptability in our rapidly changing world
3. The unique opportunities for technological innovations that come with it
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technological innovation in entrepreneurship 在 NYCU 產學運籌中心 Facebook 的最佳貼文
The Nuts and Bolts of Technology-Based Entrepreneurship
The course aims to help students develop a basic conceptual foundation for understanding technological innovation via the real examples under the global context. It also introduces the concepts and frameworks for analyzing how firms can create, commercialize and capture value from technology-based products and services. In particular, the latter part of the courses focuses on how the business models can be built from the aspect of an entrepreneur.
All of the course material is in English. The lecture will be conducted in Mandarin, but summaries will be given in English. International students comfortable with this teaching format are most welcome.
The course link is as follows:
technological innovation in entrepreneurship 在 NYCU 產學運籌中心 Facebook 的精選貼文
The Nuts and Bolts of Technology-Based Entrepreneurship
The course aims to help students develop a basic conceptual foundation for understanding technological innovation via the real examples under the global context. It also introduces the concepts and frameworks for analyzing how firms can create, commercialize and capture value from technology-based products and services. In particular, the latter part of the courses focuses on how the business models can be built from the aspect of an entrepreneur.
All of the course material is in English. The lecture will be conducted in Mandarin, but summaries will be given in English. International students comfortable with this teaching format are most welcome.
The course link is as follows: