九月和 @vibestheplace 合作,一個塔羅魔法之夜 🦄🦋💡🔮,一同來感受不可見的元素。
有着過千年歷史的塔羅牌,已在香港被廣泛使用,一直是受歡迎及有效的占卜工具。與其每次依賴塔羅師為自己解讀,倒不如來 夢妮妲 Monita 聯乘 Vibes the place 舉辨的工作訪,感受一下直覺塔羅的威力,簡單有趣地學習一些塔羅解讀技巧與心法。為自己作出一些重要的決定前,先給你的心靈排毒,繼而清楚看見內在的指引,有助你更了解自己,學習自我成長,甚至可以幫助你身邊的所愛,看到更多可能性。
- 冥想導引
- 認識不同塔羅牌系統
- 直覺塔羅牌解讀方法和運用
- 感觀開發及頻率提升
- 宇宙法則的理解及運作
- 解讀的注意事項與心態
* 適合初學者
* 課堂內有塔羅牌提供借用/購買 (有牌的朋友煩帶自己的來)
日期: 2020年9月16日(三)
時間: 19:00 - 21:30pm
費用: 每位$480
地點: Vibes the place
報名:請 inbox Vibes the place(人數有限,先到先得)
Knowing how to use the beautiful and mysterious Tarot cards will help you understand yourself and others in order to begin internal change to heal and raise the vibrancy of your life.
Tarot cards have a long history and is well received in Hong Kong as a tool for seeing into the future. Instead of going to a Tarot reader why not let 夢妮妲 Monita teach you some simple and interesting techniques of using Tarot cards at our event session at Vibes the Place Café.
Cherry will teach you how to cleanse your mind so that you can see the guidance of the cards clearly before making important decisions. Using the Tarot cards will help understanding yourself better so you can strengthen your character, and even able to help those you love to see more possibilities.
Give yourself the evening to organise yourself and start on your new journey.
Topics covered during the session:
-Guided Meditation
-Understanding different Tarot systems
-Intuitive Tarot card reading and application
-Opening your senses and raising your Vibes
-Understanding rules and alignment of the universe
-Mindset and guidance for Tarot card reading.
Remarks: the session is suitable for beginners. We have Tarot cards provided and for sale but you can bring your own card deck as well.
Date : 16th Sep, 2020 (Wed)
Time : 19:00 - 21:30pm
Fee : $480 pp
Venue: Vibes the place
Register: Please inbox Vibes the place (limited spaces, first come first serve)