SEMI Gala Dinner ,
Tonight @grandhyatttpe
450pax Gala Dinner,
Another great Teamwork challenge,
Delivering plated desserts, taylormade cookies, giant birthday cake...
Vanilla namelaka cream, @prova_gourmet #vanilla parmesan sablé, cherry sour jam @les_vergers_boiron #lesvergersboiron
Pistachio dacquoise @dgf_officiel
Giant chocolate birthday cake, cut by Taiwan President @tsai_ingwen !! 🇹🇼
Thanks again for the fantastic job made by my super team!! You guys are the best!! #grandhyatttaipeipastryteam 💖
#grandhyatttaipei #grandhyatttaipeipastry #grandhyatt #hyatt @hyatt @grandhyatttpe #pastry #galadinner #bigevent #mice #taiwanmice #taipei #taipeievent #livinggrand #desserts #bigcake #semi #semicon #semi50 #semitaiwan #happybirthday #cake #chef #pastrychef #chefpatissier #foudepatisserie #journaldupatissier #frenchpastry #chefjulienperrinet @ Grand Hyatt Taipei - 台北君悅酒店
taiwanmice 在 Meet Taiwan 會展人才MICE Training and Certification - 首頁 的推薦與評價
會展產業MICE是台灣近年來重要的經濟產業之一! 企業端對於業務或行銷、企劃人員也都希望其具備規劃參展事務的能力與技能,求才若渴! ... ✓正苦惱於對展覽參展事務規劃 ... ... <看更多>