He knows of at least one seafarer who has received six vaccine doses, or three two-dose regimens. "It's an absolute nightmare. I can't understand why we don't have some sort of global standard," he told CNN Business.
👉The workers who keep global supply chains moving are warning of a 'system collapse' / CNN
每一支疫苗,都是靠自己做研究、靠自己取得 EUA、靠自己的科學證據去取得每一個國家各自的信任。
👉印尼境外接種疫苗驗證網納高端 國籍選項含台灣 / CNA
由於 WHO 的失能,事實上各個國家在這次疫情幾乎都是靠自己,也是因此,日本誤信其建議導致初期疫情失控,臺灣因為被 WHO 拒於門外,反倒處理得很好。
但在人類那麼多形形色色的活動中,也只有少數關鍵的領域有所謂的國際標準,對於新興的挑戰如 COVID-19,一切仍在學習中。
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,— 陪賓狗錄 podcast — 歡迎來訂閱我的節目《聽新聞學英文》 https://open.firstory.me/user/bingobilingual/platforms 賓狗的 IG @bingobilingual_bb https://www.instagram.com/bingobi...
- 關於supply名詞 在 蔡依橙的閱讀筆記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於supply名詞 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於supply名詞 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於supply名詞 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於supply名詞 在 Jackz Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於supply名詞 在 映像授業 Try IT(トライイット) Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於supply名詞 在 [新聞] Facebook shares plunge more than 20% - 看板Stock 的評價
- 關於supply名詞 在 [新聞] Facebook shares plunge more than 20% - 看板Stock 的評價
- 關於supply名詞 在 supply名詞在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 動漫二維世界 的評價
- 關於supply名詞 在 supply名詞在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 動漫二維世界 的評價
- 關於supply名詞 在 供應鏈管理scm學院- 供應商班底縮減(Supply Base Reduction ... 的評價
- 關於supply名詞 在 電源供應器英文的推薦與評價,PTT、DCARD 的評價
- 關於supply名詞 在 電源供應器英文的推薦與評價,PTT、DCARD 的評價
supply名詞 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
半導體產業在 9 月即將迎來兩場精彩的技術講座,由 SEMI 國際半導體產業協會所舉辦,想掌握台灣半導體產業第一手動態的讀者快來看看!以下兩場論壇由於是面對全球半導體業界受眾,因此都會以全英文進行:
【9/7-9/9 功率暨光電半導體週】
最近你一定在股票新聞中聽過所謂的「第三代半導體材料」、GaN(氮化鎵)、SiC(碳化矽) 等等的專有名詞,這些新世代的化合物半導體的應用潛力龐大,其耐高溫、耐壓以及抗阻低的特性,預期將使電動車的高功率充電、5G 通訊射頻(RF)功率元件獲得跳躍式的改進,舉個更生活化的例子,手機 GaN 快充器已經相當普遍,這種快充設備相較傳統充電頭能大幅縮短充電時間並改善熱能表現。
現在你不只是可以從新聞獲取資訊,這邊更給你第一手接觸業界資訊的管道:這次由 SEMI 主辦的「功率暨光電半導體」論壇將於 9 月 7 日至 9 月 8 日舉行,將邀請台積電、穩懋半導體、聯電、意法半導體、imec等知名公司,共同探討化合物半導體與光電元件在電動車與 5G 通訊領域的產業應用,讓你以從業人員的角度一窺最新的化合物半導體發展趨勢。
除了兩天的精彩論壇內容,在 9 月 9 日還有一場由鴻海研究院與 SEMI 合辦的「NExT Forum」線上,將對寬能隙半導體進行趨勢剖析,主辦方邀請了諾貝爾物理學獎得主天野浩分享研究經驗及成果,還有來自工研院、陽明交通大學、穩懋半導體、英國 IQE、GaN Systems、鴻海的致詞及演講嘉賓,絕對是一場不可錯過的高含金量論壇。
這場線上論壇結束後,9 月底緊接著又會有下一場精彩論壇:
【9/23-9/24 高科技智慧製造論壇】
今年晶片或是原物料缺貨都是眾多品牌廠苦惱的問題,當客戶需求變化得越來越快速,加上供應鏈原料供給與訂單變化難以捉摸,供應鏈也必須克服更複雜的要求與產品組合,如何迅速回應市場趨勢與更改生產設計更成為一大挑戰,打造「韌性供應鏈(Resilient Supply Chain」躍身為近期全球供應鏈吃緊下的熱門關鍵詞。
「智慧製造」透過數位科技,結合 AI、5G、邊緣與混合雲建構高度自動化工廠,更利用數位分身 (Digital Twin) 模擬與監測生產數據,進而實現跨區、跨廠區的即時管理系統。SEMI 將於 9 月 23 日與 24 日邀請台積電、鴻海與眾多演講嘉賓分享應用智慧製造技術來提升生產效率與彈性、最新的高科技智慧工廠範例,以及企業如何適應供應鏈新常態的洞見。
supply名詞 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
大家好,請問有誰認識在馬來西亞的medical supply company 讓我可以盡快買到以下的醫療設備?因為我真的不懂,很多專業的名詞。我首先希望如果馬來西亞有存貨,就立刻在馬來西亞購買,如真的沒有貨,才在新加坡或香港購買。因為是急需,所以想省掉運輸的時間。我只知道設備一定要有MDA Cert, 馬來西亞的政府醫院才能使用🙏🙏
1. High Flow Nasal Canola - 3 UNIT
2. Nassal Canola tubing for HFNC - 3 box
3.Tubing breathing circuit ventilator - 5 box
4. pulse oximeter
5.bantal + pvc cover
6. Oxgen concentrator
supply名詞 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文
— 陪賓狗錄 podcast —
賓狗的 IG @bingobilingual_bb
賓狗的 FB
1【the general public 一般大眾】- 名詞
President Tsai Ing-wen said vaccinations against COVID-19 for the general public could start in July.
2【put sth into service 啟用】- 動詞片語
Taiwan has officially put its new supercomputer into service to aid in fight against COVID-19.
3【lift 解除】- 動詞
The water supply restrictions in Central and Southern Taiwan have been partly lifted.
蔡英文, 疫苗, 超級電腦, 台灣杉三號, 水情, 中南部, 解除
你英文想變更好嗎?快來 PressPlay 訂閱賓狗:
· 免費試用 3 天
· 搭配本集 Podcast 的詳細講義
· 手機背景播放,善用零碎時間學習
· 一次掌握頂尖學習資源:文法、發音、口說及更多
陪賓狗錄 podcast:
你想要高品質中英對照新聞嗎?訂閱《風傳媒》,就能隨意暢讀華爾街日報的新聞,中英對照喔!原價一年一萬四,立刻降到三千九,趕快透過賓狗的專屬連結訂閱吧: https://events.storm.mg/member/BGWSJ/
跟賓狗 Line 聊天:
在 KKBOX 收聽賓狗:
supply名詞 在 Jackz Youtube 的最佳解答
梁振英簡介「三司會議」,英文名稱為「The Three C Meeting」
特首梁振英今日正式交代,橫洲分階段發展的決定,是在2014年一月的「三司會議」中,由他本人決定。據梁振英回應英文提問時稱,「三司會議」英文名稱為「The Three C Meeting」。
"...And when it (指運房局的建議) got to the Three C Meeting, well incidentally, it wasn't a meeting attended by all principal officials. It's a meeting that I chair, attended by the three senior secretaries of the government, namely the Chief Secretary, the Financial Secretary and the Secretary for Justice.
...At this Three C Meeting, 三司會, we get progress reports for major planning, land supply and housing issues..."
橫洲事件成為梁班子最新政治炸彈,梁振英前日刻意將特首選舉潛在對手、財政司司長曾俊華拉落水,但財爺迅速發聲明反擊,令特首跑馬仔的花生指數急升。梁振英今日聯同曾俊華等一眾高官開記者會,外界期待的廝殺場面未有出現,反而二人保持身份,曾俊華回應記者提問時,更稱「你總會同意上司的說話。」(You always agree with your boss. No questions about that.)刻意擺出支持梁振英的態度。
記者會進行逾半小時,曾俊華自開場發言後未有機會發言,一直由梁振英及張炳良回答問題,但當他回答第一條問題,即被問是否同意梁振英的決定,他以英文作出的回應,令在場記者錯愕:「你總會同意上司的說話。」(You always agree with your boss, no questions about that.)
唐英年於2006年9月18日的昂坪360通車典禮上,以英文發言,其中一句「Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, give me great pleasure to join you all at today's opening ceremony of Ngong Ping『三碌拎』, the opening of Ngong Ping『三碌拎』……Three-sixty.」把昂坪360的英文讀法「Ngong Ping Three-Sixty」以廣東話形式讀成「Ngong Ping Sam-Luk-Ling」,被網民恥笑。 事後政府新聞處沒有把這片段上載至政府網站。而「三碌拎」亦成為了部分網民稱呼唐英年的代名詞。
#NgongPing三碌拎 #三碌拎 #唐唐 #昂坪360通車典禮
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supply名詞 在 映像授業 Try IT(トライイット) Youtube 的最佳解答
【Try IT 視聴者必見】
この映像授業では「【高校 英語】 blame A for B など」が約8分で学べます。身につけたいポイントは「blame A for B 「AをBについて責める」 など」です。映像授業は、【ポイントのおさらい】⇒【練習】⇒【入試レベルにチャレンジ】⇒【今回のまとめ】の順に見てください。
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supply名詞 在 [新聞] Facebook shares plunge more than 20% - 看板Stock 的推薦與評價
原文標題:Facebook shares plunge more than 20% on weak earnings
, big forecast miss
發布時間:2 20223:31 PM
Facebook shares tumbled more than 20% in extended trading on Wednesday after
the company reported disappointing earnings, gave weak guidance and said user
growth has stagnated.
Here are the results:
Earnings per share: $3.67 vs $3.84 expected, according to a Refinitiv survey
of analysts
Revenue: $33.67 billion vs $33.4 billion expected, according to Refinitiv
Facebook also missed estimates with user numbers.
Daily Active Users (DAUs): 1.93 billion vs 1.95 billion expected by analysts,
according to StreetAccount
Monthly Active Users (MAUs): 2.91 billion vs 2.95 billion expected by
analysts, according to StreetAccount
Average Revenue per User (ARPU): $11.57 vs $11.38 expected by analysts,
according to Street Account
The company, which was recently renamed to Meta, issued disappointing
guidance for the first quarter in addition to coming up short on its
fourth-quarter profit and user numbers. Daily Active Users (DAUs) on Facebook
were slightly down in the fourth quarter compared to the previous quarter,
marking its first quarterly decline in DAUs on record.
Facebook said revenue in the first quarter will be $27 billion to $29
billion, while analysts were expecting sales of $30.15 billion, according to
Refinitiv. That would mean 3% to 11% year-over-year growth, while analysts
were expecting about 15%, according to Refinitiv.
Facebook said it’s being hit by a combination of factors, including privacy
changes to Apple’s iOS and macroeconomic challenges. It blamed the
lower-than-expected growth in part on inflation and supply chain issues that
are impacting advertisers’ budgets.
There’s also a shift to products that don’t generate as much revenue as its
core news feed. For example, people are spending more time on its Reels
“On the impressions side, we expect continued headwinds from both increased
competition for people’s time and a shift of engagement within our apps
towards video surfaces like Reels, which monetize at lower rates than Feed
and Stories,” Facebook said.
The report is Facebook’s first since changing the name of its parent company
to Meta, which is a nod to the metaverse. CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the
name change in October following a series of troubling reports about Facebook
that stemmed from leaked documents shared by a former employee with
journalists, lawmakers and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
With the name change to Meta comes a new reporting structure. The company
said in its last earnings report that it will break out its hardware
division, Facebook Reality Labs, into a separate division. Its core business
will be Facebook’s Family of Apps (FoA), including Instagram, Messenger and
Meta said its Family of Apps saw revenue of $32.79 billion with operating
income of $15.89 billion in the fourth quarter. Its Reality Labs segment made
$877 million in revenue in the quarter with an operating loss of $3.3 billion.
For the fourth quarter, Facebook is proving to be an outlier among the top
tech companies. Its results come a day after Alphabet cruised past estimates,
sending its stock higher on Wednesday. Apple and Microsoft also topped
estimates on profit and revenue. Despite a January stock slump across tech,
the industry giants, other than Netflix, have delivered uplifting earnings
reports, reminding investors of the power of their dominant businesses even
in a challenging macro environment.
As of Wednesday’s close, the company’s shares are down about 4% this year.
EPS 不如預期
META 現在盤後 -21%
市值蒸發快 200B
這比 NFLX 還誇張
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1643840820.A.E19.html
比 M 和 G 都還肥
※ 編輯: qk123 ( 臺灣), 02/03/2022 08:58:07
... <看更多>
supply名詞 在 supply名詞在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 動漫二維世界 的推薦與評價
學術名詞食品科技, supply, 供給,供應,給料, ...[PDF] 土木工程術語Terminology of civil engineeringGL. Ground Water Level. 地下水位. GWL. Guided Expansion ... ... <看更多>
supply名詞 在 [新聞] Facebook shares plunge more than 20% - 看板Stock 的推薦與評價
原文標題:Facebook shares plunge more than 20% on weak earnings
, big forecast miss
發布時間:2 20223:31 PM
Facebook shares tumbled more than 20% in extended trading on Wednesday after
the company reported disappointing earnings, gave weak guidance and said user
growth has stagnated.
Here are the results:
Earnings per share: $3.67 vs $3.84 expected, according to a Refinitiv survey
of analysts
Revenue: $33.67 billion vs $33.4 billion expected, according to Refinitiv
Facebook also missed estimates with user numbers.
Daily Active Users (DAUs): 1.93 billion vs 1.95 billion expected by analysts,
according to StreetAccount
Monthly Active Users (MAUs): 2.91 billion vs 2.95 billion expected by
analysts, according to StreetAccount
Average Revenue per User (ARPU): $11.57 vs $11.38 expected by analysts,
according to Street Account
The company, which was recently renamed to Meta, issued disappointing
guidance for the first quarter in addition to coming up short on its
fourth-quarter profit and user numbers. Daily Active Users (DAUs) on Facebook
were slightly down in the fourth quarter compared to the previous quarter,
marking its first quarterly decline in DAUs on record.
Facebook said revenue in the first quarter will be $27 billion to $29
billion, while analysts were expecting sales of $30.15 billion, according to
Refinitiv. That would mean 3% to 11% year-over-year growth, while analysts
were expecting about 15%, according to Refinitiv.
Facebook said it’s being hit by a combination of factors, including privacy
changes to Apple’s iOS and macroeconomic challenges. It blamed the
lower-than-expected growth in part on inflation and supply chain issues that
are impacting advertisers’ budgets.
There’s also a shift to products that don’t generate as much revenue as its
core news feed. For example, people are spending more time on its Reels
“On the impressions side, we expect continued headwinds from both increased
competition for people’s time and a shift of engagement within our apps
towards video surfaces like Reels, which monetize at lower rates than Feed
and Stories,” Facebook said.
The report is Facebook’s first since changing the name of its parent company
to Meta, which is a nod to the metaverse. CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the
name change in October following a series of troubling reports about Facebook
that stemmed from leaked documents shared by a former employee with
journalists, lawmakers and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
With the name change to Meta comes a new reporting structure. The company
said in its last earnings report that it will break out its hardware
division, Facebook Reality Labs, into a separate division. Its core business
will be Facebook’s Family of Apps (FoA), including Instagram, Messenger and
Meta said its Family of Apps saw revenue of $32.79 billion with operating
income of $15.89 billion in the fourth quarter. Its Reality Labs segment made
$877 million in revenue in the quarter with an operating loss of $3.3 billion.
For the fourth quarter, Facebook is proving to be an outlier among the top
tech companies. Its results come a day after Alphabet cruised past estimates,
sending its stock higher on Wednesday. Apple and Microsoft also topped
estimates on profit and revenue. Despite a January stock slump across tech,
the industry giants, other than Netflix, have delivered uplifting earnings
reports, reminding investors of the power of their dominant businesses even
in a challenging macro environment.
As of Wednesday’s close, the company’s shares are down about 4% this year.
EPS 不如預期
META 現在盤後 -21%
市值蒸發快 200B
這比 NFLX 還誇張
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1643840820.A.E19.html
比 M 和 G 都還肥
※ 編輯: qk123 ( 臺灣), 02/03/2022 08:58:07
... <看更多>