[192551] 3951. 曾博恩 & 呂士軒 - 保持胎哥 (2021)★__賈立傑
[192552] 3952. 森納映畫:看似惡魔一樣的石像鬼,為什麼會站在教堂的頂端? (2021)★★★
[192553] 3953. 妮柯基慢:創頻以來最累人最燒錢的開箱——在醫院待了24hr才生 (2021)★★
[192554] 3954. 密斯特喬:BWFC綠谷出久超燃改造!BWFC 10th x SMSP 我的英雄學院 (2021)★★
[192555] 3955. 蝦米大模王:螢光夜光+合金是否真香?threezero初號機 (2021)★★
[192556] 3956. 黑鏢客夢回:世界上堅持了10年做出來的恐怖遊戲 (2021)★
[192557] 3957. 阿姆微:NECA 哥吉拉 1989+2003 (2020)★★
[192558] 3958. 姊夫日常:價格媲美amiibo的哥吉拉 NECA Godzilla 12吋可動公仔拆箱 (2020)★
[192559] 3959. 祐子和阿叡:紅蓮哥吉拉NECA版模型不專業開箱!! (2015)★
[192560] 3960. Bruce Wei:哥吉拉94' NECA版開箱介紹!! (2014)★★‒
[192561] 3961. V!kk - Can't Get Over You (2021)★★
[192562] 3962. Felon5 - Pixie Dust (2021)★★
[192563] 3963. Felon5 - Good Ebening (2021)★★
[192564] 3964. Felon5 - Dr. Rubik (2021)★★
[192565] 3965. HowFun:這隻兔子真的很78 (2021)★
[192566] 3966. Fatboy SSE - More Than Friends (2020)★★
[192567] 3967. 卓義峯 - 說穿了 (2020)★
[192568] 3968. Wage War - Stitch (2017)★★__Drew Russ
[192569] 3969. Asking Alexandria - Right Now (Na Na Na) (2011)★
[192570] 3970. Alesana - The Thespian (2010)★★
[192571] 3971. Tower Block Dreams - Wicked Ya No (2021)★★
[192572] 3972. Tower Block Dreams - Truss We (2021)★★
[192573] 3973. Tower Block Dreams - Keep Coming (2021)★★
[192574] 3974. Motionless in White - Reincarnate (2014)★★
[192575] 3975. Motionless in White - Devil's Night (2013)★★
[192576] 3976. Motionless in White - Abigail (2010)★★
[192577] 3977. Motionless in White - Immaculate Misconception (2010)★★__Cody Blue Snider
[192578] 3978. Mayday Parade & Vic Fuentes - Somebody That I Used To Know (2012)★★
[192579] 3979. Pierce the Veil & Kellin Quinn - King For A Day (2012)★
[192580] 3980. Pierce the Veil - Just The Way You Are (2011)☆
sse是什麼 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的精選貼文
這一年我的新的地圖PO比較少,您想知道我一直在忙什麼嗎?我將有一個驚喜給大家, 目前還是秘密,但是這裡有個提示: 大自然愛好者,瀑布探險者和戶外愛好者的下一個大型平台即將到來。
這將改變您的探索方式,並使我的小網站變得過時。 這次,我不僅要與所有人共享我的地圖,而且要創建一個由探索者和地圖製作者組成的整個社區。 我想探索一個更具包容性的空間。
順便說一句,我正在尋找一名Frontend Engineer加入其中,並幫助使這個項目成為可能。 您或您認識的某個人是一位經驗豐富的程序員,熱衷於共享和冒險嗎? 請閱讀以下詳細訊息,如果您想申請或有任何疑問,請聯繫Bryan。
This year I haven't been able to add as many new maps. Would you like to know why I've been so busy? It's still a bit of a secret... but here's is a hint: The next big platform for nature lovers, waterfall explorers, and outdoor enthusiasts is coming. It's going to change the way you go exploring and make my fun little website obsolete. This time I'm not just looking to share my maps with everyone, but to create an entire community of explorers and mapmakers. I want to make exploring a more inclusive space.
Incidentally I am looking for a Frontend Engineer to join the team and help make this project possible. Are your or someone you know an experienced programmer with a passion for sharing and adventure? Please check the details below and contact Bryan if you would like to apply or have any questions.
Job Details:
* Participate in brainstorming sessions for product features and system architecture
* Collaborating with the design team
* Research into new technologies
Required Qualifications
* Proficient in Javascript along with a frontend framework, angular and/or react
* Experience using HTML5 & CSS3 features (websockets, webrtc, SSE, LESS, SASS, Stylus, PostCS, etc.)
* Experienced with RESTful APIs
* Experienced with SPA, Flux, Redux is good.
* Experience with building real-time applications
* Experience with build pipeline tools: grunt, gulp, webpack, etc
* Experience with Git and Git flow
Preferred Qualifications
* Experience with building native webapps (react native, etc.)
* Experience developing optimistic UI style applications
* Experience optimizing frontend for performance and user experience
* Strong knowledge of media handling on client
* Open-source advocate
Nice to have
* UI/UX Design
How to Apply
Please submit the following here or to bryankuo@fusionnextinc.com
* CV/Resume
* A link to your Github/Bitbucket
sse是什麼 在 法語兔子 Facebook 的最讚貼文
一直到十五世紀,法語都還是個貧乏薄弱、字彙不夠豐富,文法規則也都還沒發展好的不入流的語言,因此當時的文學作品主要以拉丁語來創作。到了十六世紀,也就是法國的文藝復興時期,一個名為「七星詩社(La Pléiade)」的詩歌天團橫空出世!
👉每行詩句的最後一個單字,若是以e 、es 、ent結尾,前接子音時,不算一個音節。例如:mappemonde,算是三個音節,ma/ppe/monde,de不算一個音節喔!
👉兩個母音相遇時,要合併計算音節。例如:Est/-ce a/ssez/(但et不會跟別的字合併計算)
👉每行詩句中間的單字若是以e結尾,前接子音,要計算音節。例如:la source glacée,其中source的ce就要計算音節。
Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage,
(Heu/reux /qui/, com/me U/ly/sse, a/ fait/ un/ beau/ vo/ya/ge,)
Ou comme cestui-là qui conquit la toison,
(Ou/ comme/ ce/s/tui/-là/ qui/ con/quit/ la/ toi/son/,)
Et puis est retourné, plein d’usage et raison,
(Et/ pui/s est/ re/tour/né/, plein/ d’u/sa/ge et/ rai/son/,)
Vivre entre ses parents le reste de son âge !
(Vi/vre en/tre/ ses/ pa/rents/ le/ res/te/ de/ son/ â/ge !)
Quand reverrai-je, hélas ! de mon petit village
(Quand/ re/ve/rrai/-je, hé/las/ ! de/ mon/ pe/tit/ vi/lla/ge)
Fumer la cheminée ? et en quelle saison
(Fu/mer/ la/ che/mi/née/ ? et/ en/ que/lle/ sai/son/)
Reverrai-je le clos de ma pauvre maison,
(Re/ve/rrai/-je/ le/ clos/ de/ ma/ pau/vre/ mai/son/,)
Qui m’est une province et beaucoup davantage ?
(Qui/ m’est/ une/ pro/vin/ce/ et/ beau/coup/ da/van/ta/ge ?)
Plus me plaît le séjour qu’ont bâti mes aïeux
(Plus/ me/ plaît/ le/ sé/jour/ qu’ont/ bâ/ti/ me/s aï/eux/)
Que des palais Romains le front audacieux,
(Que/ des/ pa/lais/ Ro/mains/ le/ front/ au/da/ci/eux/,)
Plus que le marbre dur, me plaît l’ardoise fine,
(Plus/ que/ le/ mar/bre/ dur/, me/ plaît/ l’ar/doi/se/ fine/,)
Plus mon Loire gaulois, que le Tibre latin,
(Plus/ mon/ Loi/re/ gau/lois/, que/ le/ Ti/bre/ la/tin,/)
Plus mon petit Liré que le mont Palatin
(Plus/ mon/ pe/tit /Li/ré/ que/ le/ mont/ Pa/la/tin/)
Et plus que l’air marin la doulceur angevine.
(Et/ plus/ que/ l’air/ ma/rin/ la/ dou/ceur/ an/ge/vi/ne.)
Joachim du Bellay, Les Regrets, sonnet XXXI, 1558.