美國「外交」雜誌最新一篇報導,說明G7領袖聯合公報中納入台海和平安全的議題,代表「台灣海峽的危機將影響歐洲利益」的意識,越來越高漲。這篇名為:The EU’s Stake in the Taiwan Strait Issue(歐盟在台海問題上的利害關係)的報導,並說明讓七國同意這個議題被列入並不容易,內幕是:德國、法國的先頭部隊不敢決定,是到最後一天早上,才達成共識的!
報導最先指出這個聲明的意義說:「最新聲明表現岀一個海峽危機將能影響歐洲利益的意識越來越高漲」(Recent statements reflect growing awareness of how a crisis in the strait would impact European interests.)。
文中,整理出關注台海問題的用語,不斷出現的大事紀。這個句子是「我們強調台海和平穩定的重要性,並鼓勵和平解決兩岸問題」(We underscore the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and encourage the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues.)
這簡潔的句子首次出現在6/13 G-7高峰會公報中;
除此之外,強調台海和平與穩定的重要性,在2021 Q2幾個最高層級的聯合聲明中不斷出現,包括:
今年的G7,目標是肺炎大流行的恢復及「重建要更好」,十分受到關注,世界各地的政治領袖全都在密切關注:美國新政府及其合作夥伴如何就議程進行談判。 包括什麼議題將成為他們的共同優先事項。
The inclusion of the Taiwan Strait issue as a shared agenda item – under the “Global Responsibility and International Action” heading – was not an easy decision among the seven capitals. According to political and diplomatic sources cited by a Tokyo-based news agency, before the summit, the G-7 sherpas of France and Germany argued that since the Taiwan Strait issue had been touched upon clearly in the Foreign Ministers’ joint statement a month ago already, it might not be necessary to bring up the issue in the leaders’ communiqué. France and Germany were looking to mitigate the irritations to Beijing. The U.S. and Japanese representatives, on the other hand, suggested the necessity of such a move, arguing that the situation in the Taiwan Strait is a topic closely linked to their national security and that failing to mention it would deliver the wrong impression that the leaders collectively have no concerns over the issue. The sherpas thus left the decision to the heads of state and government over the course of the summit. It was not until the morning of the last day of the summit that French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed on including the Taiwan Strait issue in the communiqué.
歐盟和美國對中國的威脅認知、安全利益和採取應對措施,並不總相同。 然而,台海和平穩定確實符合歐盟的價值觀和利益。
支援和參與台海和平穩定,並不代表為了對抗中國選擇美國。 這恰好擺明歐盟致力於維護其價值觀和捍衛其利益的態度,是與其對中戰略一致。
(A firm commitment with regards to the Taiwan Strait issue is indeed in line with the EU’s strategy on China.
Endorsing and engaging in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait does not mean choosing the U.S. side in order to counter China. It is rather an illustration of the EU’s dedication to uphold its values and safeguard its interests, which is in concert with its own China strategy.)
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,140的網紅Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音,也在其Youtube影片中提到,“Democracy is a failure” - that’s the narrative the Chinese Communist Party has been trying to plant over the past year and hopes to take root in inte...
「security issue」的推薦目錄:
- 關於security issue 在 管碧玲 (kuanbiling) Facebook 的最讚貼文
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- 關於security issue 在 Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音 Youtube 的最讚貼文
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security issue 在 矽谷牛的耕田筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文
Speculative Execution Mitigations
如果大家對前幾年非常著名的安全性漏洞 Spectre/Meltdown 還有印象的話,本次這個最佳化要做的就是關閉這類型安全性漏洞的處理方法。
標題的名稱 Speculative Execution Migitations 主要跟這漏洞的執行概念與 Pipeline 有關,有興趣理解這兩種漏洞的可以自行研究。
舉例來說,假設今天你運行了基於 Linux 使用者權限控管與 namespaces 等機制來建立安全防護的多使用者系統,那這類型的防護能力就不能關閉,必須要打開來防護確保整體的 Security Boundary 是完整的。 但是如果今天透過 AWS EC2 運行一個單純的 API Server,假設整個機器不會運行任何不被信任的程式碼,同時使用 AWS Nitro Enclaves 來保護任何的機密資訊,那這種情況下是否有機會可以關閉這類型的檢查?
作者根據 AWS 對於安全性的一系列說明認為 AWS 本身針對記憶體的部分有很強烈的保護,包含使用者之間沒有辦法存取 Hyperviosr 或是彼此 instance 的 Memory。
Spectre V1 + SWAPGS
Spectre V2
Spectre V3/Meltdown
MDS/Zombieload, TSX Anynchronous Abort
與此同時也保留剩下四個,如 iTLB multihit, SRBDS 等
這種設定下,整體的運作效能再次提升了 28% 左右,從 347k req/s 提升到 446k req/s。
註: 任何安全性的問題都不要盲從亂遵循,都一定要評估判斷過
Syscall Auditing/Blocking
大部分的情況下,Linux/Docker 處理關於系統呼叫 Auditing/Blocking 兩方面所帶來的效能影響幾乎微乎其微,不過當系統每秒執行數百萬個系統呼叫時,這些額外的效能負擔則不能忽視,如果仔細觀看前述的火焰圖的話就會發線 audit/seccomp 等數量也不少。
Linux Kernel Audit 子系統提供了一個機制來收集與紀錄任何跟安全性有關的事件,譬如存取敏感的機密檔案或是呼叫系統呼叫。透過這些內容可以幫助使用者去除錯任何不被預期的行為。
Audit 子系統於 Amazon Linux2 的環境下預設是開啟,但是本身並沒有被設定會去紀錄系統呼叫的資訊。
即使 Audit 子系統沒有真的去紀錄系統呼叫的資訊,該子系統還是會對每次的系統呼叫產生一點點的額外處理,所以作者透過 auditctl -a never,task 這個方式來將整體關閉。
註: 根據 Redhat bugzilla issue #1117953, Fedora 預設是關閉這個行為的
Docker/Container 透過一連串 Linux Kernel 的機制來隔離與控管 Container 的執行權限,譬如 namespace, Linux capabilities., cgroups 以及 seccomp。
Seccomp 則是用來限制這些 Container 能夠執行的系統呼叫類型
大部分的容器化應用程式即使沒有開啟 Seccomp 都能夠順利的執行,執行 docker 的時候可以透過 --security-opt seccomp=unconfined 這些參數告訴系統運行 Container 的時候不要套用任何 seccomp 的 profile.
將這兩個機制關閉後,系統帶來的效能提升了 11%,從 446k req/s 提升到 495k req/s。
從火焰圖來看,關閉這兩個設定後,syscall_trace_enter 以及 syscall_slow_exit_work 這兩個系統呼叫也從火焰圖中消失,此外作者發現 Amazon Linux2 預設似乎沒有啟動 Apparmor 的防護,因為不論有沒有關閉效能都沒有特別影響。
Disabling iptables/netfilter
再來的最佳化則是跟網路有關,大名鼎鼎的 netfilter 子系統,其中非常著名的應用 iptables 可以提供如防火牆與 NAT 相關功能。根據前述的火焰圖可以觀察到,netfilter 的進入 function nf_hook_slow 佔據了大概 18% 的時間。
將 iptables 關閉相較於安全性來說比較沒有爭議,反而是功能面會不會有應用程式因為 iptables 關閉而不能使用。預設情況下 docker 會透過 iptables 來執行 SNAT與 DNAT(有-p的話)。
作者認為現在環境大部分都將 Firewall 的功能移到外部 Cloud 來處理,譬如 AWS Security Group 了,所以 Firewall 的需求已經減少,至於 SNAT/DNAT 這類型的處理可以讓容器與節點共享網路來處理,也就是運行的時候給予 “–network=host” 的模式來避免需要 SNAT/DNAT 的情境。
作者透過修改腳本讓開機不會去預設載入相關的 Kernel Module 來達到移除的效果,測試起來整體的效能提升了 22%,從 495k req/s 提升到 603k req/s
註: 這個議題需要想清楚是否真的不需要,否則可能很多應用都會壞掉
作者還特別測試了一下如果使用 iptables 的下一代框架 nftables 的效能,發現 nftables 的效能好非常多。載入 nftables 的kernel module 並且沒有規則的情況下,效能幾乎不被影響(iptables 則相反,沒有規則也是會影響速度)。作者認為採用 nftables 似乎是個更好的選擇,能夠有效能的提升同時也保有能力的處理。
不過 nftables 的支援相較於 iptables 來說還是比較差,不論是從 OS 本身的支援到相關第三方工具的支援都還沒有這麼完善。就作者目前的認知, Debian 10, Fedora 32 以及 RHEL 8 都已經轉換到使用 nftables 做為預設的處理機制,同時使用 iptables-nft 這一個中介層的轉換者,讓所有 user-space 的規則都會偷偷的轉換為底層的 nftables。
Ubuntu 似乎要到 20.04/20.10 的正式版本才有嘗試轉移到的動作,而 Amazon Linux 2 依然使用 iptables 來處理封包。
security issue 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
我收藏了蔡依橙、Emmy推薦的《#世界大局地圖全解讀》系列第3集 MAPPING THE WORLD Vol.3
這系列的書是彩色印製、圖表分析,特別大本,拿起來沈甸甸翻開來閃亮亮值得收藏,分析全球國際議題,由法國「國際風險分析與預測中心」創辦人Alexis Bautzmann以及 法國地緣政治研究學者Guillaume Fourmont 撰文編著國際關係與戰略的分析。
這本還很特別的有獨家專題「#印太戰略小北約」,是 #蔡榮峰 撰文的,他是國防安全研究政策分析員,也是在 #菜市場政治學 有專欄的作者~
身為法理建國的支持者,來分享一下我知道的國際法與國際政治的關係好了(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
臺澎國際法法理建國連線創辦人黃聖峰 有在 台澎小堅果 直播聊到:
👉🏻國際法的形成與運作 https://wp.me/pd1HGm-4Z
👉🏻主權的概念形成與發展 https://wp.me/pd1HGm-5k
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
收到宅配我回家以後立刻翻到p.191 看到 #四方安全對話(QUAD)第一屆峰會,是由美國、日本、印度、澳洲,於2021.3.12以視訊進行的對話,來探討如何面對中國帶來的挑戰,以聯繫印太地區穩定。
⚠️先來個 #國際法小知識 回顧:
腦力激盪之前,請大家先看這個🔗 https://youtu.be/lss2OdMhi90
#美國 🇺🇸承認PRC政權為中國主權國家合法代表政府是在1979.1.1,美國駐華大使館就搬到北京;中華民國政權在此刻以後不被美國承認,僅被看作是治理台灣✨的政權而已。
🇺🇸美國的立場 《#台灣關係法》歷史脈絡 https://www.facebook.com/100047156705396/posts/281658133416075/
🇺🇸美國的立場一直都是台澎領土主權歸屬未定 https://www.facebook.com/100047156705396/posts/297467095168512/
🇺🇸美國立場聲明1955.02.16關於中華民國治理台澎行為的性質,國務卿 John Foster Dulles 表示:
在 1945 年,中華民國被委託治理(福爾摩莎與澎湖群島)
“[i]n 1945, [t]he Republic of China was entrusted with authority over (Formosa and the Pescadores), ”
Our Foreign Policies in Asia, DEP'T ST. BULL., Feb. 1955 at 329
🇺🇸2014.09.22 ZIVOTOFSKY V. KERRY 一案實體答辯,國務院代理法律顧問 MARY E. MCLEOD 表示:
“The United States recognizes the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, but it merely acknowledges the Chinese position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China. J.A. 154. Because the United States does not take a position on the latter issue, the Department concluded that listing either “Taiwan” or “China” would convey a message consistent with the President’s recognition policy—either option involves a geographic description, not an assertion that Taiwan is or is not part of sovereign China. ”
#日本 🇯🇵 承認PRC政權為中國主權國家合法代表政府是在1972.9.29,此時與中華民國政權代表的中國簽訂的《#中日和約》在法律上就是實質停止了。
🇯🇵日本的立場 1972.09.29日本對台澎主權的立場及對中國主張台灣為其領土一部分的立場,日本政府 表示:
“it fully understands and respects the P.R.C. government's stand that [Taiwan is a part of its territory] and that [the Japan government] maintains its stand under the Potsdam Proclamation.”
Joint Communiqu6 of the Government of Japan and the Government of the
日本政府對台澎主權歸屬的立場,內閣總理 池田勇人 表示:中華民國不具有台澎主權,僅具有過渡性質的施政權。台澎主權歸屬應由簽署 #舊金山和約 的同盟國決定。
#印度🇮🇳 承認PRC政權為中國主權國家合法代表政府是在1950.4.1,是在《舊金山和約》生效 之前耶!難怪印度會在《舊金山和約》簽署前表態,這時候印度認為的中國主權國家是由PRC政權為合法國家政府代表了喔!
🇮🇳1951.08.23印度對舊金山和約中未明定將台灣主權歸還中國表示抗議,印度政府 表示:
“[T]he Government of India attach[es] the greatest importance to the Treaty providing that the Island of Formosa should be returned to China. The time and manner of such return might be the subject of separate negotiations but to leave the future of the Island undetermined, in spite of past international agreements, in a document which attempts to regulate the relations ofJapan with all Governments that were engaged in the last war against her does not appear to the Government of India to be either just or expedient.”
India Refuses To Be Party to Treaty, Memorandum of India
#澳洲🇦🇺 承認PRC政權為中國主權國家合法代表政府是在1972年。
🇦🇺澳洲去殖民化建國可看這篇 https://wp.me/pd1HGm-aY
1. 台灣不是中國
2. 不是中華人民共和國政權代表的中國的
3. 台灣也不等於中華民國政權
4. 台澎領土主權歸屬未定
//即使美國不出兵,只要戰火波及日本國土,使日本的國家安全受到威脅,出現「周邊有事」的情況,讓日本被迫出兵自衛,美國也一樣會被捲入戰事之中。而為了因應這樣的可能性,日本一連串與安保條約有關的和平安全法制裡,就包括了「重要影響事態法」。// - https://www.upmedia.mg/news_info.php?SerialNo=60128
2017年美國聯邦政府發表《#國家安全戰略》(National Security Strategy)報告,正式點名中國為戰略競爭對手,美中競爭關係檯面化,讓不少人用「#新冷戰」一詞來形容當前國際局勢。
我看到p.195 放了一張「台灣防空識別區」,那個框整個框到中國沿岸,我查了一下其實這是「中華民國防空識別區」才對,ROC防空識別區會這樣畫,是為了把金馬(中國領土)包進去。
👉🏻1955.02.10關於中美共同防禦條約是否影響台澎主權之歸屬,參議院外交關係委員會主席 Walter F. George 表示:
“Senate approval of the Treaty would neither strengthen nor weaken the Chiang Governmen's [sic] claim to sovereignty over Formosa, the international status of which is yet to be decided.”
Senate Approves Formosa Treaty, N.Y. TIMEs, Feb. 10, 1955
👉🏻1955.02.07關於中華民國治理台澎行為的性質,國務卿 John Foster Dulles 表示:
“General Chiang [Kai-shek] was merely asked to administer them (Formosa and the Pescadores) for the Allied and associated powers pending a final decision as to their ownership.'”
New Formosa Bid, N.Y. Times, Feb. 7, 1955, at Al
✨各國立場資料整理網站在這🔗 http://www.rotpnetwork.tw/reference.php?LAN=TW
最後,「島鏈的形成與戰略幾何學」在 p.197彩色圖好漂亮!大推推~
security issue 在 Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音 Youtube 的最讚貼文
“Democracy is a failure” - that’s the narrative the Chinese Communist Party has been trying to plant over the past year and hopes to take root in international discourse and in the minds of its 1.4 billion citizens. This disinformation has heavy implications for democracy in Taiwan, and it’s never been as serious as it is now.
CCP disinformation methods are detailed in a report issued late last year titled “Deafening Whispers” by Doublethink Lab, a Taiwanese organization whose mission is to strengthen democracy through digital defense. The report has just been made available in English.
This interview was recorded in January 2021 when the Chinese-version of the report was first published.
Online disinformation and influence operations affect offline real-world defense and security. Fake news is a global issue and this is The Taiwan Take. Today’s guest is Dr. Puma Shen (沈伯洋), chairman of Doublethink Lab (台灣民主實驗室) and an assistant professor at National Taipei University.
Deafening Whispers: https://medium.com/doublethinklab/deafening-whispers-f9b1d773f6cd
Today’s episode is hosted by J.R. Wu - Chief of the Secretariat for INDSR (Institute for National Defense and Security Research) in Taiwan. Wu is a former journalist with nearly two decades of media experience in the US and Asia. She has led news bureaus for Reuters and Dow Jones.
Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/taiwan
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ghostislandme
JR Wu (Host)
Emily Y. Wu (Producer): https://twitter.com/emilyywu
Alice Yeh (Editing | Researcher)
Music: MB013KF2YKVG19A
A Ghost Island Media production

security issue 在 王炳忠 Youtube 的最佳貼文
The Real Threat to the US is the loss of self-confidence
──An Open Letter to Mr. Secretary Mike Pompeo
My name is Wang Ping-Chung, the spokesperson for the New Party, Taiwan’s political party. During the ongoing pandemic of the Covid-19, the enemy of all human beings, including the American people and Chinese people, is definitely the corona virus. However, as Secretary of State of the United States, you seem to consider China instead of the virus to be your enemy. It lets you do little in pandemic prevention but much in blaming the WHO and China. You have even made great efforts to politicalize the issue of public health in order to attack China, which reflects the United States’ prevailing concept of so-called China’s threat. Nevertheless, the real threat to the US is not China but the loss of self-confidence indeed.
As President Franklin Roosevelt once said, “Only thing we have to fear is the fear itself.” The threat you have to fear today is not other peoples but yourselves. Even though you have done your best to shift blames on the WHO and China, the fact is already clear of the US domestic misdiagnosed cases, which had been seen as H1N1 but in fact corona virus since last autumn. It is also your fault in underestimating the severity of the epidemic while China sacrificed itself to let the world have more preparation time. Accordingly, the Covid-19 has killed more than fifty thousand people in America. As China’s population is four times larger than the US, it is quite shocking that America’s death toll due to the Covid-19 has been above China’s.
I feel so sorry for the suffering of your people, yet it is never too late to mend. However, not only did you palm off the responsibility on others, but you also undermined international solidarity against the pandemic. Moreover, you even try to deny the status of the WHO as the coordinator for universal combat against diseases, which in some way means challenging the global institutions under the governance of the United Nations. It is so unbelievable that the United States, viewing itself as the world leader above half a century, is tending to destroy the world order recognized by the international society. The very reason I can think of is the loss of America’s self-confidence. It is the threat to both the US and the whole world.
For Liberalists in the United States, China has been believed either an opponent or a violator to international institutions. As far as it’s concerned, there had been debates whether to keep containing China economically and militarily or engaging it institutionally. Both were resulted from America’s confidence in its leadership. Consequently, the confidence gradually changed into arrogance, luring the United States into aggressions upon other countries as the global superpower without permission from the UN Security Council. It made America exhausted at last. Therefore, the United States has become an isolationist, and even a betrayer to the global institutions they established before. On the contrary, China seems more like a protector of the world order.
On the other hand, for Realists, the predominant thinkers in international politics, China has been seen as the primary rival to America. As they estimate there will be threat if any other regional hegemony occurs, the nation’s fear becomes beyond what its capability can hold. To some extent, this is the real crisis to your people. In fact, different from western nations developing themselves by oppressing and exploiting others, the Chinese people have risen out of poverty at the cost of blood, sweat, and tears of our own. I would like to remind you of Franklin Roosevelt’s self-evident words that nothing to fear but fear itself. The only threat you should conquer is the threat in your mind.
As Henry Kissinger has argued, relations between China and the United States need not – and should not – become a zero-sum game. He also suggested that China and America build a Pacific community with each other. Thinking in the same way, Chinese President Xi also claimed that the vast Pacific Ocean has enough space for the two large countries of China and the United States. Furthermore, I believe the world is large enough to embrace different political and social systems. As western liberalism in recent years has met difficulties in over-consumption and government failure, we should be more open-minded to the superiority of Chinese governance in some fields, especially the high efficiency in defeating the epidemic. The United States should also be more self-confident to have China rising under the global governance of international institutions, sharing with mutual benefits instead of destroying each other. Without doubt, only by doing so can the United States overcome the real threat and bring the world peace and prosperity, the real universal values for all mankind.

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*This interview was recorded before the Jan. 11 national election.
Although many countries have begun to reconsider how to balance what they get in return for trading with China, this question has always been existential in Taiwan. Trade policies have oscillated inconsistently between opening up and restricting access to the Chinese economy. The challenges of doing trade with China is a global issue. And this is The Taiwan take.
Today’s guest is political scientist, Syaru Shirley Lin (林夏如), author of the book “Taiwan’s China Dilemma” (2016) and the forthcoming sequel “High Income Trap in East Asia.” In this episode, Lin maps out the economic ties between Taiwan and China and what drives policymaking in that area.
Lin retired as a partner at Goldman Sachs before becoming an academic. She now teaches world politics at the University of Virginia and global political economy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Today’s episode is hosted by J.R. Wu - Chief of the Secretariat for INDSR (Institute for National Defense and Security Research) in Taiwan. Wu is a former journalist with nearly two decades of media experience in the US and Asia. She has led news bureaus for Reuters and Dow Jones.
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Host - J.R. Wu
Producer / Editor - Emily Y. Wu (Twitter @emilyywu)
Researcher - Sam Robbins (Twitter @helloitissam)
Brand Design - Thomas Lee
Production Company - Ghost Island Media

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