Accepted the spicy challenge from @imperfecti0nss @danphire ! Gonna try out the korean ice type spicy chicken ramen while I read out all the anonymous messages on loops live this weekend! I'll pick out the interesting ones to share on my IG and FB too! And dont worry, I wun wear that red bikini when doing live streaming, so YOUR EYES ARE GONNA BE FINE! Haha! Download the app now at then search for my username "yanweixiaoer"
#ahundredantsartistes #ahaartistes #yanweixiaoer #loopslivesg #bediscovered #sarahah #sarahahapp #sarahahmessage #sexyboys #sexymen #sexy #sexygirls #funny #changeface #bikini #koreanspicynoodles #samyangnoodle #samyangspicy #food