大家是不是在等週末要看 #Netflix 的 #電影 了呢?等等~美國才週一是嗎!好啦,說到電影是因為這週要跟美國知名電影評分網站 #爛番茄 ( Rotten Tomatoes) 的台裔創業家Patrick Lee對談呢!
🍅 台灣時間週四早上十點半 Wed. July 21 7:30pmPDT
🍅 免費報名 RSVP https://meetstartup.pse.is/3gu6ey
Happy Monday! What's your recent #movie obsession? 🍿 We are heading into the weekend — wait, 4 more days?! Okay...I am all ears for your comedy, detective, and romance recommendations — don't judge! Maybe I can ask Patrick Lee, who is the co-founder and former CEO of Rotten Tomatoes at our coffee chat!
Well...I am just half-kidding. On Wed. July 21 7:30pmPDT/ Taiwan time Thur. July 22 at 10:30am, I will be in conversation with Patrick about his experience in the #entrepreneurship and #entertainment space. Join us and hear how he turned his startup's "Tomato-meter Score" to "certified fresh" and got it on the red carpet with record-hitting "box office"!
p.s. My secret criteria for picking movies is "low tomato-meter and high audience score." What about yours?
創業小聚 Meet Startup
#startup #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #tvshows #電影 #娛樂 #網飛 #創業
romance movies on netflix 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
你最近有看什麼好電影嗎?為慶祝亞太裔傳統月,AIT經濟官王涵跟大家推薦Netflix美國愛情喜劇《可能還愛你》。這部電影由亞裔《菜鳥新移民》男演員朴藍道 (Randall Park)、單口喜劇明星黃艾麗 (Ali Wong) 領銜主演,還有基努李維的驚喜客串演出!《可能還愛你》全片以幽默風趣、精彩浪漫的風格呈現現代美式愛情,令人耳目一新。#APAHM2020 #亞太裔傳統月
Seen any good movies lately? In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, AIT Economic Officer Anna Wang recommends the movie Always Be My Maybe, available on Netflix Taiwan. Starring Randall Park and Ali Wong, and featuring an absolutely unforgettable performance by Keanu Reeves, the film is funny, sweet, and offers a refreshing take on modern American romance. #APAHM2020
romance movies on netflix 在 Cosmopolitan HK Facebook 的最讚貼文
單身「毒」者都啱! #情人節 宅在家唔怕悶啦!包你估唔晒邊十套🤭~~
#Netflix 《#彼岸之嫁 》大玩穿越、冥婚!>>>https://mycosmo.hk/31WUVON
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