1. 濫發通貨的後果比我們想像中嚴重
如同諾貝爾經濟學獎得主F. A. Hayek曾以蜂蜜形容貨幣的流動,在注入貨幣的過程,會造成某部分價格上漲,然後才慢慢拓展出去。而以當今Fed的貨幣干預手段,我們可以看到美國國債利率的下跌與股票、衍生性金融商品市場的價格上漲為常見的起點。而最後,亦如另一位諾貝爾獎得主M. Friedman所言:「通貨膨脹始終是貨幣現象」。
經濟學家Joseph Carson指出,美國在1970年代的CPI統計是包含房地產價格,因此1979年CPI成長11.3%中有相當比例是因為當年房地產價格激增。但現今的統計卻排除了房地產價格。而新冠疫情之後美國房地產價格因濫印貨幣而飆漲,故即便美國官方公佈的過去12個月CPI增長5.4%,但如果採取1970年代的標準計入房地產價格因素,則實際CPI漲幅應該是兩位數!
這也表示,Fed聲稱通貨膨脹只是暫時且不嚴重的論點,很可能是基於刻意被低估的統計方法。另一個值得一提的,是Fed自疫情封城後每個月都買入$400億美元房貸為基礎的金融證券(mortgage-backed securities),但我們也都清楚2008年美國金融危機的一大肇因就是美國聯邦政府轄下兩個專門替房貸信用擔保的房利美、房地美機構(Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac),其相當於政府干預市場的行為扭曲並蒙蔽了市場對真實風險的判斷。
更值得警醒的是如顧問公司MBS Highway指出美國Fed實質買入的房貸基礎證券金額恐怕高達$1000億美元每月,硬生生人為壓低房貸利率0.25~0.35%。
2. 政府引發通膨並非萬靈丹 -- 菲利普曲線早已失效
a. 本來在娛樂或餐飲旅館行業的就業人士,被疫情的強迫停業嚇怕了,高達70%欲轉行,但多數卻因為行業專業不同難以順利轉換跑道。
b. 過去幾個月來新開出的職缺與失業人數竟然同步上升。
c. 因為疫情許多人跑去城市郊區甚至鄉村避難,結果開出職缺的區域與求職者所在區域出現明顯分離。
d. 同樣因為疫情封城管制造成的後果,紐約市區星巴克的今年五月來店人數相較兩年前同期下降65%,工作機會也隨之發生改變。
e. 每週$400美元的失業補助讓許多失業者不急於找工作。溫蒂漢堡、必勝客、Applebee's、Taco Bell等知名連鎖餐廳提供額外的獎金補貼也依然找不到員工。
3. Biden總統的行政命令
我們可以從Biden總統的發言看到他對基礎經濟學概念的嚴重無知與缺乏:“Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism. It’s exploitation,” ... “Without healthy competition, big players can change and charge whatever they want, and treat you however they want. And for too many Americans that means accepting a bad deal for things that you can’t go without.”
我們看到前任Fed主席,現任美國財政部部長Janet L. Yellen也於7月中旬接受紐約時報採訪時鬆口承認Trump時代對中國的關稅障礙結果是在傷害美國消費者。("Tariffs are taxes on consumers. In some cases it seems to me what we did hurt American consumers, ...")
這樣的錯誤,美國政府百年來犯了無數次。例如我們曾談過Milton Friedman 與George Stigler 兩位諾貝爾經濟學獎得主共同撰寫的知名論文「Roofs or Ceilings? The Current Housing Problem」以1906年甫大地震後225,000人無家可歸的舊金山市為研究對象,發現當時無力管制的市政府放任市場自由定價,結果是多數人很快找到新家,即便是十分貧窮者,也有與之對應的廉價房屋提供(1906 advertisement “Six-room house and bath, with 2 additional rooms in basement having fire-places, nicely furnished; fine piano; … $45.")
這點不僅我這樣看,如經濟學名家張五常教授、前任美國聯準會主席Alan Greenspan於2005年美國國會聽證會發言,乃至於經濟學人雜誌2004年10月份的特別報告「Unnaturally low -- China is helping to keep down global interest rates」也做如是想,且不說還有許多經濟學家也持一樣的觀點。
誠如Greenspan於前述聽證會上發言指出,對中國貿易制裁結果必然導致美國民生物價上漲與人民生活品質受損,但卻無任何經濟學理與客觀證據支撐政客謬論 -- 制裁中國並無法改善美國就業率。
4. 歐美國家與日本普遍高負債結果只能以提高稅率或利率為結果。
通貨膨脹現象說到底是個「貨幣增長率對上經濟成長率」的過程 -- 當貨幣增長率追不上實質經濟成長率,通貨收縮會發生;當貨幣增長率超過實質經濟成長率,則通貨膨脹會發生。注意,我這裡指的「實質經濟成長率」是「真實」的經濟成長,而不是GDP、凱因斯經濟學那套錯誤的觀念。這部分我以前就為文批評過,有興趣的讀者請自行查找。
英國經濟學家,前英格蘭銀行與英國貨幣政策顧問Charles Goodhart警告:「中國帶給全世界的經濟紅利若因其人口結構老化而逐漸消失,則世界必將面對通貨膨脹衝擊。」("...as aging populations in China and other nations spend more of their savings, average interest rates will rise higher than governments have bargained for...China’s greatest contribution to global growth is now past. This great demographic reversal will lead to a return of inflation.”)
美元20多年來快速通貨成長下而無明顯國內通膨的一個重要因素,在於其做為世界最主要國際貿易交易結算貨幣的角色,使得世界整體經濟成長大於等於美元通貨成長時,通膨率不易上升。就如Greenspan 2005年在美國國會作證所闡釋,中國作為1990年代以來美國成長最快且體量非常大的貿易夥伴,中國對美元的需求本身就保證了美元的購買力,同時物美價廉的中國製造產品也大幅壓低了美國國內物價增長率。
上個世代扮演此角色的是日本,因此我們也看到日本與中國分別是目前美國國債最大持有國。(Foreign governments owned US$7.053 trillion of US debt in November, including China's US$1.063 trillion, and Japan's US$1.260 trillion, US Treasury data showed. )
人民幣國際化的推進與中美經貿脫鉤二者都會帶來美元實質購買力的衰退與美國通膨惡化。因此美國政府如要避免財政危機,必須做到二件事:a. 解除貿易壁壘,尤其是針對中國的貿易制裁;b. 確保中國繼續願意大額購買美國債券以及使用美元為主要國際貿易結算貨幣。
然而如同我多次解釋過,美式民主制度下政客的利益與人民利益往往不一致。當鼓動對中仇視有利於競選時,美國政客很難選擇與中國和平、更深度交流的道路;當增加更多政府管制干預與有利於尋租時,政客也是毫不猶豫地如此選擇。所以我們會在未來相當長時間看到精神分裂的美國 -- 又不希望中國在世界經濟影響力增加而欲打壓,但自己又不能真的因打壓中國與之脫鉤。
WSJ, "How Much Are Prices Up? Here’s One Family’s Day-to-Day Expenses." July 9, 2021
WSJ, "Job Openings Are at Record Highs. Why Aren’t Unemployed Americans Filling Them?" July 9, 2021
WSJ, "Governments World-Wide Gorge on Record Debt, Testing New Limits" July 12, 2021
范一飞, "关于数字人民币M0定位的政策含义分析" 2020年09月15日
元毓, "宏觀經濟學的尷尬—菲利普曲線死了嗎?" May 8, 2018
NYT, "Yellen Says China Trade Deal Has ‘Hurt American Consumers’" July 16, 2021
WSJ, "Biden Targets Big Business in Sweeping Executive Order to Spur Competition" July 9, 2021
WSJ, "The 2021 Olympics Are Turning Into a $20 Billion Bust for Japan" July 20, 2021
Bank for International Settlement, "CBDCs: an opportunity for the monetary system" BIS Annual Economic Report | 23 June 2021
Barron's, "The Housing Market Is on Fire. The Fed Is Stoking the Flames." July 23, 2021
Barron's, "Disco Inferno: The U.S. Could Be Headed Back to ’70s-Style Stagflation" July 16, 2021
Reuters, "Russia raises key rate to 6.5% in sharpest move since 2014" July 23, 2021
Milton Friedman & George Stigler, "Roofs or Ceilings? The Current Housing Problem" September 1946
Alan Greenspan, "FRB: Testimony" June 23, 2005
The Economist, "Unnaturally low -- China is helping to keep down global interest rates" Oct 2nd 2004
同時也有13部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過22萬的網紅ASMR BlueKatie,也在其Youtube影片中提到,*GIVEAWAY* Ducky x Varmillo 73 JIS Green Switch Sakura Pro Keyboard→ Follow my Insta, Twitter or Tiktok & comment to let me know you want it~ I'll m...
「return of the mac」的推薦目錄:
return of the mac 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答
Chen Chia-hung (陳佳鴻) was not granted a visa extension because he refused to sign an affidavit recognizing Beijing's "one China principle," and he returned to Taiwan on Sunday, the day his visa expired, according to the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC).
return of the mac 在 元毓 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Apple 2021 Q2 電話法說會摘要
照慣例電話會議一上來就是Apple CEO Tim Cook與CFO Luca Maestri 把主要財務數字炫耀一番,畢竟Q2營收的年成長率54%,太亮眼了。以Apple這種體量的公司,如果將其當作一個國家,營收對比GDP,如此一家私人公司足以排進世界前15國。
對我們股東來說一個CFO揭露的重要訊息是: We ended the quarter with over $204 billion in cash plus marketable securities. We issued $14 billion of new term debt and retired $3.5 billion of term debt leaving us with total debt of almost $122 billion. As a result, net cash was $83 billion at the end of the quarter.
許多關於供應鏈是否存在短缺或不足的問題,現代供應鍊大神Tim Cook全都語焉不詳,只強調Q2他們不存在material shortage。
同樣的,關於Apple Service Business部分Tim Cook一樣東拉西扯就是不肯提供更多訊息,頂多只說從去年開始Apple App Store與開發者的抽成費率降了15%。
還有Apple這次與Facebook鬧翻的隱私權問題,在這個恐怕重創FB營運的決策上,Tim Cook依然官腔滿滿,聲稱「Apple在做對的事」,他們就是要給用戶選擇保護自己隱私的權利,無關Apple或任何其他公司。(有點此地無銀三百兩)
Tim Cook 開場:
1. new March quarter records for both revenue and earnings, besting our year ago revenue performance by 54%.
2. iPhone, which grew 66% year- over-year driven by the strong popularity of the iPhone 12 family.
3. iPad grow very strong double digits to its highest March quarter revenue in nearly a decade.
4. In fact, the last three quarters for Mac have been its three best quarters ever
Wearables, Home and Accessories, which grew by 25% year-over-year.
5. Services. We achieved growth of 27% year-over-year and set new records for services in each of our geographic segments.
Over the next five years, we will invest $430 billion, creating 20,000 jobs in the process.
CFO Luca Maestri開場:
1. Our revenue reached a March quarter record of $89.6 billion, an increase of over $31 billion or 54% from a year ago.
2. Products revenue was a March quarter record of $72.7 billion, up 62% over a year ago.
3. Our services set an all-time record of $16.9 billion, growing 27% over a year ago. ( App Store, cloud services, music, video, advertising and payment services. Our new service offerings, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple News Fitness+)
4. Company gross margin was 42.5%, up 270 basis points from last quarter driven by cost savings, a strong mix and favorable foreign exchange. Products gross margin was 36.1%, growing 100 basis points sequentially also thanks to cost savings and FX, partially offset by seasonal loss of leverage. Services gross margin was 70.1%, up 170 basis points sequentially and mainly due to a different mix. Net income of $23.6 billion, diluted earnings per share of $1.40 and operating cash flow of $24 billion were all March quarter records by a wide margin.
5. During the March quarter, we added more than 40 million paid subs sequentially, and we have now reached more than 660 million paid subscriptions across the services on our platform. This is up $145 million from just a year ago and twice the number of paid subscriptions we are only 2.5 years ago.
6. Apple Watch continues to extend its reach, with nearly 75% of the customers purchasing Apple Watch during the quarter being new to the product.
7. Mac. We set an all-time revenue record of $9.1 billion, up 70% over last year, and grew very strongly in each geographic segment with all-time revenue records in Europe and rest of Asia Pacific and March quarter records in the Americas, Greater China and Japan. This amazing performance was driven by the very enthusiastic customer response to our new Macs powered by the M1 chip.
8. iPad performance was also outstanding with revenue of $7.8 billion up 79%.
9. And UCHealth, a large health care provider in Colorado, was able to reduce per patient vaccination time from 3 minutes to only 30 seconds largely by moving from PC stations to iPhones
10. We ended the quarter with over $204 billion in cash plus marketable securities. We issued $14 billion of new term debt and retired $3.5 billion of term debt leaving us with total debt of almost $122 billion. As a result, net cash was $83 billion at the end of the quarter.
11. we were also able to return nearly $23 billion to shareholders during the March quarter. This included $3.4 billion in dividends and equivalents and $19 billion through open market repurchases of 147 million Apple shares.
12. This will cause a steeper sequential decline than usual. Second, we believe supply constraints will have a revenue impact of $3 billion to $4 billion in the June quarter.
return of the mac 在 ASMR BlueKatie Youtube 的最佳解答
*GIVEAWAY* Ducky x Varmillo 73 JIS Green Switch Sakura Pro Keyboard→
Follow my Insta, Twitter or Tiktok & comment to let me know you want it~
I'll mail it to one lucky person including my letter:)
*プレゼント企画* ダッキーxアミロ 73 Sakura JIS キーボード グリーン軸
インスタ、ツイッターor Tiktokをフォロー & 欲しいってコメント残してくれた方 抽選一名にお手紙と一緒にプレゼントをお送りいたします!
Instagram →https://www.instagram.com/asmrbluekatie/
Tiktok→ https://www.tiktok.com/@asmrbluekatie?lang=en
hellooo blue kitties katie here :3 today i wanted to do a little relaxing keyboard typing video where i compare sounds of mechanical and membrane keyboards! i also included mouse sounds and some whispers, scratching and tapping! i hope you and your loved ones are safe&well and please know that each and every one of you are valid and important to this word. I love you very much! hope the best for you.
have a good night??
どうも!けいです。今回は久しぶりにキーボードタイピング動画です!メカニカルとメンブレン系キーボードの音を比較していきます。他にもマウスの音や囁き、スクラッチングやタッピングもあります☺♡少しでもリラックスして貰えたら嬉しいです。ご視聴ありがとうございました!!リクエストなどあったら是非教えてね。高評価、チャンネル登録、通知、ツイッター&インスタフォローよろしくおねがいします^^励みになります!みんないつもありがとう おやすみ??
お知らせ】郵便局の私書箱を開きました!お手紙など大募集です?出来るだけお返しのお手紙も送ります?視聴者さんとは画面越しのみのお付き合いなので、このような形で日頃の感謝をお伝えできればなと思っています。お送り先は→ Postbus 359, 6700 AJ, Wageningen, The Netherlands です!?
[Notice] I opened the PO Box at the post office! I’d love to receive some letters etc.? I will send you a letter in return as much as possible ? Since I only interact with viewers through the screen, I would like to express my gratitude in this way.
0:00 intro
08:41 Preview
01:28 GIVEAWAY プレゼント企画
04:27 Relaxing Whispers and Getting you ready for bed いつもの携帯充電してねの流れ
05:42 Lighting up Candle キャンドルに火をつける
07:05 Mechanical Keyboard メカニカル
09:50 Close up mechanical typing 近くから
19:35 Wooden Mouse Sounds 木のマウス
21:12 Wooden Membrane Keyboard 木製メンブレンキーボード
24:04 Close up wooden typing 近くから
28:23 Back to Mechanical メカニカルに戻り
STREAMING MY NEW ASMR LULLABY ALBUM!! ONLY ON SPOTIFY → https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ilBnMW62Nt42yIqSlbaJ7?si=tpQlblgVSweWb_wevxA35Q
Instagram →https://www.instagram.com/asmrbluekatie/
The beautiful intro music was made by Benjamin Gray : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfLOaoziVaf6zoJB12HOZ7A !!! Thank you :)
Please help me put subtitles on my videos on Amara! x
パトロンPatreon, Thank you so so much for the support!! 応援本当にありがとうございます!:https://www.patreon.com/ASMRBluekatie
End screen music by Sir. Dayo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOhBpkr_0g0
PLAYLIST 子守唄/Lullabies ASMR・音フェチ Singing you to sleep
音フェチ動画✨ASMR videos!!
English ASMR videos✨
Subscribe! チャンネル登録よろしくです!
return of the mac 在 Dainghia25 Youtube 的最讚貼文
New PES 2021 PS4 Option File by PES Universe. It includes fully licensed of Premier League
SkyBet Championship
LaLiga Santander
LaLiga SmartBank
Serie A TIM
FULL Bundesliga with created players, accurate faces & builds
Kits 2048 Px*
Highest Quality
*V1 is full 2048 so you’re gonna have to choose some things to not import as you won’t have all the space
*for PC it's save folder, replace it to \KONAMI\eFootball PES 2021 SEASON UPDATE\RANDOM NUMBER\
Download Link http://bit.ly/pesuniv2021
Credits to PESUniverse || Support them : https://www.pesuniverse.com
PES 2021 V1 – INSTALL – PS4
1. Download the option file & then navigate to the download destination (downloads or desktop folder usually but this despends on your PC)
2. When downloaded, right click on the file and choose ‘Extract to WEPES’ and the file will extract in a few seconds
3. Insert your USB key into your PC/MAC. Right click on the USB icon and select Format if needed (make sure it is set to FAT32)
4. Now return to the WEPES Folder (the one you just extracted) & right click on the WEPES folder & select ‘copy’ & then return to the USB folder
5. Open up the USB folder (double click to go to the USB root) and simply paste the WEPES folder (right click then select paste)
6. This will now copy over so wait a few minutes. Once complete you should have an open folder on your USB called WEPES
7. Now eject the USB from your PC/MAC & and insert it into your PS4. Follow all the instructions until you can go to Edit Mode.
8. When you first start PES 2021, there will be an import tutorial, just follow the intructions before you proceed with importing the Option File.
9. Once in Edit Mode, navigate to Import/Export and select Import Team.
10. Now select All files (PS4 square button) & select ‘Go to Detailed Settings’ and then press OK (DO NOT TICK ANY BOXES HERE)
11. This will import everything except Bundesliga Players so relax for 5-10 minutes while it does its thing. Once completed, return to the import screen
12. Now select all Bundesliga Teams (do not select Schalke, Bayern & Bayer Leverkusen) National Teams & Brazilian teams ONLY
13. Tick both boxes “Players” & “Overwriting images” & then Import by pressing OK. Return to the main Edit Menu
14. Select Import Competition, select All files (PS4 square button) & Go to Detailed Settings’ and then press OK (DO NOT TICK ANY BOXES HERE)
15. Return to main Edit Menu & go to competition structure, reduce the draw size for the Bundesliga to 18 and swap the teams across from other euros
Sometimes you might get an error, do not worry, simply follow the steps again & reimport
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▶ SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL : https://goo.gl/VPOrGK
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▶ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dainghia25
#dainghia25gaming #livestream #dainghia25
return of the mac 在 MADE by Radw Youtube 的最佳解答
What do you think of this look? Would you like more makeup videos from me? Let me know!
Soft glam makeup details✨:
•Face primer: @tarte cosmetics poreless mattifying primer
•Foundation & concealer : @LA Girl Cosmetics matte foundation in creamy cocoa, concealer in beautiful bronze & fawn
•Brows: @AnastasiaBeverlyHills dipbrow pomade in chocolate
•Eyeshadow, highlight, contour, blush: @Juviasplace saharan blush vol 1
• Lashes: @bubblegumlash_ signature lash
•Lips: @milanicosmetics metallic lip crème lined with @MAC Cosmetics lip pencil in chestnut
Connect with me, why dontcha? :) ⬇️
? Instagram / ?Facebook :
For business enquiries/collaborations email picturadw7@gmail.com
SUBSCRIBE ✨ : https://www.youtube.com/madebyradw?sub_confirmation=1 If you enjoyed this video!
My previous brow tutorials:
Check these out! :
Nightlife in Ghana | Luna Bar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VEIAUYfOrg
We went to a chop bar! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhn1lpUddw0
My popular Ghana videos:
Ghana has changed PT 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlWMuIo8-VU
Thank God I went to Ghana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPr8MVtaPos&t
Ghana has changed PT 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z16tB6O_ENI&t
A day in Accra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnlwF1HwbSk&t
Travel with me to Ghana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v4IP_PI8AE&t
Check out my Ghana playlist! :)
Filming Details
Camera: Canon G7X Mark III
Mic: Saramonic SR XM1
Editor: Final Cut Pro X
Music by Ryan Little - Take It Easy - https://thmatc.co/?l=5B810425
Music by Ryan Little - For Hyrule! - https://thmatc.co/?l=70846E16
Music by Ryan Little - Love in the Morning - https://thmatc.co/?l=A17E60F3
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