[大!師!冇!點!你!]我在Patreon 8月20號已經寫王維基隻 HKTV 1137 應該會入北水名單(左下)。有冇人早過我?然後出完業績8月26號我再寫多咗次(右下)。
TLDR:Patreon一早有寫,有冇人早過我? 所謂先知,就係知早你少少
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
邁向2000人訂!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).搵人填埋佢,下一個目標當然係3000!
1. 就算你冇訂,都可以照睇返兩篇文嘅題目,對返日期,絶無呃人。又或者你見我在「今日寫呢啲」都有貼個題目出嚟,但當然冇話你知係邊隻。
2. 8月20號咩事?恒指季檢。咁你個個都只係留意邊隻染藍邊隻踢出,忽略咗「恒生綜合指數」都同時執位。固然「恒生綜合指數」唔係「恒生指數」,正如「神聖羅馬帝國」唔係「羅馬帝國」。陳瑞祺喇沙唔係喇沙(*)
3. 但,入「恒生綜合指數」,係入「港股通」aka北水表叔買貨名單(**)嘅先決條件,pre-requisite.
4. 咁再加埋幾個條件:第一,要夠50億市值,留意當時夠唔代表即時入到,要持續12個月月尾平均都夠(***),咁冇問題丫,我心算(!)都計到。第二就要成交夠,咁冇問題丫,「我都唔識計」,講真的,星展年代都係踢畀尊尼亞整,因為計法都十分煩。
5. 咁結果,8月20號,我咪話你知會入北水咯!8月26號出完業績我再寫多次。然後就入咗。上帝話,讓夜裡有光!
6. 但你話,車,今日(星期一)跌5% 喎!係喎,我唔知咩!
7. 咁我只能答你:扯,唔係升就跌架啦。你覺得廢?咁你有冇更好嘅提議?你走去講「好消息出貨」,聽落好似有內容,其實咪仲廢!
8. 講過好多次,股票呢啲嘢,三分科學七分藝術。固然幾時都不可測,但長期易啲(廣島都易),短期就難好多。正如你睇美股都好,一日升嘅機會,都只係52%少少,但拉到一年嘅,升嘅機會就去到65%!短線近乎冇得捉,長線就好啲—所以嗰啲不停炒短線嘅人,其實係同自己過唔去,十分笨七。(*****)
9. 同樣地,即係總有啲人又要講,「唔係喎,我聽好多人講,好消息都跌,即係隻嘢好貴喎」「埃汾你都有講過」。冇錯係,但大佬呀,邊有得一條定律用死。「扯咁任你講啦」,所以咪三分科學七分藝術。
10. 跌?冇驚過!表叔都未開始買!同時間星期一成交亦唔係特別大。
11. 況且,再跌咁點?冇乜點架。唔輸得架?買股票梗有蝕錢,有時蝕到趴街添。(可以睇返我魚缸溫度計嘅文(https://fbook.cc/3asM)),咁咩曼城利物浦德國巴西都會畀人大炒啦,但重點係,你唔係每隻都蝕到趴街嘛(你係嘅,咁幫你唔到,或者下次買乜話聲我知)
12. 最緊要係諗下個最壞情況係乜。「就係輸晒100%」。廢?唔廢,因為有啲產品,你可以唔止輸100%。正如你去做槓杆嘅,都可以輸唔止100%。
13. 重點係,一隻股票最多可以跌100%,但可以升幾百倍喎。所以長期沽空嘅人一般都係腦殘的
14. 又,今日下面堆**寫得好多,可以寫多幾篇文。有時間的話。(寫得呢句多數最後都冇時間寫)
(**)當年甚麼港股直通車,某大行報告真係寫my cousin 定 my uncle’s shopping list
(***)所以有個陰謀論話 月尾會mark價,我望過,好似真係有個別公司會。拿,幫你諗埋Master dissertation 寫乜呀—博士論文寫呢啲就太垃圾了,呢啲垃圾題目,留返垃圾MSc dissertation 寫啦。(****)
(****)再講一次,香港讀taught master,完全係嘥錢嘥時間,呢篇係我極受歡迎嘅medium文,雖然寫得唔好。遲下我會寫多篇,「其實外國都係」—你係亞洲人過去浸鹹水學陽澄湖大閘蟹就冇所謂,但你本身係YC嘅(hate speech,大家自行想像,但你回文估答案搞到畀FB ban唔關我事),就不用多此一舉啦。持別係純文科嘅MA,嘥錢嘥時間就梗,最仆街係根本連知識同學習都冇,連教授同MPhil班友都睇唔起你班友,當你水魚養佢地咋,聽聞仲要係好難上PhD嘅,根撚本自己學校都睇你唔起,「即係副學士咁」
(*****)題外話,即使外行人,都可能聽過傳奇嘅耶魯基金,傳奇嘅Swensen。其中一個啟示,就係佢刻意利用咗大學基金可以極長期坐,又唔會點畀人贖回嘅特點,去買啲冇liquidity 嘅嘢,換嚟更大回報。點解可以咁?簡單嚟講,因為一般人都要liquidity,咁冇liquidity自然平啲。時間係普通散戶嘅優勢,係你朋友,但你選擇去短炒嘅,即係自己讓人半球先,情況等於圍棋你讓人地先咁(係喎,埃汾連圍棋都識捉)
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
邁向2000人訂!Two thousand people can't be wrong!(扯,幾百萬人冇訂添!).搵人填埋佢,下一個目標當然係3000!
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,090的網紅LyraMedia,也在其Youtube影片中提到,於早期的《狂人學堂》,曾經介紹過頭戴式耳筒的結構,當中包含耳罩、耳墊這些傳統設計/部件,但其實市場上仲有好幾款耳機,是使用沒有耳罩的懸掛式設計,今集就同大家分享一下。 #AKG #K1000 #Ergo #AMT #Sony #PFRV1 #Mysphere3 #RAAL #requisite #...
- 關於requisite 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於requisite 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於requisite 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於requisite 在 LyraMedia Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於requisite 在 Brenda Tan Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於requisite 在 Amaz Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於requisite 在 intercom/requisite - GitHub 的評價
- 關於requisite 在 Requisite Meaning - YouTube 的評價
- 關於requisite 在 Requisite North Loop - Home | Facebook 的評價
requisite 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
1. 真的,出完業績有女讀者(靚女嚟的說)嚟多謝我,我唔明,佢話1137。我話,升8%就嚟多謝?點都睇兩三成先啦。(又,個倉位係我嘅,唔係佢嘅,我冇問佢買幾多,亦唔會貼人地出嚟)
2. 講明先,當然有啲其他嘢冇升咁多,甚至有啲嘢輸錢。但我Patreon透明度已經相當高,美股持倉全部公開,新買嘅就幾錢買買幾多都公開晒。好多時事先會話你知添(沽?我唔沽貨的),只係舊嗰啲只講咩位買咗,冇講買咗幾多,免得你知我有幾多股票—太少又怕你恥笑,做才俊(?)做到你咁撚窮,太多又怕你綁架我。
3. 港股呢?都差不多,爭在有啲舊股票呀月供呀冇貼出嚟。原因?都冇乜,只係好似以前啲青樓女子咁,腰或腳度綁返條紅繩(*),自我安慰話自己唔係一絲不掛除淨雷咁。又或者傳說中嘅可以性交唔畀錫嘴,留返最後少少底線咁。不過世界難撈,嚟緊(應該呢個星期六?)會全面解封,呵呵呵,好似女優下馬咁
4. 一個星期18%,喂,還不錯啦。當然唔會隻隻都咁,唔會個個星期都咁—除非係老千,或者輸咗唔話你知。實情呢,一年有18%(你冇睇錯,係一年)已經相當相當好。
5. 你可以話目標唔夠遠大,但唔好咁中二病,個市場先理撚得你「目標」幾多。「我唔貪心目標只係三年50萬變300萬」「我唔貪心儲咗500萬諗住全職炒股一年賺100萬生活費」。
6. 得,梗係得,你back test實得,實搵到大把三年50萬變300萬嘅股票,你全副身家買李斯特城捧盃都得。後者呢?一年20%,你買美股指數都做得到添,今年已經達標添 —但唔好講金融海嘯啦,我又當你2020年坐得定3月冇嚇死啦(你全職炒股就知有幾大壓力),唔好講最差嘅情況,就問你2015或2018年時點算?要跌喎,咁你啲生活費邊度嚟?沽晒啲嘢佢?咁你之後個本咪細咗咯。況且,個個講就天下無敵,自己做就祖雲奴域啦,超過一半基金都跑輸指數,你真係勁過人地?明明輸錢又賴大戶又有優勢。
7. 但講遠咗,一個星期18%,真係相當不錯。雖然買得45000賺得8500(咁都夠我打兩個月邊爐嘅)。但,William Hung啦,我已盡全力,月尾我就只係得嗰45000蚊,瞓晒落去。都話之後戶口得返幾百蚊。「咁你啲生活費呢?」。有八達通有信用卡嘛大佬。
8. 講返,有人當1137係香港Amazon,都係網購嘛。實情老細唔似,但先講業務
9. Amazon做網購,Yes and No.Patreon都寫過,冇錯網購佔佢收入好大部份,但利錢好低。你大約都諗到,又貨倉又司機又搵人執貨,成本好高的,亦因為咁光頭佬畀人當孤寒財主。都可能係,但辛苦錢,邊似其他幾間Big Tech坐定定收錢咁易?(當然有能者居之,工程師涼冷氣絶無問題,我呢度只係用返好多一般人嘅睇法去講)。
10. 網購有幾唔好食?一個數字話你知:Amazon收入幾乎係Facebook三倍—但Facebook 賺錢仲多過佢,死未。
11. 當然Amazon呢個微利,又同時間係佢嘅護城河 — 你細啲嘅公司根本冇可能做到咁平,去做即日送貨之類。Black Rock亦係靠呢類方法令啲細公司踩唔到入場。唔好咁天真以為「貴價」就一定係暴利。
12. 呢方面,1137亦都係一樣。你以為好好搵,實情唔係。仲要香港市場細。舊年上半年毛利兩億半,下半年都係咁上下,今年上半年都係。冇乜增長。毛利咋喎!
13. 而Tech人會知,Amazon仲有AWS—收入貢獻唔算多,一兩成,但食水深,差不多貢獻一半盈利,怕未?1137就冇呢啲嘢了。
14. 不過,Amazon仲有第三味收入,其實都相當大,只係因為Amazon太大而被忽略咗。
15. Amazon嘅廣告收入,都70億美金一季。即係有幾大?「即係多過YouTube」,嚇死未?講緊差不多10% market share 的。
16. 呢度就係得意嘅地方:1137 一樣有廣告收入!暫時好似未係好大,但增長好快!早兩年講緊幾百萬,舊年上半年1000萬,舊年下半年1400萬,今年上半年去到5000萬!喂聽講毛利都係兩億幾咋喎(呢啲收入係毛利之後再加的)
17. 講返,呢個應該會係未來動力。亦係我上星期買嘅原因,留意我係業績前買嘅,咁固然業績後大升,但我係估唔到的,我仲覺得份業績麻麻添
18. 你可以話right for the wrong reason,但,仲有兩個原因。首先當時股價已經近52星期低位,固然唔代表一切,但個Margin of safety 大啲,出錯空間大啲。
19. 仲要,第二樣嘢,估入北水嘛!呢個先係原因!恒指季檢你掛住望邊隻染藍邊隻踢走,但冇留意1137入咗恒生綜合指數—本身唔代表乜,但呢個係入港股通嘅pre requisite.
20. 到真係入到?嘩,不得了,因為1137太細。你可以話大陸佬冇興趣買呢啲,但公司真係太細,你求其一條微信女搵到幾個農民已經夠。咁當然係入之前買定啦,入唔到點算?冇乜點算。Bonus嚟啫
21. 再長遠啲?我大膽估,最後可能都係賣盤。王維基係係香港Richard Branson,多過香港Jeff Bezos。你見佢做過好多唔同嘅生意,搞過補習社,做過水貨教科書,之後當然仲有城市電訊。同埋搞唔掂嘅電視。
22. 但重點係,佢唔係偏好做特別一類嘅業務,只係睇下邊樣過癮,又有缺口,可以顛覆。呢度咪就係Richard Branson。Richard Branson拍馬都冇Jeff Bezos咁有錢,但過癮好多。
23. 拿,呢啲Patreon一早講晒的。當然原則上我係唔鍾意畀貼士之類,係成個思考過程先緊要。但未能免俗,同埋費事有人覺得我只講唔做,講就叻自己買就唔得。唔係話咩好巴閉,但都真係唔係十分非常差。
(*)忍唔住都係要離題,又要講Fetish,女仔身上嘅各種裝飾都好吸引到我。包括正路嘅耳環,少啲見嘅臍環,更少見嘅脷環乳環—或者簡簡單單就咁腳度有條鍊咁,都係十分之sex appealing嘅東西。陰環?見識少,冇遇過。
月頭訂最抵!一週年!比別人知得多。subscribe now(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100,已經1900人訂! 畀年費仲有85折,20/40年費VIP 送本人著作一本。
requisite 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
招聘《商舖租務部經理》Leasing Manager.
我公司(盛滙商舖基金)現正招聘一位租務部同事,必須具幾年以上租務經驗。中英語。See decriptions.
- 處理商舖租務, 《服務式商舖》和租客達至雙贏
- 參與商舖買賣決定
- 中長線需要考證監牌照,參與商舖基金集資
盛滙商舖基金2016年推出以來,已成功買入59間街舖,賣出當中33間,合共涉資15.28億。 2017及2018年已先後完成 Fund 1 及 Fund 2 集資。
2019年8月推出的旗艦「開放式」《盛滙商舖增值基金》,目標每年派息6、7、8厘 (after fees),每年基金目標淨回報10%,每季對外集資港幣6000萬,我另加碼保持約25%權益。經過8季集資,現《盛滙商舖增值基金》淨資產規模約港幣5.7億。基金實行「入三出一」策略,2019年至今已買入32間街舖,沽出11間。現每月買入約港幣5000街舖,長遠基金目標買入1000間香港街舖。
你或朋友有興趣請聯絡我助手 Monica email: hr@bwfund.com
我們人唔多 (full time 12位),最緊要精。 加入者可參與基金bonus pool,每三個月按基金及個人表現派發一次。Believe me ... 唔少 💪💪
想了解更多,可直接問我。李根興 Edwin, 盛滙商舖基金創辦人 (whatsapp 90361143)
證監會持牌法團 BBL 650
Job Highlights
Manage a portfolio of shop property leasing matter
At least 4-5 yrs work exp in street shop property
Strong network of street shop leasing
Job Description
Job Responsibility:
Manage a portfolio of shop properties;
Work with the investment team to carry out the property transaction and leasing matter;
Establish and maintain the good connections with the potential buyers, tenants and property agents;
Explore the prospective buyers and tenants through business connection and relevant marketing events;
Assist in formulating and implementing development and expansion strategy.
Job Requirement:
Degree holder in Business Administration, Surveying or property-related disciplines is preferred;
At least 4-5 years work experience in shop property, particularly property agency or retail industry;
Successful candidate without SFC license is required to take exams to obtain the requisite license (Type 1, 4 & 9) for regulated activities;
Strong market sense, proactive attitude and attention to details;
Excellent negotiation, presentation and communication skill;
Strong network of street shop leasing and well-known of property transaction records and market index in Hong Kong is a plus;
Good command of written and spoken English, Chinese and Putonghua;
Proficiency in MS Word, Excel and Chinese Word Processing.
(Less experience will also be considered as Assistant Manager.)
Interested parties, please send full resume stating your current and expected salaries and availability for application.
*Personal data collected will ONLY be used for recruitment purpose.
Additional Information
Career Level
Years of Experience
4 years
Job Type
Full Time, Permanent
Job Functions
Property / Real Estate, Others
Company Overview
Bridgeway Prime Shop Fund Management Limited (“Bridgeway”) is the first SFC-licensed financial institution in Hong Kong that focuses on shop investments. With deep industry knowledge, technical expertise and market insight, we acquire prime shop properties in Hong Kong with an aim to create win-win situation for both tenants and owners. To optimize the long-term value of our shop properties, we leverage our broad tenant network to find suitable tenants for our shops. Our innovative “Three PRO Guarantee” programme, the first of its kind being offered in Hong Kong, will enable shop buyers to buy and hold quality shop properties and enjoy rental return hassle free.
requisite 在 LyraMedia Youtube 的最讚貼文
#AKG #K1000 #Ergo #AMT #Sony #PFRV1 #Mysphere3 #RAAL #requisite #SR1a #懸掛式耳筒

requisite 在 Brenda Tan Youtube 的最讚貼文
☞ True Match Cushion (G1)
☞ True Match Super Blendable Concealer (N1-2-3)
☞ Mat Magique Bb Veil (Oil Blotting Powder)
* applied with Retractable Kabuki Brush
☞ Infallible Makeup Extender Setting Spray
☞ Brow Artist Designer Pro 3-in-1 (Chocolate Brown)
☞ La Palette Nude (Rose)
* applied with Eyeshadow Brush
☞ Superstar Duo Designer
This is the one I was talking about, where both sides are black! I'd recommend this more for beginners cos' it's way more useful!
☞ False Lash Butterfly
Fav discovery of the bunch!!! LOVE IT!
☞ Infallible Pro Contour Palette (Light Clair)
My 2nd favourite discovery out of the bunch! Highly recommend to beginners who want a contour and highlight palette because this is really really nice!
☞ Lucent Magique Mono Blush (Earthy Coral)
* applied with Blush Brush
☞ Color Riche Paris Fashion Week Matte Lipstick (Beige Couture)
☞ CC Genius Balm (Daydream Beige)
As I mentioned, depending on what you need or want, you should be getting products that YOU want to apply on your face! You don't have to go out and buy a gazillion new things, just choose a few favourites to start with. I started out with eyeliner, mascara, an eyebrow pencil, lip balm and concealer and that was all I needed!
☞ Mat Magique Bb Veil (Oil Blotting Powder)
☞ Retractable Kabuki Brush
☞ Infallible Makeup Extender Setting Spray
☞ Brow Artist Designer Pro 3-in-1
☞ La Palette Nude (Rose)
☞ Superstar Duo Designer
☞ False Lash Butterfly
☞ Color Riche Paris Fashion Week Matte Lipstick (Beige Couture)
☞ Makeup Organiser
Watch the video! I'm not gonna make it easy for you HAHA *wiggles eyebrows*
Btw, feel free to follow my instagram LOL @wordweed
It's not a pre-requisite because some of ya'll complained ya'll don't have instagram but those who do, *wiggle eyebrows again*
There's another giveaway on my channel right here! It's still open!
☛ Outfit: Featured in an upcoming haul so stay tuned!
☛ Lips: L'oreal CC Genius Balm in Daydream Beige
Hi, I'm Brenda! I'm 21 and I hail from Singapore. I post all sorts of videos every week! If you like my videos and want to see more, please hit the subscribe button to catch my videos hot off the press! Your support keeps me motivated to produce better content (and to post more frequently). Feel free to click the thumbs up and leave a comment down below of what you'd like to see next. I read every single comment (seriously, I do) and will try my best to respond! :-) Thank you once again for watching my videos, have a blissful day! x
☞ Blog - http://wordweed.blogspot.sg
☞ Instagram - http://instagram.com/wordweed
☞ Twitter - http://twitter.com/wordweed
☞ Facebook - fb.me/thewordweed
☞ Snapchat - wtfisair
☞ Ask.fm - http://ask.fm/wtfisair
✎ wordweed@gmail.com
▻ I film, edit & produce all videos by myself using FCP X! ◅
☺ Music: Bensound

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