Elon Musk的演講藝術
Elon Musk 違反賈伯斯時代的演講準則,反而加深自己的魅力!
Elon Musk 可說是全世界影響力最高的商業領袖之一,而且在媒體及社群媒體的聲望奇高無比(IG 有200萬追隨者,Twitter 有6000萬),甚至一句話就可以影響市場的走向。
Well... 從溝通成效的角度來看,他是很厲害沒錯,但如果你看任何一場他的演講,你肯定會覺得很困惑。你會覺得:這個人怎麼這麼尷尬,這麼不會講話?
隨便在 Youtube 上面搜尋他演講的影片,看個幾分鐘,你就會知道我們在說什麼了。看個幾分鐘就可以跳出至少以下的問題:
• 說話吱吱唔唔,贅字一堆
• 停頓在很尷尬的地方,感覺不知道自己在哪裡
• 投影片視覺,跟口述的內容常常對不起來
• 容易忘記自己要說什麼,明顯要去偷瞄一下投影片,不然無法繼續說等等...
啊... 那他到底厲害在哪裡?為什麼一個講話這麼尷尬不流暢的人,能夠迷惑全球這麼多人,發揮如此大的影響力?
我們看完一些他演講影片的結論,是他的魅力來源,跟「前一波」的商業領袖,如 Steve Jobs,截然不同。你甚至可以說,**他們的風格是完全相反的。**
我們今天就從 Musk 的一些演講中,來看他的反向操作!
📌 反操作1:Jobs Overstates, Musk Understates
首先,Steve Jobs 開始用的一個「技巧」,說好聽是「讚嘆」,說難聽就是「誇大」,不論發表的產品是否真的是突破性創新,反正就是用 "incredible"、"revolutionary" 等字眼來形容。英文的一個形容,就是 "overstatement" - 把什麼東西都講的「超過」一點。
結果一大堆商業演講的人,做產品無法像 Jobs,但用誇張的形容詞卻學的很像。
Musk 就不一樣。
他自己知道他做的事情很難(讓永續能源普及、把人類變成多個星球的物種),所以他反而用很「沒什麼大不了」的字眼跟語氣來傳達,反而讓這種「謙虛」變成一種效果。這個就不是 "overstatement",而是 “understatement" - 什麼東西都講的收斂一點。
> What is the future that we want? It's consisted of really appealing solar roof... then combine that with storage, and with electric cars.
It's an obvious 3-part solution... Yeah... 3 part solution... uh...
It's really not that complicated.
沒錯,他講完之後停頓了一下,然後說嗯,對,就是三個部分,真的沒那麼複雜 lol。
影片: https://youtu.be/4sfwDyiPTdU?t=187
➜We are building a grand future - a future of endless renewable energy and clean mobility, but with the sort of convenience you couldn't even imagine.
To build this, we've had to overcome a trinity of challenges that have bedeviled generations prior:
1. Houses that generate energy during the day all by themselves
2. Efficient and integrated storage
3. And the best electric cars the world has ever seen
Ok,我寫的有點誇張,但 you get the point。
他最近在發表 Tesla Bot 的演講中,也描述了一個很大的未來,你看看他的說法:
➜ What is the economy? It is uh... at the foundation, it's labor. So what happens when there's... uh... no shortage of labor?
So I think in the long-term, there will need to be universal basic income (applause)... Not right now, because the robot doesn't work (laugh)... we just need a minute.
Essentially, in the future, physical work will be a choice... if you want to do it, you can, but you wouldn't need to do it. Obviously it has profound implications for the economy, because... the economy, at its foundational level, is labor, and capital is just distilled labor, then... is there an actual limit to the economy? Maybe not...
你很難想像有人可以把一些這麼遠大的願景 - 人力工作變成一個選擇、每人都享有基本收入等等 - 用更平鋪直述的方式,沒什麼好大驚小怪的語氣說出來。
連開發萬用機器人的難度,他都只是說 "We just need a minute" lol。
Again 歡迎你們自己看影片,體驗一下:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUP6Z5voiS8
Btw... Musk 還隨口說了一句 "capital is just distilled labor"。別叫我翻譯,因為我根本不知道這是什麼意思,尤其是 "distilled" 在這裡的用意。如果你去 google "distilled labor",也找不到什麼東西,只有不到兩千個 search result。
有人會覺得 Musk 太聰明了,所以才會常常說出正常人不懂的話,但我個人覺得他是故意的:就是要「埋」一些每人聽得懂的話,才能加深他「天才」的形象。
Musk 把複雜困難的事情說成很簡單,還有另一個好處:就是大家可能會覺得「這些很難的事情,好像難不倒他耶,嗯他看來真的是個天才!」
📌 反操作2:尷尬反而是魅力
其實,在賈伯斯用流暢的舞台表演稱霸市場之後,很多企業家都下苦工,練就一身演說武功。如 Bill Gates 或是 Mark Zuckerberg,都很明顯的從內向而且不會演講的人,變成老練的演說家。
Musk 很明顯沒有。Honestly, he's not even trying。
上面的影片,一個是2016年,一個是2021年,你覺得哪個舞台上的 Elon Musk,比較尷尬?這個當然有點主觀,但我兩個都看完之後,會覺得今年的他,講的更卡,更不好。
但是 Elon Musk 很明顯的根本沒有在 care 這一塊 lol。如果他有心要成為非常流暢的講者,你覺得這種小事能夠難倒他嗎?
還需要Musk暗藏玄機的演講技巧嗎? 需要的同學請按個讚和留言「Must learn from Musk」。
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3mKfjyX
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe,也在其Youtube影片中提到,二度目の「前前前世」です(*'ω'*) 前回は弾き語りでMovie Ver.をお届けしましたが、今回は、BRAND gNu recordsのKen YamaguchiさんにアレンジしていただいたOriginal Ver.をお届けします。 Enjoy! BRAND gNu records: http...
prior to詞性 在 馮智政 Facebook 的精選貼文
#成萬字 #萬言書 #頹譯都譯死人
請為藍鷹榮譽衛隊(Blue Eagles Honor Guard)及飛行員Kayla Highsmith下士對國歌的精彩演繹給多一次掌聲如何? (掌聲)
也要感謝Laurie牧師那動人的祈禱,我還要感謝Hugh Hewitt和尼克遜基金會的邀請讓我在這個重要的美國機構發言。很高興能受空軍人員演唱,由海軍陸戰隊介紹,讓個一個陸軍傢伙站在海軍傢伙的房子前面。 (笑聲)(按蓬佩奧曾在美國陸軍服役 )一切都很好。
很榮幸來到Yorba Linda,尼克遜的父親在那裡建立了他出生和成長的房屋。
我們很幸運能在觀眾中見到一些特別的嘉賓,包括我認識的Chris Nixon (尼克遜的孫,Christopher Nixon Cox)。我還要感謝Tricia Nixon和Julie Nixon Eisenhower (尼克遜兩位女兒)對這次訪問的支持。
最後,正如州長所說,我在Santa Ana出生,離這裡不遠。今天有我的姐姐和她的丈夫在聽眾中。謝謝大家的光臨。我敢打賭,您從沒想過我會站在這裡。
我今天的講話是我在一系列中國演講中的第四組講話,我請國家安全顧問Robert O’Brien,聯邦調查局局長Chris Wray和司法部長Barr陪同我發言。
我們的目標是明確指出,特朗普總統的中國政策正在解決的對美國人的威脅是明顯的,並且我們正確立保障自由的戰略。Robert O’Brien談到了意識形態。聯邦調查局局長Wray談到了間諜活動。司法部長Barr談到了經濟學。現在,我今天的目標是將這一切匯總給美國人民,並詳細說明中國的威脅對我們的經濟,我們的自由,乃至全球自由民主國家的未來的衝擊。
這是中國對 "雙贏" 局面的定義嗎?
正如特朗普總統已明確指出的那樣,我們需要一項保護美國經濟乃至我們生活方式的戰略。自由世界必須戰勝這一新的暴政。 The free world must triumph over this new tyranny.
他的話是這樣的:他說:“從長遠來看,我們根本無法永遠把中國留在國際大家庭之外……在中國改變之前,世界不會安全。因此,我們的目標是 —在可能的範圍內,我們必須作出影響,而我們的目標應該是促使改變。”
前一天,Robert O’Brien大使舉了幾個例子:萬豪,美國航空,達美航空,聯合航空都從其公司網站上刪除了對台灣的提及,以免激怒北京。在荷里活,這裏的不遠處,距離美國創作自由的中心和自命為社會正義的仲裁者,他們的自我審查可說是對中國發展最不利的參考。
唯一的方式 — 真正改變共產主義中國的唯一方法,不是對中國領導人聽其言,而是觀其行。您會看到美國政策對此結論做出了回應。列根總統說,他是在“信任但要核實”的基礎上與蘇聯打交道的。關於中共,我說我們必須"不信任和核查"。 (掌聲)
就在本週,我們宣布關閉在休斯敦的中國領事館,因為它是間諜和知識產權盜竊的樞紐。 (掌聲)
國務院- 在世界各地,各個層面- 都與中國同行進行了交流,只是要求公平和互惠。
但是我們的方法不只是要變得強硬。那不可能達到我們想要的結果。我們還必須與中國人民互動並賦予他們權力,他們是一個充滿活力,熱愛自由的人民,他們與中國共產黨完全不同。首先是面對面的外交。 (掌聲)
上個月在我的辦公室裡,我聽到了天安門廣場倖存者的故事。其中之一今天在這裡。王丹是一名關鍵學生,他從未停止為中國人民爭取自由。王先生,請您站起來,以便我們見到您嗎? (掌聲)
今天與我們同在的還有中國民主運動之父魏京生。他在中國的勞改營度過了幾十年的時間。魏先生,你能站起來嗎? (掌聲)
是的,確實有差異。與蘇聯不同,中國已深入融入全球經濟。但是,北京對我們依賴,甚於我們依賴他們。 (掌聲)
如果自由世界沒有改變 —沒有改變,共產主義中國一定會改變我們。無法因為舒適或便利而返回到過去的做法。
Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you, Governor, for that very, very generous introduction. It is true: When you walk in that gym and you say the name “Pompeo,” there is a whisper. I had a brother, Mark, who was really good – a really good basketball player.
And how about another round of applause for the Blue Eagles Honor Guard and Senior Airman Kayla Highsmith, and her wonderful rendition of the national anthem? (Applause.)
Thank you, too, to Pastor Laurie for that moving prayer, and I want to thank Hugh Hewitt and the Nixon Foundation for your invitation to speak at this important American institution. It was great to be sung to by an Air Force person, introduced by a Marine, and they let the Army guy in in front of the Navy guy’s house. (Laughter.) It’s all good.
It’s an honor to be here in Yorba Linda, where Nixon’s father built the house in which he was born and raised.
To all the Nixon Center board and staff who made today possible – it’s difficult in these times – thanks for making this day possible for me and for my team.
We are blessed to have some incredibly special people in the audience, including Chris, who I’ve gotten to know – Chris Nixon. I also want to thank Tricia Nixon and Julie Nixon Eisenhower for their support of this visit as well.
I want to recognize several courageous Chinese dissidents who have joined us here today and made a long trip.
And to all the other distinguished guests – (applause) – to all the other distinguished guests, thank you for being here. For those of you who got under the tent, you must have paid extra.
And those of you watching live, thank you for tuning in.
And finally, as the governor mentioned, I was born here in Santa Ana, not very far from here. I’ve got my sister and her husband in the audience today. Thank you all for coming out. I bet you never thought that I’d be standing up here.
My remarks today are the fourth set of remarks in a series of China speeches that I asked National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien, FBI Director Chris Wray, and the Attorney General Barr to deliver alongside me.
We had a very clear purpose, a real mission. It was to explain the different facets of America’s relationship with China, the massive imbalances in that relationship that have built up over decades, and the Chinese Communist Party’s designs for hegemony.
Our goal was to make clear that the threats to Americans that President Trump’s China policy aims to address are clear and our strategy for securing those freedoms established.
Ambassador O’Brien spoke about ideology. FBI Director Wray talked about espionage. Attorney General Barr spoke about economics. And now my goal today is to put it all together for the American people and detail what the China threat means for our economy, for our liberty, and indeed for the future of free democracies around the world.
Next year marks half a century since Dr. Kissinger’s secret mission to China, and the 50th anniversary of President Nixon’s trip isn’t too far away in 2022.
The world was much different then.
We imagined engagement with China would produce a future with bright promise of comity and cooperation.
But today – today we’re all still wearing masks and watching the pandemic’s body count rise because the CCP failed in its promises to the world. We’re reading every morning new headlines of repression in Hong Kong and in Xinjiang.
We’re seeing staggering statistics of Chinese trade abuses that cost American jobs and strike enormous blows to the economies all across America, including here in southern California. And we’re watching a Chinese military that grows stronger and stronger, and indeed more menacing.
I’ll echo the questions ringing in the hearts and minds of Americans from here in California to my home state of Kansas and beyond:
What do the American people have to show now 50 years on from engagement with China?
Did the theories of our leaders that proposed a Chinese evolution towards freedom and democracy prove to be true?
Is this China’s definition of a win-win situation?
And indeed, centrally, from the Secretary of State’s perspective, is America safer? Do we have a greater likelihood of peace for ourselves and peace for the generations which will follow us?
Look, we have to admit a hard truth. We must admit a hard truth that should guide us in the years and decades to come, that if we want to have a free 21st century, and not the Chinese century of which Xi Jinping dreams, the old paradigm of blind engagement with China simply won’t get it done. We must not continue it and we must not return to it.
As President Trump has made very clear, we need a strategy that protects the American economy, and indeed our way of life. The free world must triumph over this new tyranny.
Now, before I seem too eager to tear down President Nixon’s legacy, I want to be clear that he did what he believed was best for the American people at the time, and he may well have been right.
He was a brilliant student of China, a fierce cold warrior, and a tremendous admirer of the Chinese people, just as I think we all are.
He deserves enormous credit for realizing that China was too important to be ignored, even when the nation was weakened because of its own self-inflicted communist brutality.
In 1967, in a very famous Foreign Affairs article, Nixon explained his future strategy. Here’s what he said:
He said, “Taking the long view, we simply cannot afford to leave China forever outside of the family of nations…The world cannot be safe until China changes. Thus, our aim – to the extent we can, we must influence events. Our goal should be to induce change.”
And I think that’s the key phrase from the entire article: “to induce change.”
So, with that historic trip to Beijing, President Nixon kicked off our engagement strategy. He nobly sought a freer and safer world, and he hoped that the Chinese Communist Party would return that commitment.
As time went on, American policymakers increasingly presumed that as China became more prosperous, it would open up, it would become freer at home, and indeed present less of a threat abroad, it’d be friendlier. It all seemed, I am sure, so inevitable.
But that age of inevitability is over. The kind of engagement we have been pursuing has not brought the kind of change inside of China that President Nixon had hoped to induce.
The truth is that our policies – and those of other free nations – resurrected China’s failing economy, only to see Beijing bite the international hands that were feeding it.
We opened our arms to Chinese citizens, only to see the Chinese Communist Party exploit our free and open society. China sent propagandists into our press conferences, our research centers, our high-schools, our colleges, and even into our PTA meetings.
We marginalized our friends in Taiwan, which later blossomed into a vigorous democracy.
We gave the Chinese Communist Party and the regime itself special economic treatment, only to see the CCP insist on silence over its human rights abuses as the price of admission for Western companies entering China.
Ambassador O’Brien ticked off a few examples just the other day: Marriott, American Airlines, Delta, United all removed references to Taiwan from their corporate websites, so as not to anger Beijing.
In Hollywood, not too far from here – the epicenter of American creative freedom, and self-appointed arbiters of social justice – self-censors even the most mildly unfavorable reference to China.
This corporate acquiescence to the CCP happens all over the world, too.
And how has this corporate fealty worked? Is its flattery rewarded? I’ll give you a quote from the speech that General Barr gave, Attorney General Barr. In a speech last week, he said that “The ultimate ambition of China’s rulers isn’t to trade with the United States. It is to raid the United States.”
China ripped off our prized intellectual property and trade secrets, causing millions of jobs[1] all across America.
It sucked supply chains away from America, and then added a widget made of slave labor.
It made the world’s key waterways less safe for international commerce.
President Nixon once said he feared he had created a “Frankenstein” by opening the world to the CCP, and here we are.
Now, people of good faith can debate why free nations allowed these bad things to happen for all these years. Perhaps we were naive about China’s virulent strain of communism, or triumphalist after our victory in the Cold War, or cravenly capitalist, or hoodwinked by Beijing’s talk of a “peaceful rise.”
Whatever the reason – whatever the reason, today China is increasingly authoritarian at home, and more aggressive in its hostility to freedom everywhere else.
And President Trump has said: enough.
I don’t think many people on either side of the aisle dispute the facts that I have laid out today. But even now, some are insisting that we preserve the model of dialogue for dialogue’s sake.
Now, to be clear, we’ll keep on talking. But the conversations are different these days. I traveled to Honolulu now just a few weeks back to meet with Yang Jiechi.
It was the same old story – plenty of words, but literally no offer to change any of the behaviors.
Yang’s promises, like so many the CCP made before him, were empty. His expectations, I surmise, were that I’d cave to their demands, because frankly this is what too many prior administrations have done. I didn’t, and President Trump will not either.
As Ambassador O’Brien explained so well, we have to keep in mind that the CCP regime is a Marxist-Leninist regime. General Secretary Xi Jinping is a true believer in a bankrupt totalitarian ideology.
It’s this ideology, it’s this ideology that informs his decades-long desire for global hegemony of Chinese communism. America can no longer ignore the fundamental political and ideological differences between our countries, just as the CCP has never ignored them.
My experience in the House Intelligence Committee, and then as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and my now two-plus years as America’s Secretary of State have led me to this central understanding:
That the only way – the only way to truly change communist China is to act not on the basis of what Chinese leaders say, but how they behave. And you can see American policy responding to this conclusion. President Reagan said that he dealt with the Soviet Union on the basis of “trust but verify.” When it comes to the CCP, I say we must distrust and verify. (Applause.)
We, the freedom-loving nations of the world, must induce China to change, just as President Nixon wanted. We must induce China to change in more creative and assertive ways, because Beijing’s actions threaten our people and our prosperity.
We must start by changing how our people and our partners perceive the Chinese Communist Party. We have to tell the truth. We can’t treat this incarnation of China as a normal country, just like any other.
We know that trading with China is not like trading with a normal, law-abiding nation. Beijing threatens international agreements as – treats international suggestions as – or agreements as suggestions, as conduits for global dominance.
But by insisting on fair terms, as our trade representative did when he secured our phase one trade deal, we can force China to reckon with its intellectual property theft and policies that harmed American workers.
We know too that doing business with a CCP-backed company is not the same as doing business with, say, a Canadian company. They don’t answer to independent boards, and many of them are state-sponsored and so have no need to pursue profits.
A good example is Huawei. We stopped pretending Huawei is an innocent telecommunications company that’s just showing up to make sure you can talk to your friends. We’ve called it what it is – a true national security threat – and we’ve taken action accordingly.
We know too that if our companies invest in China, they may wittingly or unwittingly support the Communist Party’s gross human rights violations.
Our Departments of Treasury and Commerce have thus sanctioned and blacklisted Chinese leaders and entities that are harming and abusing the most basic rights for people all across the world. Several agencies have worked together on a business advisory to make certain our CEOs are informed of how their supply chains are behaving inside of China.
We know too, we know too that not all Chinese students and employees are just normal students and workers that are coming here to make a little bit of money and to garner themselves some knowledge. Too many of them come here to steal our intellectual property and to take this back to their country.
The Department of Justice and other agencies have vigorously pursued punishment for these crimes.
We know that the People’s Liberation Army is not a normal army, too. Its purpose is to uphold the absolute rule of the Chinese Communist Party elites and expand a Chinese empire, not to protect the Chinese people.
And so our Department of Defense has ramped up its efforts, freedom of navigation operations out and throughout the East and South China Seas, and in the Taiwan Strait as well. And we’ve created a Space Force to help deter China from aggression on that final frontier.
And so too, frankly, we’ve built out a new set of policies at the State Department dealing with China, pushing President Trump’s goals for fairness and reciprocity, to rewrite the imbalances that have grown over decades.
Just this week, we announced the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston because it was a hub of spying and intellectual property theft. (Applause.)
We reversed, two weeks ago, eight years of cheek-turning with respect to international law in the South China Sea.
We’ve called on China to conform its nuclear capabilities to the strategic realities of our time.
And the State Department – at every level, all across the world – has engaged with our Chinese counterparts simply to demand fairness and reciprocity.
But our approach can’t just be about getting tough. That’s unlikely to achieve the outcome that we desire. We must also engage and empower the Chinese people – a dynamic, freedom-loving people who are completely distinct from the Chinese Communist Party.
That begins with in-person diplomacy. (Applause.) I’ve met Chinese men and women of great talent and diligence wherever I go.
I’ve met with Uyghurs and ethnic Kazakhs who escaped Xinjiang’s concentration camps. I’ve talked with Hong Kong’s democracy leaders, from Cardinal Zen to Jimmy Lai. Two days ago in London, I met with Hong Kong freedom fighter Nathan Law.
And last month in my office, I heard the stories of Tiananmen Square survivors. One of them is here today.
Wang Dan was a key student who has never stopped fighting for freedom for the Chinese people. Mr. Wang, will you please stand so that we may recognize you? (Applause.)
Also with us today is the father of the Chinese democracy movement, Wei Jingsheng. He spent decades in Chinese labor camps for his advocacy. Mr. Wei, will you please stand? (Applause.)
I grew up and served my time in the Army during the Cold War. And if there is one thing I learned, communists almost always lie. The biggest lie that they tell is to think that they speak for 1.4 billion people who are surveilled, oppressed, and scared to speak out.
Quite the contrary. The CCP fears the Chinese people’s honest opinions more than any foe, and save for losing their own grip on power, they have reason – no reason to.
Just think how much better off the world would be – not to mention the people inside of China – if we had been able to hear from the doctors in Wuhan and they’d been allowed to raise the alarm about the outbreak of a new and novel virus.
For too many decades, our leaders have ignored, downplayed the words of brave Chinese dissidents who warned us about the nature of the regime we’re facing.
And we can’t ignore it any longer. They know as well as anyone that we can never go back to the status quo.
But changing the CCP’s behavior cannot be the mission of the Chinese people alone. Free nations have to work to defend freedom. It’s the furthest thing from easy.
But I have faith we can do it. I have faith because we’ve done it before. We know how this goes.
I have faith because the CCP is repeating some of the same mistakes that the Soviet Union made – alienating potential allies, breaking trust at home and abroad, rejecting property rights and predictable rule of law.
I have faith. I have faith because of the awakening I see among other nations that know we can’t go back to the past in the same way that we do here in America. I’ve heard this from Brussels, to Sydney, to Hanoi.
And most of all, I have faith we can defend freedom because of the sweet appeal of freedom itself.
Look at the Hong Kongers clamoring to emigrate abroad as the CCP tightens its grip on that proud city. They wave American flags.
It’s true, there are differences. Unlike the Soviet Union, China is deeply integrated into the global economy. But Beijing is more dependent on us than we are on them. (Applause.)
Look, I reject the notion that we’re living in an age of inevitability, that some trap is pre-ordained, that CCP supremacy is the future. Our approach isn’t destined to fail because America is in decline. As I said in Munich earlier this year, the free world is still winning. We just need to believe it and know it and be proud of it. People from all over the world still want to come to open societies. They come here to study, they come here to work, they come here to build a life for their families. They’re not desperate to settle in China.
It’s time. It’s great to be here today. The timing is perfect. It’s time for free nations to act. Not every nation will approach China in the same way, nor should they. Every nation will have to come to its own understanding of how to protect its own sovereignty, how to protect its own economic prosperity, and how to protect its ideals from the tentacles of the Chinese Communist Party.
But I call on every leader of every nation to start by doing what America has done – to simply insist on reciprocity, to insist on transparency and accountability from the Chinese Communist Party. It’s a cadre of rulers that are far from homogeneous.
And these simple and powerful standards will achieve a great deal. For too long we let the CCP set the terms of engagement, but no longer. Free nations must set the tone. We must operate on the same principles.
We have to draw common lines in the sand that cannot be washed away by the CCP’s bargains or their blandishments. Indeed, this is what the United States did recently when we rejected China’s unlawful claims in the South China Sea once and for all, as we have urged countries to become Clean Countries so that their citizens’ private information doesn’t end up in the hand of the Chinese Communist Party. We did it by setting standards.
Now, it’s true, it’s difficult. It’s difficult for some small countries. They fear being picked off. Some of them for that reason simply don’t have the ability, the courage to stand with us for the moment.
Indeed, we have a NATO ally of ours that hasn’t stood up in the way that it needs to with respect to Hong Kong because they fear Beijing will restrict access to China’s market. This is the kind of timidity that will lead to historic failure, and we can’t repeat it.
We cannot repeat the mistakes of these past years. The challenge of China demands exertion, energy from democracies – those in Europe, those in Africa, those in South America, and especially those in the Indo-Pacific region.
And if we don’t act now, ultimately the CCP will erode our freedoms and subvert the rules-based order that our societies have worked so hard to build. If we bend the knee now, our children’s children may be at the mercy of the Chinese Communist Party, whose actions are the primary challenge today in the free world.
General Secretary Xi is not destined to tyrannize inside and outside of China forever, unless we allow it.
Now, this isn’t about containment. Don’t buy that. It’s about a complex new challenge that we’ve never faced before. The USSR was closed off from the free world. Communist China is already within our borders.
So we can’t face this challenge alone. The United Nations, NATO, the G7 countries, the G20, our combined economic, diplomatic, and military power is surely enough to meet this challenge if we direct it clearly and with great courage.
Maybe it’s time for a new grouping of like-minded nations, a new alliance of democracies.
We have the tools. I know we can do it. Now we need the will. To quote scripture, I ask is “our spirit willing but our flesh weak?”
If the free world doesn’t change – doesn’t change, communist China will surely change us. There can’t be a return to the past practices because they’re comfortable or because they’re convenient.
Securing our freedoms from the Chinese Communist Party is the mission of our time, and America is perfectly positioned to lead it because our founding principles give us that opportunity.
As I explained in Philadelphia last week, standing, staring at Independence Hall, our nation was founded on the premise that all human beings possess certain rights that are unalienable.
And it’s our government’s job to secure those rights. It is a simple and powerful truth. It’s made us a beacon of freedom for people all around the world, including people inside of China.
Indeed, Richard Nixon was right when he wrote in 1967 that “the world cannot be safe until China changes.” Now it’s up to us to heed his words.
Today the danger is clear.
And today the awakening is happening.
Today the free world must respond.
We can never go back to the past.
May God bless each of you.
May God bless the Chinese people.
And may God bless the people of the United States of America.
Thank you all.
prior to詞性 在 {Fish睬政治}孫博萮 Facebook 的最佳貼文
應該對博萮常常使用 #台灣治理當局 #台灣統治當局 #台澎代管區 這些字眼不陌生
但針對本次的事件反倒覺得 #這才是相對正確的用法
不 #以人廢言 在此給予聲援(#本件限定)
博萮在2016年就曾針對 #南海仲裁案 中
使用"Taiwan Authority of China(中國台灣當局)"做過評論
>>>“Taiwan Authority of China”多直譯為「中國(的)台灣當局」,此處首先必須要釐清的是,這並非意指「台灣的主權屬於中國」,而是「中(華民)國屬於中國」;換言之,它代表著現在在台灣行使管理治權的這個「單位」、也是我們所謂的「中(華民)國」,事實上並非一個「主權國家」(Sovereign State),且其原始屬性為「中國」(China);而這個「不是一個國家」又「本質上為中國」的現況,導致台灣無從成為國際法的締約成員,亦無法成為參與仲裁訴訟的實體。
在1979年1月1日生效的美國國內法《台灣關係法》中,對於台灣現行的治理機關即稱為“The governing authorities on Taiwan”,漢譯為:「台灣治理當局」,而這個機關在1979年1月1日前,美國承認其為中華民國“recognized by the United States as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979”,這個認定至今未曾改變。<<<
#我很抱歉我當年主圖用了台語火星文 😭😭😭
prior to詞性 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的最佳解答
前回は弾き語りでMovie Ver.をお届けしましたが、今回は、BRAND gNu recordsのKen YamaguchiさんにアレンジしていただいたOriginal Ver.をお届けします。
BRAND gNu records:
RADWIMPS / Zen-zen-zense (Past-Past-Past Life)
Released 2016
Music/Lyrics: Yojiro Noda
English Lyrics: Rebecca Butler Watanabe
リンク / LINKS
■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai
So finally you’ve opened your eyes
So, now, tell me why you’re too afraid
To even look me straight in mine
You angrily tell me that I’m late
Well, that may be so, but, baby,
I came running at my fastest pace
Yeah, my heart outran my body
As it flew to find you in this place
Seeing your hair flowing and your bright eyes glowing
Cuts me to the very core
After all the days we spent inside the same dream
I don’t want to let you go
Now that I am finally faced with
The voice I’ve known for so long
I don’t know what the words should be
The very first I say to you
Back in your past-past-past life I set out in search of you
And I’ve been looking every day
I followed the sound of your floundering laughter
And I let it lead me in the right way
Even if all-all-all of you disappeared
And pieces scattered everywhere
No, I wouldn’t waver, I would start back at one
And look for you all over again
Or maybe instead we’ll take the whole universe
Right back to zero where we begin
Where should I begin the story?
Wanna tell you everything that happened
While you were fast asleep
I flew through dozens of skies
To tell you of hundreds of millions
Of light years’ worth of prior lives
But now that I’m here and finally
See you reflected in my eyes
I just want to know you, play around and show you
Who it is that you can be
I just want to love you, every fragment of you
Right down to the pain you feel
Now that we have finally met
At many galaxies’ end
I don’t know how to hold your hand
So that I don’t break it
Back in your past-past-past life I set out in search of you
And I’ve been looking every day
Oh, I let the sound of your unfettered voice
And the shedding of tears lead me this way
So tell me, who’s gonna stop the two of us
On this the eve of our revolution
No more hesitation, I will put up a flag
To stake my claim on your heart tonight
‘Cause you took away from me the will to give up
My resignation to lose the fight
I wonder if we can push our way through
The countless difficulties waiting
In the future just beyond our view
Side by side, no way we can lose
We’ll beat destiny at its own game
And make it follow our own rules
And there isn’t any weapon besides you
That I will need to use
zenzenzense kara boku wa
kimi wo sagashi-hajimeta yo
sono bukiccho na waraikata wo megakete
yatte kita n' da yo
kimi ga zenzen zenbu naku natte
chiri-jiri ni nattatte
mou mayowanai
mata ichi kara sagashi-hajimeru sa
nan-kounen demo
kono uta wo kuchizusami-nagara

prior to詞性 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的精選貼文
今日は映画『君の名は。』の主題歌であるRADWIMPSの「前前前世」を英語でお届けします♪ 映画はまだ見ていませんが、SFが好きなので見ようと思います!見た方は感想を教えてください! Enjoy (^O^)
English cover of "Zen-zen-zense" (Past-Past-Past Life) by RADWIMPS, the theme song for the animated film "Your name." I haven't seen the movie yet, but I like sci-fi and it sounds interesting, so I want to go see it! Let me know what you thought if you saw it, and enjoy the English cover! :)
Next Live Performance: Oct. 10 (Higashimurayama, Tokyo)
Details: http://bit.ly/h-lastlive
RADWIMPS / Zen-zen-zense (Past-Past-Past Life)
Album: "Your name." Soundtrack (2016)
Music/Lyrics: Yojiro Noda
English Lyrics: Rebecca Butler Watanabe
■Official MV (Movie ver.)
リンク / LINKS
■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai
So finally you’ve opened your eyes
So, now, tell me why you’re too afraid
To even look me straight in mine
You angrily tell me that I’m late
Well, that may be so, but, baby,
I came running at my fastest pace
Yeah, my heart outran my body
As it flew to find you in this place
Seeing your hair flowing and your bright eyes glowing
Cuts me to the very core
After all the days we spent inside the same dream
I don’t want to let you go
Now that I am finally faced with
The voice I’ve known for so long
I don’t know what the words should be
The very first I say to you
Back in your past-past-past life I set out in search of you
And I’ve been looking every day
I followed the sound of your floundering laughter
And I let it lead me in the right way
Even if all-all-all of you disappeared
And pieces scattered everywhere
No, I wouldn’t waver, I would start back at one
And look for you all over again
Or maybe instead we’ll take the whole universe
Right back to zero where we begin
Where should I begin the story?
Wanna tell you everything that happened
While you were fast asleep
I flew through dozens of skies
To tell you of hundreds of millions
Of light years’ worth of prior lives
But now that I’m here and finally
See you reflected in my eyes
I just want to know you, play around and show you
Who it is that you can be
I just want to love you, every fragment of you
Right down to the pain you feel
Now that we have finally met
At many galaxies’ end
I don’t know how to hold your hand
So that I don’t break it
Back in your past-past-past life I set out in search of you
And I’ve been looking every day
Oh, I let the sound of your unfettered voice
And the shedding of tears lead me this way
So tell me, who’s gonna stop the two of us
On this the eve of our revolution
No more hesitation, I will put up a flag
To stake my claim on your heart tonight
‘Cause you took away from me the will to give up
My resignation to lose the fight
zen-zen-zense kara boku wa
kimi wo sagashi-hajimeta yo
sono bukiccho na waraikata wo megakete
yatte kita n' da yo
kimi ga zenzen zenbu naku natte
chiri-jiri ni nattatte
mou mayowanai
mata ichi kara sagashi-hajimeru sa
nankounen demo
kono uta wo kuchizusami-nagara