加拿大溫哥華 第三屆國際傳統醫學大會暨中醫大會 – 日程更新
语言: 中英双语同声翻译
时间: 2019年8月24日(周六)-25日(周日)上午9点到晚上9点
地点: Hilton Vancouver Metrotown, 6083 McKay Ave, Burnaby, BC V5H 2W7, Canada
举办单位: Canadian Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research
电话: 1-604-6201908
邮箱: [email protected]
网站: https://www.ictmhw.com
微信: qingcheng545445
2019年8月24日(星期六)活动详细议程 Agenda on Day 1 August 24th 2019
第一会场 (A&B Ball Rooms)
09:00-11:00 1. 頭針治療腦出血,腦血栓,眩暈,耳鳴,老年癡呆等症 Systematic application of scalp acupuncture in clinical treatment 焦顺发教授 Prof. Shunfa JIAO
11:00- 11:02 开幕式 Opening Ceremony 严庆蘋医生 Dr.Peggy Yu
11:03- 11:08 致开幕词
Opening & Welcome Remarks 王福麟教授 Prof. Fuling Wang
11:09- 11:30 嘉賓致辭 VIP Speech 宣读贺信 Greeting Letters 严庆蘋医生 Dr. Peggy Yu
11:30- 12:30 1. 頭針治療腦出血,腦血栓,眩暈,耳鳴,老年癡呆等症 Systematic application of scalp acupuncture in clinical treatment 焦顺发教授 Prof. Shunfa JIAO
12:30- 13:00 午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Lunch/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
13:00- 16:00 2. 針灸在美容減肥等方面的特殊方法與技法,針灸除雙下巴,皺紋,眼袋,面部緊 緻,減肥,瘦臀等 Special acupuncture methods and techniques for beauty and weight loss, etc. 崔兰英医生 Dr. Lanying CUI
16:00- 17:30 3. 中醫舌診在臨床診斷治療不孕不育等疑難 雜症 New principles and methods in application of TCM tongue diagnosis in clinical practice 熊旻利医生 Dr. Minli XIONG
17:30- 18:00 晚餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Dinner/Expert consultation/Poster Presentation
18:00- 21:00 4. 飛經走氣針法及針氣療法治療子宮肌瘤, 內膜增生,乳腺增生等 Miracle effect of Feijingzouqi and Zhenqi acupuncture techniques for intractable diseases 吴泓德医生 Dr. Hung- Te Wu
2019 年 8 月 25 日(星期日)活动详细议程 Agenda on Day 2 August 25th 2019
第一会场 (A&B Ball Rooms)
09:00-12:00 1. 骨盆與健康(全身關節錯位引起的急慢性內外病痛治療) Pelvis and Health (treatment of acute and chronic external and internal diseases caused by joint disorder) 徐星凱醫生 Dr. Xingkai Xu
12:00-13:30 2. 中醫舌診在臨床診斷治療不孕不育等疑難 雜症 New principles and methods in application of TCM tongue diagnosis in clinical practice 熊旻利医生 Dr. Minli XIONG
13:30-14:00 午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Lunch/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
14:00-17:00 3.中醫經方治疗重症、急症及特殊复杂疾病的临床病例討論 Clinical case discussions of classic Chinese medicine applications on severe and urgent health conditions 李宗恩医生 Dr. Andy Lee
17:00-17:30 闭幕式 Closing Ceremony 严庆蘋医生 Dr. Peggy Yu
16:45 – 17 :30 闭幕感谢词 Closing & Thank you Remarks 程霞院长 Dr Xia Cheng
17:30-18:00 晚餐及请教午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展 示 Dinner/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
18:00-21:00 4.針靈技法及針灸治療各種有形包塊,糖尿 病,高血壓,皮膚病等 Dao of TCM — Zhenling of Needle conscious technique and Pingmai of Pulse normalization demonstration 潘晓川教授 Dr. Xiaochung Pan
第二会场( Ball Room C)
09:00-11:00 1. 針灸美容,瘦臉,減肥,祛黃褐斑等 Treatment of facial defect with acupuncture 刘宁教授 Prof. Ning Liu
11:00-12:00 2. 中醫治療抑鬱,狂躁,躁鬱症,焦慮症 Clinical effects of TCM in treating emotional and mental disorder 杨常青医生 Dr. Changqing Yang
12:00-13:00 3. 迷你刃針治療偏頭痛,血管性頭痛,足底足跟痛 The potential and value of Microblade acupuncture in clinical treatment 黄国健博士 Dr. Guojian Huang
13:00-13:30 4. 脊柱相關問題的有效診斷和條理方法 黃偉醫生 Dr. Wei Huang
13:30-14:00 午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Lunch/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
14:00-15:00 5. 針灸與芳療精油治療頭,眼,耳,鼻,口痛 Application of aromatherapy essential oil to acupuncture treatment 梅和詠医生 Dr. Heyon Mei
15:00-16:00 6.針灸與埋線治療肥胖症,胸膜痛,手臂痛 Obesity & embedding techniques Dr. Amir Hooman Kazemi
16:00-17:00 7.燒山火透天涼治療男性不育,鼻敏感,中風 Clinical application of feeling point, Burning Mountain Fire, and Cooling Sky needing techniques in reinforcing and reducing method 陆飚医生 Dr. Biao Lu
17:00-17:15 闭幕式 Closing Ceremony 严庆蘋医生 Dr. Peggy Yu
17:15 – 17 :30 闭幕感谢词 Closing & Thank you Remarks 程霞院长 Dr. Xia Cheng
17:30-18:00 晚餐及请教午餐及请教专家和看论文摘要展示 Dinner/Expert consultation/Post Presentation
18:00-19:00 8. 針藥結合靶向治療乳腺癌,腦腫瘤,膀胱 癌等 Diagnosis of three-level targets and on-target treatment of cancers using Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine 刘金洪教授 Prof. Jinhong Liu
19:00-20:00 9. 夏桂成老師治療不孕症,子宮肌瘤,更年 期綜合症 Typical successful cases of infertility and other gynecological diseases treated with the TCM principles: sharing from my supervisor, Dr. Guichen XIA 谈勇教授 Prof. Yon Tan
20:00-20:30 10. 頭針成功治療兒童自閉症和腦癱疾病的臨床經驗分享 Scalp acupuncture for autism and other developmental disorders in children 史灵芝医生 Dr. Lingzhi Shu
20:30-21:00 11. 近視眼,乾眼症,眼底出血,黃斑水腫,葡萄膜炎等眼疾的中醫治療 Treatment of eye diseases such as myopia with TCM 王育良教授 Prof. Yuliang Wang
Events are subject to changes, will be verified and confirmed as required.
「principles of clinical research」的推薦目錄:
- 關於principles of clinical research 在 當張仲景遇上史丹佛 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於principles of clinical research 在 台灣光鹽生物科技學苑 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於principles of clinical research 在 臨床筆記 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於principles of clinical research 在 Module #1: Basic principles of clinical research (Lecture 1) 的評價
- 關於principles of clinical research 在 Ethical Principles in Clinical Research - YouTube 的評價
principles of clinical research 在 台灣光鹽生物科技學苑 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#稽核端vs被稽核端 #AuditFindings # #矯正預防措施CAPA的構成原則 #矯正預防措施CAPA的流程 #FDA #EMA #iInspectionFindings #缺失因應實務
課程日期:107年11月17日 (六) 09:00至17:00
*陳品汝 友霖生技醫藥股份有限公司 品保處經理
*江君敏 台灣雙健維康生技顧問有限公司 品保部經理
一、從缺失看品質:臨床試驗常見缺失與稽核經驗分享 (陳品汝)
(1)關於品質About quality
(2)案例分析: 稽核常見缺失Case study - Audit findings
(3)案例分析: 歐美查核案例Case study - US FDA & EMA inspection findings
(4)可接受與不被接受的回應Acceptable/unacceptable responses to findings
(5)矯正預防措施的構成原則 Principles of developing acceptable CAPAs
二、臨床試驗稽核/查核準備與因應 (江君敏)
(1)試驗醫院如何準備clinical site audit/inspection (Sponsor稽核/主管機關查核)
(2)CRO如何準備CRO audit (Sponsor稽核)
(5)回覆/因應audit finding/inspection finding
課程費用: 每人2,500元(中午供餐及中場休息點心)
報名方式:<線上報名> https://goo.gl/forms/7Pt65LFG16TppNLn1
友霖生技醫藥股份有限公司 品保處 經理
台灣生醫品質保證協會 理事
美國品保協會 註冊之GCP品保專業人員
(Society of Quality Assurance, Registered Quality Assurance Professionals in GCP)
佳正國際股份有限公司 品保經理
佳生科技顧問股份有限公司 資深品保稽核員
佳生科技顧問股份有限公司 專案經理
佳生科技顧問股份有限公司 臨床研究專員
美國臨床研究專業學會 認證之臨床研究專員
(Association of Clinical Research Professionals, Certified Clinical Research Associate)
台灣雙健維康生技顧問有限公司 品保部經理
健永生技股份有限公司 臨床專案經理
美捷國際有限公司 資深臨床研究專員
科文斯諮詢服務股份有限公司 資深臨床研究專員
台灣中外製藥股份有限公司 臨床研究專員
佳生科技顧問股份有限公司 臨床營運經理
principles of clinical research 在 臨床筆記 Facebook 的最佳解答
Post-resuscitation care: ERC–ESICM guidelines 2015 - EDITORIAL
The ERC-ESICM guidelines on post-resuscitation care are intended to be practical and more didactic, i.e. they tell the clinician exactly what to do. They cover the whole post-cardiac arrest patient pathway and include elements of pre-hospital care, in-hospital treatment and finally rehabilitation.
Animal studies suggest that after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), hyperoxia may worsen neurological injury. Clinical data on neurological injury are conflicting but a recent study of air versus supplemental oxygen in ST-elevation myocardial infarction showed deleterious effects of oxygen treatment. As soon as arterial blood oxygen saturation can be monitored reliably, the ERC-ESICM recommendation is to titrate the inspired oxygen concentration to maintain the arterial blood oxygen saturation in the range of 94–98 %. As yet, there are no prospective data defining an optimal plasma carbon dioxide target in the post-cardiac arrest patient, and observational data are inconsistent. Until further data are available the recommendation is to aim for normocarbia.
If cardiac arrest has been caused by an acute coronary occlusion, achieving coronary reperfusion as soon as possible is a high priority. Emergent cardiac catheterisation laboratory evaluation (and immediate percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) if required) should be performed in adult patients with ROSC after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) of suspected cardiac origin with ST-elevation (STE) on the ECG. This recommendation is relatively non-controversial; the management of those patients with a likely cardiac cause of their cardiac arrest but without STE on the ECG is less well defined. In general, it is reasonable to discuss and consider emergent cardiac catheterisation laboratory evaluation after ROSC in patients with the highest risk of a coronary cause for their cardiac arrest. The ERC-ESICM guidelines include recommendations on the timing of computed tomography (CT) scanning in relation to coronary catheterisation and these are summarised in a post-cardiac arrest algorithm.
The prevention of post-ROSC hyperthermia and the implementation of targeted temperature management (TTM) remains a strong recommendation in the ERC-ESICM guidelines. There is no international consensus on the precise target temperature—the current recommendation is to maintain a constant temperature in the range 32–36 °C for 24 h.
Predicting the final neurological outcome of those who remain comatose after resuscitation from cardiac arrest is problematic and it is now generally accepted that decisions about withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment (WLST) have been made far too early. The ERC and ESICM have already published guidelines on prognostication after cardiac arrest and these have been incorporated into the 2015 post-resuscitation care guidelines. The principles of prognostication are that it is generally delayed until at least 3 days after cardiac arrest and it is multimodal.
Many cardiac arrest survivors have cognitive and emotional problems long after hospital discharge. To date, there have been few structured programmes to rehabilitate these patients and this is a component of the patient pathway that can be improved considerably. The ERC-ESICM guidelines provide recommendations on the follow-up care for post-cardiac arrest patients.
Since 2010, considerable progress in clinical research has created important advances, making these post-resuscitation guidelines immediately applicable in many patients. However, there are still knowledge gaps, which require further investigation. Temperature management is probably the field in which most questions remain unsolved. Should we use a specific cooling technique? What is the best sedation strategy during cooling? Who are the best candidates for a lower target temperature target (32–34 °C)? Should we start cooling during transport to hospital? As early pneumonia is very frequent in cooled patients, should we give prophylactic antibiotics? Ongoing clinical studies might provide definitive conclusions in the very near future. The optimal management of post-resuscitation circulatory failure also remains controversial. Although some clinical data suggest 75 mmHg as a target for mean arterial pressure, this should be further investigated in prospective studies. The use of steroids during the post-resuscitation shock also requires further exploration. Brain injury is the cornerstone of outcome: new imaging and electrophysiological investigations will help to refine the neuroprognostication strategy that has been proposed. Finally, follow-up care for survivors is now recommended but we need high-level evidence for this rehabilitation phase.
While further science is awaited, we sincerely hope that these 2015 guidelines will help intensive care clinicians to treat their post-cardiac arrest patients.
principles of clinical research 在 Ethical Principles in Clinical Research - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Air date: Saturday, February 5, 2022, 12PMDescription: Ethical Principles in Clinical Research : Historical Perspective and Regulations Part ... ... <看更多>
principles of clinical research 在 Module #1: Basic principles of clinical research (Lecture 1) 的推薦與評價
Clinical Research School Program. Module #1: Basic principles of clinical research (Lecture 1). 2K views 1 year ago. Egypt Scholars Inc. ... <看更多>