[是日發財大計]加個液精體顯示,成件事就high tech晒,賣貴幾十倍!
TLDR:「數碼」驗孕棒,賣貴幾十倍,其實就係用返low tech驗孕紙,不過加個display話你知有冇中獎。真係冇誠意,至少都識發聲先係嘛。或者會識去通知經手人。
BBC 原文:The surprising secret hidden in a pregnancy test(https://bityl.co/3Tkx)。係喎,BBC我都睇的。除咗要睇得多,仲要睇得快。但睇得多自然睇得快。
1. 人生除咗金融,仲有好多嘢好有意義好過癮嘅。例如繁殖下一代(特別係個過程)。唔過癮就唔會有你同我啦,對不?
2. 周末輕鬆啲,睇呢啲。不過驗孕呢啲嘢,搞錯咗就可大可小,都係小心啲好。
3. 埃汾就肯定唔係專家,照計女讀者一定清楚過我。男讀者嘛?我估十居其九都唔識,除非係醫生,或者播落好多種。
4. 驗孕棒,或紙,我就真係唔熟。唯一見過就係睇戲,或者睇漫畫(有集金田一用呢個做主題!)。咩一條線定兩條線之類,唔識。有錯請諒
5. 但,話說家陣外國(唔知香港興唔興?)有「數碼驗孕棒」?咩東西?幸好唔係「智能驗孕棒」或者「大數據驗孕棒」(開個Excel儲起佢),「雲端驗孕棒」(放上Dropbox通知經手人)甚至「區塊鏈驗孕棒」(屙咗落去冇得改掛)。
6. 「數碼驗孕棒」是甚麼東西?就係圖中呢支嘢。價值7蚊美金,兩支。一支25蚊港紙左右,當然係不能循環使用啦(唔得架?)。有啲貴啲嘅牌子,賣到成舊水港紙一支。而聽聞傳統嘅非數碼low tech驗孕紙,應該兩蚊港紙搞掂。
7. 咁但,當然有人玩開箱文,仲係男人(!)(其實冇講明係男人,但我估係)。但佢冇屙落去(佢話),只係淋水,同埋拆開嚟睇下!(成個開箱文詳情可睇https://bityl.co/3Tlg)
8. 拆開,發現係乜?哈哈,基本上就係low tech驗孕紙!再加堆LED(發光二極管,簡單嘢,你見啲指示燈嘅紅色就係,用嚟照明都得)同Photodetector(光敏電阻之類?)。用嚟做乜?就用嚟讀下張low tech驗孕紙係一條線定兩條線。應該係如果有條線就會阻咗光,之類。
9. 然後?再加個LCD(液晶體顯示器,可惜唔係精液體顯示器),顯示畀你睇,有咗,定冇(英文啦,不過照計中文都唔難)。
10. 係咪十分低能呢!
11. 聽聞入面仲有粒IC(集成電路,亦即係晶片,芯片),Holtek HT48C06(唔知係乜),8-bit microcontroller. 64 bytes of RAM(唔識,照抄),唔係流嘢嚟架!勁過元祖IBM PC,不過你就在上面屙篤尿然後掉走,so sad.但反正,求其一部早期嘅智能電話(埃瘋科或快乎之類),運算功能都係當年NASA阿波羅11號登月部電腦幾千倍了。而你拎嚟玩Candy Crush或者當鬧鐘
12. 但,完全唔知塊晶片係用嚟做乜的。咁當然,仲要有電池啦,唔係水力發電。
13. 結論?咪就係why bother,扮high tech,根本個核心技術(!)就係同個幾兩蚊low tech驗孕紙一樣。買一支high tech嘢,夠你用low tech驗孕紙驗幾十次,仲唔使生產咁多電子垃圾。
14. 埃汾感想?呢個年代,咁呃人唔得嘅,硬件實畀人拆開。即係你話銀行搵條友縮在櫃員機入面都仲得啫,因為人地冇得拎你部機返屋企拆。但賣畀零售客嘅,實畀人拆開睇。其實以前都會,但以前資訊唔流通咁解。即係你咩智能咖啡機都係,如果係縮條女在入面(鄭融?)沖嘅,你Demo都仲呃到人,但賣出街實死啦
15. 所以,雖則我唔識,但呃人都係整software好啲。啲乜鬼大數據機器學習AI,你唔公開個梳屎code,應該可以呃一段時間掛?冇咁快reverse engineer 到?
16. 不過,都係有啲人仲係覺得「數碼嘢」令佢安心啲。話傳統驗孕紙條線,唔同人可能睇到唔同結果喎(埃汾按:舍利子咩)。有啲人可能見到條線,有人話唔係,咁喎。有個LCD Display安心啲,pregnant or not pregnant,如是我聞。畀多一百幾十買個安心都好喎。再一次見到,tech人嘅諗法,同真正用家又未必一樣
16.5 但開箱男反駁,我都同意。其實只係個精液體顯示,畀啲假嘅安全感你。你肉眼會睇錯,唔通入面堆cheap雞 photo senor 就唔會錯咩!好平架咋
17. 同場加映,其實數碼驗孕棒,入面仲有粒藥丸狀嘅東西—有人以為係事後丸!(https://bityl.co/3To7).大佬,防潮珠嚟的……唔食得的說(*).防止個電路板受潮生鏽的
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「pregnancy test中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於pregnancy test中文 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於pregnancy test中文 在 Lily的澳洲獸醫日誌 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於pregnancy test中文 在 我的ivf试管婴儿の日记 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於pregnancy test中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於pregnancy test中文 在 AhClair TV Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於pregnancy test中文 在 AhClair TV Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於pregnancy test中文 在 self-diagnostics One Step Pregnancy Test - hCG rapid test 的評價
pregnancy test中文 在 Lily的澳洲獸醫日誌 Facebook 的最佳解答
【Week8 Day2 - EMS rural mixed practice】
星期一跑了三個牛場。一早九點跟著獸醫去乳牛場做pregnancy test, 牧場有230多隻母牛等著我們檢查是否懷孕以及判斷懷孕幾週。為了維持效率,先由我們的資深老獸醫用超音波探頭伸進直腸裡看子宮的影像,等他判讀完週齡數或empty(沒懷孕)接續做下一隻時,我就藉由這時間練習直腸觸診。那個早上我的手大概伸進了50隻牛的肛門吧。其實二三年級的時候也都有prac讓我們用學校的牛練習直腸觸診,但這次是我最確切感受到子宮整體形狀的一次,現在對判讀是否懷孕更加有信心,但是對於判斷週齡還是無法。下午看了一隻兩個半月大,感染pinkeye和footrot的小牛(sorry 我不知道中文病名是啥,如果有人能提供給我我會很感激),給了一針抗生素和眼藥膏。之後再去看一隻下痢脫水極度嚴重,已經奄奄一息的小牛,給了兩袋輸液然後請farmer把他移到有遮蔽的地方,如果狀況沒改善就建議帶到醫院打點滴。這兩天兩隻手臂都很酸痛,左手因為做太多直腸觸診(要伸到接近手肘深),一直被直腸的收縮擠壓,有時候壓到你整個手都是麻的,右手則是因為在幫下痢小牛靜脈輸液的過程中充當人工點滴架一直高舉著。
今天星期二一早一隻拉拉原本是為了打預防針而進來,但整隻狗懶洋洋的而且狂流口水,活動力完全不是兩歲的拉拉該有的,飼主上星期五就注意到狗狀況不太對,但以為是亂吃東西造成的就沒多在意,獸醫看到症狀直接想到非常有可能是snake bite,血檢一跑CK整個爆表到機器無法判讀,蛇毒造成的肌肉損傷狀況比表面上看到的還嚴重,由於已經過太多天,蛇毒血清在這階段已經無法有任何功效,所以就立刻辦住院上輸液,盡量降低繼發性的腎臟損傷。接著參與了一隻惠比特大臼齒斷裂的拔牙手術。下午跟著獸醫先到一個迷你馬馬場幫一隻也叫Lilly的母馬做preg test,這隻馬去年配種沒成功,今天超音波下看到胚胎的影像後飼主超級開心,還誇說是因為我今天一起跟來給他們帶來的好運😊。看完馬後又接著去牛場幫安格斯母牛做preg test。肉牛跟乳牛真的差很多,乳牛因為每天都要擠乳的關係跟人類接觸頻繁,所以對他們來說靠近人類是稀鬆平常的事,但肉牛就完全相反,在澳洲草飼放牧的環境下非常少跟人類接觸,看到人類會很恐慌反應也特別大,加上塊頭又大如果被衝撞後果不堪設想。由於這個場保定牛的設備很簡陋,以我人身安全考量,大部分的檢測都是由資深獸醫來做,只有到最後兩隻牛才讓我直腸觸診當作經驗的累積。
每個星期二醫院都有puppy school(所謂的幼犬學校),我只能說歐買尬,一堆小幼幼圍繞簡直像來到了天堂(除了他們一直吠叫的狀況外)。這個課程是由一個擁有行為學專科執照的獸醫師創立的,今天也是由他來上課。他教導飼主去讀狗的body language,強調shaping(塑行)的重要性,像是握手這個動作要讓狗自己主動把手伸向你然後獎勵這個行為,而非強制性的把狗的手拉過來再給獎勵,這會給狗造成不舒服的感覺。另外今天的課程還包含討論結紮的重要性及沒結紮導致的疾病。澳洲puppy school的普及,加上他們都是用正向觀念在教育飼主及動物,真的讓我很羨慕。
PS 1:我之後要自己煮一餐給提供我住宿的獸醫夫婦,請好心人給我一些菜單上的建議🙏,最好是簡單又好吃,但又不要太奇特會讓外國人不敢嘗試的。有食譜會更好!!
PS 2:照片是母牛preg test後精彩的牛糞沾滿身
pregnancy test中文 在 我的ivf试管婴儿の日记 Facebook 的最佳貼文
当一对夫妻要做 #IVF试管疗程时,做丈夫的应该用什么态度来面对?常常有网友告诉我说,我的老公精子不好,可是他还是不能戒烟戒酒,好不配合。要知道,不孕症不只是女人的责任,男人也是有责任。这篇文章,是以男人的角度出发,里面分享身为丈夫应该如何帮助太太一起度过疗程,文章是英文内容,是奥莉爸爸写的,奥莉爸不会中文。分享给大家😊
IVF Journey, A Husband’s Perspective
Hi all, before reading further I would like to say this is NOT an instruction or tips for IVF and hopefully readers will understand my poorly written English. This is my journey as a father of the IVF baby girl. Why am I sharing all this? It is because my wife had a Facebook page of her IVF journey at https://facebook.com/ivfjourney2015/ and she told me that majorities (not all but most) feedback indicate husband not supportive enough to commit into a journey of IVF. I’m not a true supportive husband either, least I made up my mind to make it happen.
Let’s start with “Why IVF?”
We went for a fertilization test and results with;
Husband: Teratospermia (Human language, sperm is weak for fertilization process)
Wife: Unexplained infertility (I think this is easy to understand, there is for the confirming reason for this result and we don’t go for further test after it because it will consumes too much time and money)
We married and planned to have children late 2011, both our ages were 37 in 2015 because of late marriage. My wife introduced IVF because she does not want to give up and feels regretful in future and so do I. Maybe because I did too many regretful things in the past, now I do not want this happened to my wife. At least I do it better then ignoring it.
Preparation for IVF
Financially, I know it will involve amount of 20k – 30k “Ringgit Malaysia” in the whole process depending on the situation and this is only one chance for me. I don’t have the money for a second attempt because I need to allocate funds for delivery if success.
Mentally, I do some studies/research on IVF. The whole journey took 50 days and in one of the process my wife needs to do a self-injection daily. I quickly asked my wife “Daily injection?! Do I need to fetch you to clinic daily to do this?” She answered “No, we need to do this ourselves”. A final question from me going to be “How?!” After we sat down and discuss, we comes into conclusion and I will do the injection for her. This was the most painful and nervous moment I ever experience by poking a needle to my wife’s belly EVERYDAY!
Lifestyle, 6 months earlier. My wife told me the NO’s, NO alcohol NO smoking NO midnight wandering NO stress. I said, I will fly up to the skies like butterfly if I able to do all the NO’s. It’s like a mission impossible. How can a man like me not go out to social with friends without alcohol and smoke? The joke was sleeping early! You want me to social with my friends in breakfast or lunch time? At this time, she softly said “I really wants to have a cute baby in future, it looks more like a family. Furthermore, I don’t want to have regretful moments in future”. All these words came out of my love (wife), her words melted in my heart deeply. I told her “Ok, we will go for it BUT you will need to promise me ONE IMPORTANT thing. No matter the process success or not we only have one attempt we need to accept the truth and live happily without regret in future.” she agreed.
Commitment, this is not some empty promise. I made a huge commitment to change my lifestyle into zero alcohol, tobacco and lesser stress. If comparing the pain and suffers my wife will take in this journey e.g., injection, medication effects, hormone changes and all the effects from pregnancies to delivery, mine looks more alike small potatoes (looks much more simple). Trust me guys, don't compare it, if you do and more likely you're going loose badly. For the sake of making a better future, I had fulfilled this commitment.
IVF Journey Phase 1 “Unskilled Husband Injection”
Day 1, doctor consults us for Buserelin injection. I need to inject this medication into my wife's belly each day sharp at 8AM. The nurse had guided me side by side to do the first injection.
Day 2, I started my first injection to my wife's belly without anyone guiding beside. Feels a bit nervous because this time I'm doing it all by myself. I try to hum some music to distract my wife's from looking at the needle while injecting but still she is looking at it.
Day 3 - Day 15, sometime the injection hurting and causes bleeding/bruise to her. I need to find a new spot to inject every time and sees her bruise makes my pain in the heart too. My injection skills improved dramatically. She even told me that she doesn't feel pain like the beginning stages.
Day 16, follow up 2nd checkup. Doctor said, everything goes smoothly and added another medication to inject called Gonal-F to take home and start injecting on day 23. This message never surprises me because I've been told earlier, but just that the price to pay for this medication is quite costly.
Day 17 - Day 22, nothing much on these days and we just stick on the plan as usual.
IVF Journey Phase 2 “Stressful Night”
Day 23, Gonal F injections start today. This needle doesn't look same as those earlier, it comes with medication in it and look like a pen.
Day 24 - Day 26, side effects of the Gonal F medications started. My wife is feeling irritation at the injection site, fullness, bloating and tenderness in the lower abdomen due to the increasing size of the ovaries. Her mood changes dramatically as I can tell, but she endures it and tell me she can handle it.
Day 27, follow up 3rd checkup. Doctor said wife has eggs total of 12 and is ready for Transvaginal oocyte retrieval "Human language, Egg retrieval" at day 31.
Day 28 - Day 29, final injection of Gonal F. At day 29 night, I inject Ovidrel to wife belly to that causes the growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation) for day 31.
Day 30, resting whole day. Finally, we had a day without injection and worrying about holding any needles. Today we wondering about the egg growth, not knowing will the eggs grow more or still the same amount of 12.
Day 31, egg retrieval. 8 egg success retrieves and I give out my sperm for oocytes selection on the same day. Wife given cyclogest for oval protection after the egg retrieval.
IVF Journey Phase 3 “Hopeful Embryo Culture & Embryo Transfer”
Day 32 - Day 35, rest at home. We had pillow talk every night concerning about the growth of an embryo. We also look at sample growth stages of an embryo from the web to see what the current growth stage is.
Day 36, another hopeful and nervous morning. Doctor tells us the result of embryo culture as below;
Total Embryo Retrieve: 8
Embryo Qualified for ICSI: 6
Embryo Success until Cleavage Stage (Day 2 – Day 4): 3
Embryo Success until Blastocyst Stage (Day 5): 2
Embryo Qualified / Recommended for Transfer: 1
Both our eyes looked at each other, knowing only 1 Blastocyst Embryo available to transfer and doctor tell the same after it. I really do not know how to express both our feelings into words here, as we expected to have at least 2 Blastocyst out of 8 embryos and only left 1. We both agreed to proceed this only 1 Blastocyst transfer as this is the only choice we had. It's more likely walking on a 100ft tall string with no supports mission, a single error will fail the mission.
After the transfer process, wife given a room to rest for few hours. A nurse came and give us adjunctive medications, injections and advice while resting at room.
IVF Journey Phase 4 “The Final Moment of IVF”
Day 37 - Day 49, after the transfer. This period is known as 2WW (2 Weeks Wait) with adjunctive medications, injections and be very careful. I just let her sleep/rest more on the bed, I served her every meal in the room. We're also nervous and curious about pregnancy results on day 44, we tested with cheap pregnancy tester and get got a double line on it and we do have a little hope and joy with this result. On day 47, again we test, but this time with expensive pregnancy tester and the results double line again! We're so hopeful and happy at this moment. We really hope this result is true until the next checkup.
Day 50, final checkup. My wife goes for the hCG test by giving a sample of blood, we waited 2 hours for the results. While waiting, nurse guide us to a room to rest. Wife slept and I sat beside concerned on the hCG test results. 2 hours later, the doctor invited us to look for him. Before doctor speaks, while we are sitting down, my wife's eyes were starring in the hCG results number and she spotted the hCG number is 452. She smiles happily while doctor tells her "You are pregnant and congratulations! Come back after 2 weeks to scan for baby heartbeats. And please go out to the counter and ring the bell!”
Just Sharing My Thoughts
By all means, I’m not bragging about my success. I would like to say if anyone is planning on IVF, teamwork is very important and husband play a very important role to increase the success rate. Sometimes, I do feel like a spectator than a participant myself because I never experience any of the medical exams but this is not true. Every injection I put on her belly, I feel the pain in my heart as bad as she has on the belly. Ok, nothing much to share in this IVF journey and next time I might be sharing another journey as a Father! Here is my little baby girl Facebook page奥莉 Olivia Baby - 梁童心心 https://fb.me/oliviababylove if you wish to see her growth updates.
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『吉隆坡@医美微整双眼皮手术经验分享 I Kuala Lumpur @Double eyelid surgery Experience + Recovery 』
『看恐怖片的七种人 I Types of People watching Horror movie 』
『FourLoko断片酒(失身酒)挑战 I 瘋到馬來西亞又刺激又喝又吐! Four Loko Challenge *VOMIT ALERT* 』
『第一天成為印度媳婦啊| 結婚影片| 文化差異|Our Wedding slideshow 』
『超唯美婚紗拍攝?成品| pre-wedding photoshoot 』

pregnancy test中文 在 self-diagnostics One Step Pregnancy Test - hCG rapid test 的推薦與評價
The self-diagnostics One Step Pregnancy Test is a reliable, fast and easy-to-use product of outstanding quality. Because we know that hardly ... ... <看更多>