住 #蒲种 的朋友你去过了吗?? 喜欢园艺和室内盆栽的朋友可别错过啦。现在 #PlantnPotStudio 开了迷你咖啡厅 - #SippingCorner 有咖啡和蛋糕🎂让你享受。在这充满咖啡味的绿意环境喝咖啡还真的蛮享受的。😌☕ #重点是植物都是真的😍
Any #Puchong Kaki here?! This is by far one of the most instagrammable and lovely 🌿☘🌱 green cafe I've ever been to, just open recently this month #confirmfresh! It now has a cafe inside it! Grab a quality brewed coffee and cake from here before you bring your favourite plant home🌿📸
🌿Sipping Corner🌿 serve quality coffee☕ and homemade cakes🍰😋
Check out this place:
🌱 Plant & Pot Studio🌱 @plantandpotstudio //
🌱 SippingCorner🌱 BY PP @sippingbypp
Shot and edit entirely #withGalaxy #GalaxyS10+ #Samsung
The video stabilization and ultra wide lens make things so much easier!
Let me know what you think about this video and place!❤🌵☕