#札幌市 開設了新的官方粉絲專頁“Visit Sapporo”Facebook及Instagram。想要體驗冬天的活動及美食等,這裡有隨時更新最新情報,請大家一定要追蹤按讚喔!!
👍Facebook Visit Sapporo Traditional Chinese
🎥先前分享的【PLUS SAPPORO CAMPAGIN】舉辦的贈品活動,因應應大家的要求,「大家一起來製作,徵求您對札幌原創微電影結局創意想法大募集!」及「一起來投稿吧!札幌之旅回憶照片大募集」決定延長募集時間到2/26(五)!歡迎一樣也喜歡北海道的朋友踴躍參加:
🔥①一起來投稿吧!札幌之旅回憶照片大募集! (總金額價值20萬日幣的獎品)
Share your memories in Sapporo!
→ 快點將您曾經造訪過札幌的旅遊樂趣照片分享出來就對了!
Create together! Idea Contest for the ending of Sapporo’s original short movie!
→ 札幌「微電影結局」募集:將會製作三種結局的微電影。請大家投稿微電影結局,此三種結局的微電影會從募集的作品中選出拍攝,您也有機會成為優秀的編劇!
photo contest中文 在 TaipeiEater Facebook 的精選貼文
哈佛商學院教授 Laura Huang✖️Project EMplify ✖️Taipeieater抽獎❗️
🎉 獎品: 書一本:書名— 隱性優勢 中文版
🙌🏻 得獎人數: 3位
❷追蹤 @taipeieater & @laurahuangla @projectemplify
❸標籤2位好朋友(可以重複留言 不過要標籤不同人呦)
Hi guys!! This time I am collaborating with the wonderful Harvard Business School professor @laurahuangla and Project EMplify to pick out 3 lucky winners, and each will get a book written by the professor send to them 🙌🏻
⚠️Disclaimer: The book for the giveaway is going to be in Chinese, so if you have a friend you believe would benefit from this, tag them under this post! And if you’d like to get the English version, feel free to purchase it online or in the bookstore!
All you have to do is
1️⃣ LIKE this photo
2️⃣ FOLLOW 👉 @taipeieater & @laurahuangla @projectemplify
3️⃣ TAG two friends (Unlimited entries are allowed but tag different friends in every comment).
This contest is open to anyone currently in TAIWAN! The giveaway will end on (2/7) Sunday at 11:59 PM. Three winners will be randomly selected and announced in my story as well as under this post the next day!
Learn more about Project EMplify:
#taipeieater #taipeieatergiveaway #laurahuang #harvard #harvarduniversity #harvardbusinessschool #hbs #laurahuangedge #taipeieats #taipeifood #taipeifoodie #popdaily #edge #findyouredge #拉自己一把 #抽獎 #抽獎活動 #抽獎文 #抽獎進行中 #台北美食 #新書 #抽獎禮物 #隱性優勢 #天下雜誌 @ Taipei, Taiwan
photo contest中文 在 麥克健身 Marky's Training Facebook 的最佳貼文
My company wants to share my story to their page in English. so there is the English version, hope you can find some inspiration.
Back in 2012, I had a long break without exercise. The most exciting thing I could ever share with my friends was simply a dream on my bucket list - to complete in a once-in-a-lifetime marathon. Back then, all my friends constantly told me to lose weight but I just didn't find the urgency to do so until I saw the photo of me in sunglasses - I could not even recognize myself! I asked myself: is this what I want for the rest of my life and is this the example I want to set for my kids?
From that point on, I started running again. Nine months later, I finally finished my first marathon in Macau. Even though my body was cramping all over, a voice exclaimed inside of me: "I am finally back on track!"
A month later, I was on a vacation in Japan with my wife. In a coffee shop, I saw a poster… and I made a decision which eventually changed my life: I registered for the Hokkaido Ironman Distance Triathlon race! (3.8Km Swim + 180km Cycling + 42km Running) I only had seven months to prepare!
I’ve never had any road-cycling experience, but along the way, I was lucky to have met a team of triathlon gurus who helped me with some basic cycling skills. As for swimming, I hired a swimming coach to point out the issues with my techniques. As a full-time fitness instructor and a father of two, it was very difficult to set aside an extra 12-18 hours a week for training. During this period, I have come to understand the quote: "Nobody is ever too busy. If they care, they will make time."
I finally completed Ironman Japan in Aug 2014 and Ironman Taiwan in Apr 2015. During the practice, I got held up by my ankle injury from high-school basketball. I realized that I must get it sorted out if I still want to train for Ironman, so I went for an operation in Aug 2015. During the recovery, since I could still train my upper-body, an idea suddenly sprung up my mind: why not postpone my Ironman training for a year and try out a bodybuilding competition!?
They are completely opposite fields: one is cardiovascular endurance training while the other is muscle strengthening and hypertrophy training. There are still four more months to go before the contest – let’s see how far I can get!
"If you want to have something you have never had before, you have to do something you have never done before." -Drina Reed