“What I learnt is that no task one undertakes — no matter how noble — is without obstacles. That obstacles can be overcome, when the mind is clear and the heart has faith.
What we have today is a crisis of faith. No faith in the government, or in institutions, no faith in ourselves.”
這本書是關於印度一個慈善機構“Akshaya Patra” 的故事。起源於一位很有想法的印度廟宇的僧侶 (他和廟中若干位其他僧侶是IIT畢業的,是全印度最頂尖的理工大學)和當時Infosys (一家上市的印度軟體公司)的財務長,和財務長的另一名企業家朋友,從問自己 “我們能做什麼?”,開始,提供印度學童免費的午餐。
規模化 (Scale)
印度是個非常多元的國家,當他們被邀請到更窮的城市時,原本的模式不管用了。新地方距離遙遠要送熱餐無法從中央廚房提供,新地方如何找廚師?新地方食物種類不同,原本的器材不適合。於是,他們開始了“去中心化”的外展廚房,當地人衛生習慣不佳就告訴他們供餐是一種敬拜神明的儀式 (因此當地人才甘願洗澡再上工),機器加溫時間不符合當地食材,於是有工程背景的僧侶自行調整輸送帶讓它符合需求!
進一步的規模化 (More Scale!)
在當中的僧侶和義工們忿忿不平想要取消送餐 “給當地官員一個教訓,沒有我們看你怎麼辦”時,主事的僧侶說 “這麼做是傷到孩子,而飢餓的孩子是無法為自己辯駁的”,因此在被誣告期間他們仍然繼續送餐,尋別的方式還自己清白。
現在Akshaya Patra 一年提供免費熱食午餐給150萬名印度學童。他們仍戰戰兢兢,因為食品安全和各種環節隨著規模化,就更加重要了。同時,印度有1.2億名學童,很大一部分是需要這樣的供餐,他們還有一個巨大的目標要追求!
overcome obstacles中文 在 Prudence Liew 劉美君 Facebook 的精選貼文
Karmapa on compassion大寶法王開示慈悲 1/2
His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa shares a teaching on compassion. Compassion is one of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism, about which Karmapa often speaks.
“Compassion is our inherent nature and a quality of our minds. It simultaneously aims towards the true happiness that is inherent in all of us and it wishes to end confusion for everyone, thus enabling a correct understanding about the world and its beings. Through a very natural outflow of compassion, we give substantial meaning to life.
Since this quality of compassion is inherent, we don’t have to look anywhere else to find it. Wherever there is a consciousness, there is a seed of compassion. It is the same for wisdom. Wherever there is a consciousness, there is a seed of wisdom, too. Compassion is inseparable from wisdom.
The free flowing expression and quality of compassion is so important, for without it we will not be able to live our lives fully. Without it we will only be able to experience a fragile, conditioned peace. It is due to compassion resulting in true understanding that we can find unconditioned peace and happiness, and ultimately liberation.
To approach this, the Buddha taught us to cultivate more compassion in ourselves, towards each other and the world by recognizing that the aspiration and motivation to want happiness (and not want unhappiness) is deeply rooted in all of us. If we use this understanding to connect with each other, we could create the basis to develop and cultivate what is most essential in our lives: compassion.
By sowing seeds of compassionate understanding as each moment passes, we are able to overcome various kinds of confusion without much struggle. Obstacles are easily avoided and we advance safely along the path of virtue, making great use of this precious and fragile human existence. For example, in the midst of obstacles, by focusing on our innermost wishes, this will help us to overcome arising mental and physical challenges.
We should remind ourselves that this cultivation of compassion can be achieved without much hard work. We can cultivate compassion while sitting, walking, or even sleeping. By applying ourselves in this way, we can utilise every spare moment to cultivate compassion, even within this limited physical world.
overcome obstacles中文 在 La Dolce Vita in Oz 澳洲微甜人生 Facebook 的最佳貼文
PS: 感謝大家的支持按讚,我好感動,Eriko說新年後她會開始努力也用英文來寫的。搞不好到時我也來幫她中文翻譯。
My dearest friend/sister Eriko has officially started her journey of her dream!
When I first saw her, she was this girl who had a whole head of curly hair, we often called a Poodle head. She was just fresh out from University, a pure and innocent soul that Angel would think she is one of them.
Through the years, she has many challenges in life and had overcome so many obstacles that people would never wanted them in life; and yet, she is still fighting hard and never give up! That young girl no longer exists but now transformed to this unbeatable Wonder Woman!
Having a healthy, natural and organic life style is always what she believes and has many years of practices. But why???? Simply she wants the best to her and her family! She says is Pure life but I say it is the way you show your Love to your loves one!
I congrats her and so honoured to be her first fan of her fan page; please do share this page as you will learn how much love that a human can give.
Your truly,