【 泰劇《I told sunset about you》】
泰國 #GMMTV 憑製作BL劇殺出新血路,由Bright-Win主演的《#因為我們天生一對》(2gether: The Series)和番外篇《#因為我們依然天生一對》(Still 2gether)成功令泰劇在亞洲地區掀起前所未有的追看熱潮(Netflix和電視台更乘機推出原聲歌曲、聯乘產品和粉絲聚會吸金。其他電視台又怎樣?現時當地電視市場屬「三國鼎立」,GMMTV(GMM 25和ONE 31)之外還有泰國3台和泰國7台,前者今年終於落實開拍首套BL劇《奇迹熊》,由Inn sarin與Job Thuchapon主演,後者製作則傾向保守,而且藝人陰盛陽衰,暫時未有分一杯羹的打算。
傳統市場如此,屬串流平台(VOD Service)的MONO 29和泰國LINE TV,擺明車馬專攻年輕觀眾,所以開拍BL劇,或包含BL元素的校園劇絕對不出奇。事實上,台灣LINE TV去年已製作第三季《HIStory》,來到今年,泰國的這位「兄弟」亦宣布推出全新BL劇《I told sunset about you》,非官方中文譯名有《一心一譯》和《以你的心詮釋我的愛》,已於上周四(22/10)晚上8點在泰國LINE TV首播(今晚播出第二集),是「Nadao Bangkok」製作的第一套BL劇,兩位男主角是泰劇《My Ambulance》的配角CP「#BKPP」:年僅21歲的歌手和演員Billkin(Putthipong Assaratanakul)和同樣21歲的PP Kritt(Krit Amnuaydechkorn)。
參考4分鐘預告(https://bit.ly/3eaK3mu),故事時間綫長達數年。講述PP Kritt飾演的Oh-Aew與Billkin飾演的Tae早在小時候已相識,彼此皆立志當演員,結果因為競爭而成為敵人,再不相見。時光荏苒,二人已成高中生,準備入大學,並打算修讀傳理系,為畢業後當幕前鋪路,一次偶然機會在中文補習班重遇,仇人見面份外眼紅,Tae處處針對,令Oh-Aew相當難受,就連Tae和Oh-Aew同學也無法理解他們的「恩怨」:「我哋都就快入大學啦,成件事過咗咁耐,你仲放唔低?」結果一次偶爾機會,Tae哭着向Oh-Aew道歉,兩人和解,Tae並主動提出,幫Oh-Aew補習中文,讓他增加考入大學的機會。日出日落,二人埋首於艱澀難懂的中文辭彙裏,昔日敵人漸成密友,能成為密友大概總帶着愛。直至Oh-Aew告訴Tae自己喜歡一位叫Bas的男生,Tae才恍然大悟,那些愛是極度深愛,使他妒忌,「我唔鍾意咁樣!」Tae說。Oh-Aew安慰他:「我同你Close啲,唔好諗太多!」
《I told sunset about you》的故事設定,就如另一套泰國BL劇《Dark Blue Kiss》(Tay-New飾演的Pete-Kao)那樣,是否知道自己愛一個人,除了自己細想,還有他人代為確定。Tae一直都喜歡同班同學阿丹,甚至「我愛你」也說出口了,可是重遇Oh-Awe只令Tae難受,因為他明白Oh-Aew才是心上人,但面對同性的愛,Oh-Aew和Tae又如何面對這種自我認同和世俗眼光?就看看編劇如何用5集篇幅講出這個故事。跟GMMTV的製作模式不同,作為LINE TV ORIGINALS,《I told sunset about you》更偏重電影風格,場景、調度、擺位,比一般BL劇更講究,布吉島風光明媚,襯托由Billkin演唱、旋律充滿古典氣息的主題曲《Skyline》(https://bit.ly/2TCjddr) ,聲綫通透懾人,反過來令畫面更「靚仔」吸引,令我更加期待。看了預告幾遍,有沒有覺得,PP很似《教束》會長 唐浩然 Jacky Tong(周漢寧 @henickchou 表示認同)?Billkin乍看也有點似 Zeno Koo 顧定軒?
《I told sunset about you》泰國境外的海外觀眾可以透過「Vimeo On Demand」收看,附英文及簡體中文字幕,第一集收費12美元(約96港元),第2-5集,每集收費5.99美元(約48港元)。(https://bit.ly/3oKLPzF)
【 延伸閱讀 】
*泰劇泰搞笑之驚死你睇唔到Product Placement:https://bit.ly/34fv4nR
*八月天 ─ 撐下去,不要死!https://bit.ly/3lgCg9y
*九月必睇泰劇《I'm Tee, Me Too》:https://bit.ly/35dF41P
#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 #泰劇 #itoldsunsetaboutyou Nadao Bangkok #以你的心詮釋我的愛 #布吉島 快樂的 港女講劇 做乜膠睇電視 LINE TV 泰華眼裡的泰國 Taihua Lin 自己人 Big Love Alliance 大愛同盟 Pink Dot HK 一點粉紅 雪影劇場 William on the way #BILLKIN #ppkritt 腐魯同影劇
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on-demand service中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
🌺Disney’s Bet on Mulan and the Economics of Streaming
🏹In the latest pandemic-inspired Hollywood shake-up, Walt Disney Co. on Tuesday said it would offer its live-action remake of “Mulan” for sale Sept. 4 exclusively on its new streaming service, Disney+, at about $30 a pop, instead of in theaters as planned.
-inspire: 刺激、引發
-remake: 翻拍
-a pop: 一張、一個,意思同 a piece
✍常見用法:tickets at $10 a pop 一張票10美元
🦜Other studios have moved movie premieres online in recent months—winning few friends among theater operators. But none has done so in this particular way, as a premium-priced add-on for streaming customers already paying a monthly fee for otherwise all-you-can-eat entertainment.
-翻譯技巧:“winning few friends among theater operators”
-premium-priced: 高訂價
✍常見用法:add/pay a premium 支付溢價、加價
🏮For now, though, it’s unclear whether Disney’s move was a one-time response to extenuating circumstances created by a global public-health crisis, as Chief Executive Bob Chapek suggested Tuesday on a conference call with Wall Street analysts, or a sign of things to come.
不過,目前尚不清楚迪士尼此舉是對全球公共衛生危機造成的特殊環境所做的一次性反應,還是未來模式的一個訊號。迪士尼首席執行長Bob Chapek 於4日在與華爾街分析師的電話會議上暗示是前者。
-one-time response: 一時反應
-extenuate: 減輕、緩和
-conference call, con-call: 電話會議
🥇Debuting a $200 million movie on a proprietary, premium video-on-demand service is without precedent, so there’s no clear way to estimate how online sales of Disney’s “Mulan” would stack up against a hypothetical run in theaters.
-proprietary: 專用的、專有的
-without precedent: 前無來者、史無前例,同 unprecedented
-stack up:累積、疊高,此處指「推動銷售量」
At $29.99 on Disney+, it would take about 3.3 million ________ to generate $100 million in revenue, which is roughly _____ $200 million at the domestic box office—about average for recent live-action Disney remakes—where ticket sales are split roughly in half between studios and theaters.
A. interactions / amount to
B. actions / translated to
C. transactions / equal to
華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!
on-demand service中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
這篇是講矽谷投資人, 是如何在一堆的新秀中, 挑選可以投資的創新公司.
我也認為, 研究個股, 尤其是科技相關類股, 除了要看它有沒有先行者優勢(first mover advantage), 也需要注意公司有沒有自己的生態系統, 以及它在更大的生態圈/供應鏈中扮演了甚麼角色.
生態系統。 YouTube 從內容生產者、分發渠道到內容的託管、保存,建立起了一整套生態系統。類似的,蘋果的 App Store 也有自己的生態。
產品領導者。像 Salesforce,Workday 和 ServiceNow 這樣的雲服務提供商,搭建了一套完整的解決方案,而且創新速度夠快,產品功能完善,成為其細分行業的領導者,當然也算是一種護城河。
渠道。尤其是對於 to B 產品來說,能不能在一個企業內部流通,既是一個挑戰,也是一種優勢
原文寫的比較仔細, 轉貼在下方: https://news.greylock.com/what-do-i-look-for-in-a-pitch-866355bddb3
We love to talk about “network effects” in Silicon Valley, but many believe that starts and end with the social, viral growth of Facebook. But network effects can build many kinds of moats that defend them against copycats and price erosion.
I don’t describe every kind of moat here (e.g., regulatory) and many great companies will have new types of moats — ones yet to be invented. No moat is absolute or permanent or I’d be out of a job! Still, having a thesis on your defensibility is essential, even at the Series A.
--Tech. We continue to believe in new and better fundamental technology as a moat — not so much patents or legal protection, but products that are hard to build well or take advantage of a fundamentally new approach. In extreme cases, a technology advantage that translates into a customer benefit can turn into a standard — an effective monopoly — as in the case of Intel. In most cases, even a great technology moat only gets you far enough to become a market leader, buying you the right to work closely with customers and enabling you to define the market.
--Ecosystem moats come in many flavors — from becoming the default hosting site for user-generated video content (YouTube), to the rapid, developer-driven free adoption of container technologies and growth of associated tooling (Docker), to the developers that now make >$20B a year through the Apple app store.
--Networks. Social networks are now pretty well-understood. Marketplaces and on-demand businesses reach a liquidity point (even a local one) and build mindshare with consumers that becomes hard to displace. Often, marketplaces have some advantaged acquisition strategy for at least one side (demand or supply) — they’ve built a community, offered a compelling new service, have organic or viral spread.
--Product leaders. In the enterprise, cloud pioneers like Salesforce, Workday and ServiceNow built complete, core workflow solutions with a new architecture. Their faster-innovating products, (at that time novel) SaaS consumption model, and dominant go-to-market machines have made them category leaders. Each is now expanding their initial moats to become platforms for other applications and workflows.
--Distribution represents a new generation of user-adopted SaaS products. End-user engagement within organizations is often a weak spot for enterprise software incumbents. Deploying software is a challenge for most organizations, and consumers who are using more software in their own lives expect better choice and usability. Simplicity and quality of design has become a moat, especially when coupled with product features that encourage adoption within an organization, or new layers of value for incremental users within an organization. Is it better for me if my team also uses a tool? What about my manager?
Capturing a unique dataset is also emerging as a moat in the age of AI-powered products. If your workflow product or MVP is useful on its own, and you can use it to collect unique data, you can then learn from that data to build a better and smarter product, improving the user experience — driving a new virtuous cycle.
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