[China blocks MPs from meeting pro-democracy figures]
早前加拿大國會議員向《環球郵報》(The Globe and Mail)揭發,在他們過去數年的幾次訪港期間,曾遭中共施壓,要脅他們不要跟陳方安生、黎智英和我見面,反映當局避國際社會得悉香港真相,有何等意欲在國際舞台將我們滅聲。
固然在國安法通過以後,我也未有跟任何外國國會議員作會面或出席聽證;不過,諷刺的是,政權「只許州官放火 不准百姓點燈」還是相當明顯,均不見行政會議召集人陳智思,在今年年初經已聯同張國鈞和葉劉淑儀外訪,還趁見官留倩影。
1. Beijing exerted pressure on Canadian MPs, urging them not to meet Hong Kong democracy figures, including recently arrested media mogul Jimmy Lai and me during their tour to HK in 2017, per Globe and mail.
2. The craziest thing was, when one of the MPs, Garnett Genuis, raised human rights issues in China during the meeting, Chinese officials “lectured” him at length for more than 45 minutes, from the end of the meeting and all the way through the dinner.
3. It is horrifying when the then-MP Linda Duncan’s Ottawa office received from the Chinese embassy, who dissuaded her from meeting Dalai Lama, when she travelled to northern India in 2019.
4. Such Beijing interference intensified before national security law. As Amnesty report says, Beijing & its loyalists increasingly use “threats, bullying and harassment” to stamp out voices criticizing China’s human rights violations in Hong Kong and Uyghur.
5. This diplomatic intimidation solely aims at stigmatizing pro-democracy forces & silencing voices supporting HK. But when Beijing loyalists also met foreign MPs/officials in the past, it is clear these exchanges are normal & crucial to guarantee int'l confidence over the city.
#存亡號召 #絕處逢生
not the end羅馬 在 柳人不悔 Facebook 的最佳貼文
《Mandarin and English versions 》
自2016年以來,我旅行了1,118天,部分時間是步行,部分時間是騎自行車從台灣出發,穿越中國。 經過數百個晝夜的訪問到達了意大利,羅馬內的梵蒂岡城。 我以普通遊客的身份走進聖彼得大教堂。 這是一個承諾,這是我已故女友的夢想。 我終於把她帶到了那裡。 或者她帶我去看世界。
梵蒂岡城過後,我繼續旅行,途經法國,西班牙..等等總共44個國家。 輪渡把我和我的自行車帶到另一個大陸,然後我到達了尼日利亞。 這不是最容易旅行的方式,但是我想用自己的腳環遊世界。
我為這次旅行設定了持續時間。 我想用10年的時間來體驗現實世界。 然後我要分享。 我想分享我遇到的那些事情,我聽到的聲音以及那些從我的眼睛溜走並佔據我的角落的場景。
當我踏入聖彼得大教堂時,此旅程的最初目標已經完成。 但這並不意味著旅程的結束,因為這段旅程告訴我,這個世界上有很多人需要別人的幫助。 我可能無力解決造成貧困,飢餓或疾病的那些問題。
我獨自旅行。 但是意識到自己的旅程停止後,我就必須停止做善事的舉動。 他們(需要幫助的人)和我在一起。 我希望世界通過我的眼睛看到它們。 如果可以的話,伸出援助之手。 我知道我不是唯一一個這樣做的人,但願意邀請你們成為其中一員,貢獻我自己的一生與你們一起做善事。
無論如何,我將繼續以自己的方式積極影響世界,繼續努力繼續往前走。 如果您願意支持這一旅程,我想帶著您的願望將它們帶到世界的每個地方。 即使很小,也有機會,我們可以共同使世界變得更美好。
如果您只想對我說幾句話,請跟隨FB IG YT .....的整個旅程。
Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/juitiwang
玉山銀行帳號:0820-979-011914 (銀行代號808)
I am Juiti Wang, an traveler.
Since 2016, I have been travelling for 1,118 days, partly by my foot, and partly by cycling. I departed from Taiwan, walked through China. After hundreds of days and nights, I arrived Italy, and then Vatican City in Rome. I walked into St. Peter's Basilica as a normal tourist. It was a promise and it was a dream of my deceased girlfriend. I finally brought her to there. Or she brought me to see the world.
After Vatican City, I continued the journey, cycled via France, Spain. A ferry took me and my bicycle to another continent, then I arrived Nigeria. This is not the easiest for travelling, but I want to travel around the whole world with my own foot.
I set a duration for this journey. I want to use 10 years to experience the real world. And then I want to share. I want to share those things I encounter, those sounds I hear and those scenes that sneak through my eyes and occupy a corner in my mind.
The initial goal of this journey has be completed when I stepped in St. Peter's Basilica. But this should not be the end of this journey, because this journey has taught me that many people in this world need a hand from others. I may be incapable of resolving those issues causing poverty, hunger or diseases.
But I believe that, by walking into the area where our fellows are suffering, by experiencing what they are experiencing, there may be a chance that my trip can arouse the attention of those who are capable of improving these situations.
I travelled alone at the beginning of this trip. But after realising that my journey may have a little chance to benefit those who I met, I stopped feeling so. They are with me. I want the world to see them via my eyes. Reach out a hand if they can. I know I am not the only one doing this, but I am willing to be one of them, with a portion of my life.
Over the past thousand days, I have received all sorts of supports from people around the world. Their supports have helped me complete the first chapter of this journey. These supports are indeed invaluable. However, with limited supports, it is difficult for this journey to be continued.
In any case, I will keep trying my best to continue the trip, using my own way to positively influence the world. If you are willing to support this journey, I would like bring your wishes with me carry them to every places of the world. There may be a chance, even if it is little, we may together make the world to be a better place.
If you are willing to financially support me, you can do so by following the information below.
If you just want to leave some words to me, please follow this journey by FB IG YT.....
Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/juitiwang
not the end羅馬 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
Galette des rois 系列之三 - Galette de l'Égalité(#平等之餅)& galette de la Liberté(#自由之餅)(English below)
大家現在已經清楚,法國在主顯節當天分享國王派的習俗,知道拿到小瓷偶(fève)的人可以戴上紙做的皇冠,#當一天的國王。但是,自從 1789 年的法國大革命(la Révolution française)之後,雖然仍有短暫的拿破崙稱帝(法蘭西第一帝國)、路易拿破崙復辟(法蘭西第二帝國)與被納粹德國佔領的時期,但基本上皇帝與貴族階級的合法性與控制優勢皆江河日下,逐漸走入歷史的灰燼。在法國大革命之後,又被稱為「jour des Rois」(中文翻譯為「三王來朝日」)、且必須選出國王的主顯節,自然顯得很不合時宜,因此在大革命期間與之後一段時間內,國王派被改稱為「galette de l'Égalité」(平等之餅)或「galette de la Liberté」(自由之餅),原本餅中間藏的小瓷偶是嬰兒耶穌造型,也被改為當時共和黨人中流行的紅色錐形帽「bonnet phrygien」(註)。
雖說傳統習俗最後戰勝了政治力量,法國人一直到現在都在主顯節時切分國王派、並決定當日的國王,但是,#每年在法國總統府切分的國王派卻是沒有小瓷偶的,因為 #現在的法蘭西共和國內再也沒有國王跟皇室了,#人們選出的是公僕。
照片中是巴黎 Pierre Hermé Paris 的甜點櫥窗,今年 Pierre Hermé 推出了三款主顯節商品,其中有兩個國王派:一個以大師的招牌風味組合「Mogador」為主題,包含百香果風味的杏仁奶餡、炙烤鳳梨與水果風味的甘納許;另一個則是經典的杏仁為。最後則是榛果帕林內(praliné noisette)的布里歐許國王蛋糕。三款中都藏有與珠寶品牌 Messika 合作設計的小瓷偶,還有抽出 12 組的限量手鍊送給幸運的消費者。
📌 註解:「bonnet phrygien」:佛里幾亞帽。法國大革命時期,人們相信古羅馬的獲釋奴隸會佩戴佛里幾亞帽,這種帽子因此成為自由的象徵,此含義一直沿用到今天。佛里幾亞帽又被稱為自由之帽,出現在許多拉美國家的國徽中。(wikipedia)
🔖 延伸閱讀:
2020 我為大家品嚐了哪些國王派:https://tinyurl.com/v6kav57
2018 年國王派精選:https://tinyurl.com/taeqou9
As we know, the French is sharing a galette des rois (King cake / Epiphany cake) among family and friends on Epiphany (6th of January) each year, and the one who’s got the slice with a hidden fève, originally a dried bean but now usually a small porcelaine token, gets a paper crown and name his queen or her king. During a short period after the French Revolution, since the monarchy was overthrown and the people took control of the government, the galette des rois and the custom of making one king/queen of the day became inappropriate, thus the galette was renamed as “galette d’Égalité” (cake of equality) or “galette de la Liberté” (cake of freedom), and the fève, often a baby Jesus figuring back then, was replaced as a bonnet phrygien, the symbol of French republicans during the Revolution.
Although at the end traditions triumphed the political arrangements that the French still celebrate the “jour des Rois” (“the day of Three Kings”, Epiphany) and let chance decide the king/queen that day, the galette shared at Élysée Palace (the French presidential palace) does not hide a fève inside. Because in the present day France, nobody will be the King and people get to choose and vote for their president.
Tomorrow is an extremely important day for Taiwanese people not only because it’s the day when we vote for our own president, but also because it’s when the people get to express their opinions freely, which is unique in Chinese-speaking world. We have no king, are not controlled by a authoritarian government, and people have equal right to vote (Time magazine calls Taiwan as “the last free place in the Chinese-speaking world). Unfortunately I won’t be able to get back to Taiwan to vote this time, but I hope wholeheartedly that we, the Taiwanese will be able to preserve its democracy and the values that we all cherish without fears.
Please do go vote tomorrow! Vote, so that you and your children could still enjoy freedom in the future. Vote, so that you only need to worry which galette you should take but are not left with the sole option to consume.
📌 The photo features the Epiphany collection of Pierre Hermé Paris this year. Two galettes and one brioche des rois are listed. Besides a classic "Infiniment Amandes" ("infinite almonds") option, in the galette "Mogador", the almond cream is flavored with the passion fruit. Roasted pineapple and milk chocolate ganache further enriched its texture and flavorful acidity. The brioche has transformed the traditional version into one with rich hazelnut praliné, smooth, crunchy and lightly caramelized at the same time. Collaborating with Pierre Hermé, Messika jewelry has designed the elegant fève and is now holding a lucky draw for 12 bracelets to give away to the lucky ones.
🔖 More about Epiphany and galette des rois:
The origin and traditions of sharing a galette des rois on Epiphany: https://tinyurl.com/yewrathc
Galettes that I tasted for you in 2020: https://tinyurl.com/v6kav57
The 2018 selection of galettes des rois: https://tinyurl.com/taeqou9
#yingspastryguide #galettedesrois2020 #galettedesrois #paris
not the end羅馬 在 A Chain Bible Verse Reference 的推薦與評價
–Romans 羅馬書6:23. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. ... <看更多>
not the end羅馬 在 Re: [問題] X-Japan 的The Last Song 羅馬拼音- 精華區lyrics 的推薦與評價
watching the stars till they're gone
like an actor all alone
who never knew the story he was in
who never knew the story ends.
like the sky reflecting my heart
all the colors become visible
when the morning begins
i'll read last line
owaranai ame dakisimeta yoru ga asa wo mukaeru
kokoro ha mada nureta mama
in endless rain i've been walking
like a poet feeling pain
trying to find the answers
trying to hide the tears
but it was just a circle
that never ends
when the rain stops, i'll turn the page
the page of the first chapter
kizutuku dake kizutuite wakatta hazu no kotae wo
doutsite mada doui kaketeru
am i wrong to be hurt
am i wrong to feel pain
am i wrong to be in the rain
am i wrong to wish the night won't end
am i wrong to cry
but i know, it's not wrong to sing the last song
cause forever fades
kigatukeba mata hikari-yoru no sora wo mitumeteru
sukosi-zutu kiete yuku our memories
kizutuku dake kizutuite wakatta hazu no kotae wo
doutsite mada dou ikaketeru
i see red
i see blue
but the silver lining gradually takes over
when the morning begins
i'll be in the next chapter
owaranai ame dakisimeta yoru ga asa wo mukaeru
kokoro ha mada nureta mama
kizutuku dake kizutuite wakatta hazu no kotae wo
dou site mada dou ikaketeru
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