五月是亞太裔傳統月!想知道南亞裔的後代是怎麼在美國長大的嗎?身為印度裔移民後代,AIT經濟組副組長邵藹帝跟大家推薦,著名印度裔美籍作家鍾芭·拉希莉(Jhumpa Lahiri)的小說集。如果你想看短篇小說的話,推薦你們看《醫生的翻譯員》(Interpreter of Maladies),這本書收錄許多關於移民異國、旅居他鄉的動人故事,也曾獲得普立茲獎。如果你想來趟深度之旅,跟著《同名之人》(The Namesake)書中的果戈里一起乘著火車,探尋亞裔的身分認同,這本書後來也被翻拍成電影,備受好評。從太平洋群島到東亞、東南亞再到南亞,亞裔美國人不僅代表30多個不同的國籍和族群,他們同時也在美國創造了一個集體、共享的身分認同。跟我們一起在亞太裔傳統月進一步了解這個特別的族群吧! #APAHM2020
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Curious about what it was like growing up with South Asian heritage in America? AIT Deputy Economic Chief Arati Shroff, who is of Indian descent, recommends reading widely acclaimed Indian American author Jhumpa Lahiri’s trove of fiction. In the mood for short stories? Pulitzer Prize winning Interpreter of Maladies is the book for you with dazzling and touching stories about moving to a new homeland, cross cultural experiences, and displacement. For a deeper dive, follow the journey of Gogol Ganguli as he searches for his Asian American identity in The Namesake, which was also made into a popular movie. Asian-Americans represent more than thirty different nationalities and ethnic groups from the Pacific Islands to East and Southeast Asia to South Asia. And yet, Asian Americans have also created a collective, shared identity in America. Learn more during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.