美國在台協會很榮幸與2020台灣國際民族誌影展合作,在台東大學舉行美國紀錄片「部落正義」放映會。在映後座談上,AIT文化官馬明遠與觀眾就片中,兩個美國加州的原住民部落如何克服面臨的挑戰,進行深度的討論,並分享他對於台灣與美國原住民的社群差異性的觀察。這部獲獎無數的紀錄片,提出了一種正面積極的司法模式 - 以社群的價值倡議為出發點,秉持「人本」重於「律法」的信念創立一種部落法庭的新制度,進而實現修復式正義。馬明遠文化官也利用此次出訪,拜會了台東縣政府文化局、台東美術館、南島文化中心、東糖文創園區、鐵花村、阿尼色弗兒童之家、均一國際教育實驗高中以及公益平台基金會台東辦公室等地,親身體驗台東豐沛的在地文化能量。
台東經常被譽為台灣的夏威夷。你最喜歡台東的那些景點? 歡迎在下方留言推薦給我們!
In partnership with the 2020 Taiwan Int’l Ethnographic Film Touring Festival, AIT was honored to feature the American documentary film “Tribal Justice” at Taitung University. After the film, AIT Cultural Affairs Officer Luke Martin joined the audience in a discussion about the film and overcoming challenges in two of California’s native American tribes, and offered thoughts on the differences facing indigenous communities in the United States and Taiwan. This award-winning documentary presented a positive model of using community-based advocacy to create restorative justice – putting “people” first before considering the “law” in their tribal courts. CAO Martin also had the opportunity to experience Taitung’s rich culture by visiting the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Taitung Fine Arts Museum, the Austronesian Cultural Center, the Sintung Sugar Factory Culture Park, Tiehua Music Village, KidsAlive International, and the Junyi School of Innovation and Alliance Cultural Foundation.
It is said that Taitung is Taiwan’s Hawaii. What’s your favorite place in Taitung? Leave your recommendation for us to visit next time!
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過233萬的網紅JO Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,这次将挑戰这款桌面游戏人體模型玩具/骷髅玩具。這玩具的音樂讓人很緊張!最後誰勝利呢? Jo成員的Joyann、Jonnes 和 ^(* ̄(oo) ̄)^爸爸3人挑戰!謝謝你們的支持。如果喜歡的話請訂閱或分享喔~ Jo Channel 影片链接: Re-ment皮卡丘盒玩具公仔—歡迎到皮卡丘房間 ...
museum school model 在 JO Channel Youtube 的精選貼文
Jo成員的Joyann、Jonnes 和 ^(* ̄(oo) ̄)^爸爸3人挑戰!謝謝你們的支持。如果喜歡的話請訂閱或分享喔~
Jo Channel 影片链接:
Re-ment皮卡丘盒玩具公仔—歡迎到皮卡丘房間 神奇寶貝 日本食玩具開箱 Welcome To Pikachu Room Toys Box opening
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夾娃娃挑戰Jonnes这次牛了!凯蒂猫和傻仔龍玩具(馬來西亞夾娃娃機)親子遊戲Crane Machine Challenge By Jo Channel
史萊姆/水晶泥 桌面遊戲 多種顏色超有趣不粘手 親子互動 男女孩玩具開箱 Slime
健達奇趣蛋芭比娃娃和海底總動員、玩具總動員、怪獸大學系列(迪士尼)男女系列玩具开箱 Kinder Joy Surprise eggs
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扭蛋機~蠟筆小新& 海底總動員 以及多款的日本扭蛋喔!馬來西亞購物商場转扭蛋開箱~Vending Machine Surprise eggs opening
日本食玩知育菓子Kracia轉轉糖& 蔬菜水果攤DIY手工糖果(2種款式)
貓狗电子存錢筒/撲滿共3種款式全都好可愛唷!分享玩具開箱 My Dog Piggy Bank/ Mischief Saving Box
挑戰試吃日本零食贏新年紅包!玉米棒13種口味~ 2017新年快樂(雞年)~JO Channel
哆啦A夢盒玩具公仔—哆啦A夢的營養午餐 食玩具開箱 Doraemon Happy School Lunch Re-ment toys opening
旅行立體館/ 3D幻覺立體美術館/ 立體博物館 馬來西亞金馬倫 家族旅行 Travel 3D Museum
吹泡泡大玩具反斗城 親子互動 戶外玩樂 泡泡 男女孩系列玩具開箱 Bubble Game
超大驚喜蛋/大奇趣蛋 玩具開箱 聖誕節禮物 過家家 扭蛋 培樂多 口袋動物 精靈高中娃娃 小跑車 男女系列玩具 Christmas Giant Surprise Eggs opening
桌面游戏(Board Game)、麥當勞玩具(Happy Meal Toys)、芭比娃娃(Barbie)、
植物大戰僵尸(Plans Vs Zoombie)、迪士尼(Disney) 、出奇蛋/惊喜蛋(Surprise Eggs)、
玩具總動員(Toy story) 、小小兵(Minions) 、MIMI World、风火轮(Hot wheels)、
吉蒂貓(hello kitty)、哆啦A夢(Doraemon)、瑪莎與熊(Masha and the bear).

museum school model 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳解答
A Japanese museum (Kure City maritime affairs history science pavilion) is introducing various "Science and technology" including shipbuilding and the steel making that became the foundation of "History of Kure" that is the history of the modernization of Japan since the Meiji era and the modernization while touching life and a culture the predecessors' efforts and at that time. 1/10 battleship "Japan" is all exhibited in the pavilion, and 0 expression fighter on warship and special attack flotilla "Time heaven" of the large-scale material exhibition room and special purpose submarine "Sea dragon", etc. are real things. The thing such as "Shinkai the main armament body and the submersible research vehicle" of battleship "Mutsu" is exhibited in outdoor, and the park where the lawn plaza and the size of Japan were reproduced is maintained.
The Etajima base (gotten stripes Kichi and JMSDF Etajima Naval Base) is bases of whereabouts and the Maritime Self-Defense Force in a Hiroshima Prefecture Etajima City Etajima government-owned-cho no house number. There are LCAC training facilities, a maintenance place, and Self Defense Forces Abraba etc. of the ending type transportation warship disposed to Kure bases in the first Technical School, another, and Maritime Officer Candidate School the opposite bank. Moreover, special force "Special Boarding Unit (SBU)" of the Maritime Self-Defense Force is disposed here.
The antecedent in the Etajima base is a naval academy that is the organization of the training of the officer of the arm of the Japan Sea of Japan army. The naval academy moves from Tokyo and the reclaimed land to Etajima in 1888, and the source necessary before the war of the row with the Annapolis strategy school of a Dartmouth strategy school and American naval forces of British naval forces, and calling "Three large strategy in the world school". Some of facilities at the naval academy are being used in the first Technical School and Maritime Officer Candidate School now.
It is a building of the ferroconcrete making constructed in 1936, and material that exceeds 10,000 points like Togo Heihachiro, Horasho Nelson, John Paul Jones, the hair of the deceased of Yamamoto 56, naval officer's book, and kamikaze pilot's testament, etc. is preserved. The main armament of main armament cannonball and battleship "Mutsu" of special purpose submarine and battleship "Japan" used by the Pearl Harbor attack has been exhibited on the premises.
江田島基地(えたじまきち、JMSDF Etajima Naval Base)とは、広島県江田島市江田島町国有無番地に所在する、海上自衛隊の基地である。第1術科学校、幹部候補生学校の他、対岸にある呉基地に配備されているおおすみ型輸送艦のLCAC訓練施設・整備場、自衛隊貯油場などがある。また、海上自衛隊の特殊部隊「特別警備隊(SBU)」もここに配備されている。
1936年に建築された鉄筋コンクリート造りの建物であり、東郷平八郎、ホレーショ・ネルソン、ジョン・ポール・ジョーンズ、山本五十六の遺髪、海軍将校の書、特攻隊員の遺書など、1万点を超える資料が保存されている。敷地内には、真珠湾攻撃で使用された特殊潜航艇、戦艦「大和」 の主砲砲弾、戦艦「陸奥」の主砲が展示されている。