Adakah Malaysia Menghampiri Krisis Makanan?
Sejak terjadinya krisis Covid-19,Negara-negara pengeksport beras terbesar seperti Thailand dan Vietnam telah menghentikan eksport beras bagi menjamin keperluan makanan bagi rakyat mereka mencukupi. Vietnam adalah negara pengeksport ketiga terbesar di dunia selepas India dan Thailand.
Apabila Negara terbesar mengeksport beras menghentikan eksport mereka,hal ini semestinya akan mencetuskan kebimbangan kepada Negara-negara lain seperti Malaysia. Melihatan reality keadaan semasa, Malaysia menghampiri krisis makanan jika Negara-negara ASEAN menghentikan eksport makanan ke Malaysia. Ini adalah sesuatu yang membimbangkan.
Disebabkan hal tersebut, Malaysia telah mengatur langkah dengan menghantar jentera diplomasi ke India. Alhamdulillah, Malaysia Berjaya menandatangai perjanjian perdagangan beras bersama India.
India dan Pakistan antara pengeksport terbesar makanan dunia. Ketika dunia sedang bergelut dengan serangan virus Covid-19, India dan Pakistan terpaksa menghadapi satu lagi krisis iaitu serangan belalang di ladang-ladang pertanian mereka. Hal ini semestinya mencetuskan kebimbangan banyak pihak.
Belalang-belalang ini telah menyerang dengan rakus. Ladang-ladang di Rajastha ranap ibarat padang jarak,padang terkukur. Keluasan ladang-ladang di Rajasthan ni boleh dikatakan seperti keluasan negeri Perak,Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perlis dan Kelantan yang digabungkan.
Tempat yang dinamakan Rajasthan itu sendiri sebenarnya lebih luas daripada Malaysia. Jadi anda boleh bayangkan bertapa seriusnya serangan belalang-belalang ini kepada sekuriti makanan.
Akibat serangan belalang ini,kerosakan dianggarkan telah mencecah AS 5 Billion termasuk beras. Persoalannya,adakah India kini masih mampu untuk membekalkan beras ke Negara luar atau terpaksa menghentikan eksport beras demi keperluan mereka sendiri.
Melihat keadaan semasa di Malaysia, harga beras masih dalam keadaan baik dan stabil. Menurut Menteri KPDNHEP Alexander Nanta Linggi, Malaysia mempunyai bekalan makanan mencukupi (Bernama, 2020). Vietnam pula telah bersedia untuk kembali ke persada global dengan pengeksportan berasnya menjelang Mei (The Star, 2020).
Sekiranya keadaan menjadi bertambah buruk, adakah kita bersedia menghadapi krisis makanan ini? Berapa lama sanggup kita berlapar? Apakah persediaan anda?
Semoga kita terus berdoa memohon kepada Allah dilindungi daripada segala musibah yang besar.
Jangan lupa LIKE & SHARE jika tulisan ini bermanfaat untuk anda dan rakan-rakan anda. 🙂
Kredit video: DW News
Millions of grasshopper attacks India & Pakistan. The Fields become the field of distance, the terkukur field.
Is Malaysia approaching the food crisis?
Since the covid-19 crisis, the largest rice-based countries like Thailand and Vietnam have stopped the export of rice to guarantee food needs for their people enough. Vietnam is the third largest exporters country in the world after india and Thailand.
When the biggest country export rice stops their export, this will surely lead anxiety to other countries like Malaysia. Melihatan reality current situation, Malaysia is approaching food crisis if asean countries stop export of food to Malaysia. This is something disturbing.
Because of that, Malaysia has arranged a step by sending diplomacy machinery to India. Thank God, Malaysia managed to make a rice trade agreement with India.
India and Pakistan are among the largest exporters of world food. When the world is struggling with the attack-19 virus attack, India and pakistan have to face another crisis which is a grasshopper attack on their farm farms. This must cause the concern of many parties.
These locusts have attacked with. The Farm in rajastha crash like a distance field, terkukur field. The area of the farm in Rajasthan can be said as the vastness of the state of perak, Penang, Kedah, perlis and kelantan combined.
The place called Rajasthan itself is actually wider than Malaysia. So you can imagine how serious these grasshopper attacks are to food security.
Due to this grasshopper attack, the damage is estimated to have reached the USA 5 billion including rice. The question is, is india now still able to supply rice to foreign countries or have to stop export rice for their own needs.
Looking at the current situation in Malaysia, the price of rice is still in good and stable condition. According to Kpdnhep Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi, Malaysia has sufficient food supply (Bernama, 2020). Vietnam is ready to return to persada global with exporting rice by may (the star, 2020).
If things get worse, are we ready to face this food crisis? How long can we go on? What's your preparation?
May we continue to pray for God to be protected from all the great misfortune.
Don't forget to like & share if this writing is useful for you and your friends. 🙂
Video Credit: DW newsTranslated
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