我獲得了2021的 #黛安娜人道主義獎 The Diana Award。
*English version below*
我也想藉這個機會,謝謝所有從 小紅帽Little Red Hood 成立至今,曾經或現在仍在關注、分享我們的行動與內容產出的你;謝謝透過各種方式,支持著鼓勵著我們的你;也謝謝曾經提供我們建議、回饋、甚至是挑戰的你;更謝謝,總是與我們並肩,總是做我們最強後盾的前輩、夥伴、讀者、捐款人們,因為有你們,自始與我們一起走在這條崎嶇蜿蜒的道路上,我們才能走得如此無懼、享受、更踏實而無後顧之憂。
林薇 2021.07.21
I have got some great news I would like to share with you all.
I am both humbled and honoured to be recognised as the Diana Award Recipient 2021 – one of the highest accolades a young person can achieve for social action and humanitarian efforts.
Winning this award was exciting, inspiring, and made me more determined than ever. On the other hand, the acknowledgement also meant the responsibility to continue the journey with fearlessness, gentleness, tenacity, and strength.
When I received the email notifying me of winning the award, I instantly dropped my phone onto the table and covered my face with disbelief. My body was shaking. I took a deep breath to gather myself but was too excited to even remember to exhale. My emotions, however, were more than astonishment. There was immense happiness accompanied by tears of joy. I knew, for a youth striving to devote myself to providing humanitarian aid and care to society, this award was an acknowledgement beyond my imagination. The emotions which overwhelmed me was not for myself to win this award, I knew, it was that our (Little Red Hood Team) hard work and beliefs were recognised and supported! I sincerely thank the judging panel and the nominator for their appreciation.
This journey has not been easy. We have experienced frustrating times and moments that almost made up give up. But now, receiving this award meant that we are finally being heard by the world for our belief to strive for not only menstrual equity, but that people should not be mistreated for being who they truly are.
Today marks a precious milestone in the journey ahead, where we can shout with conviction that, “We will never give up! We will continue to work hard! We will work towards the day that the Little Red Hood is no longer needed!”
Personally, menstrual-related issues and advocacy for equality were something that I could not ignore and keeps me up at night if nothing were being done about them. I believe that everyone in the world deserves to be themselves and treated equally. However, I knew, to achieve this goal, more people will have to change with pace and manner comfortable to each their own. I hope to be part of these changes, to see and feel the differences, moreover, I wish that more and more people could join this movement. Therefore, I began my path of advocacy and hereby encourage anyone who sees any worth in the issues I proposed, to be the difference and become a driving force for changes- because you are all equally crucial for the realisation of the future we strive for.
Today will live on as a significant memory full of gratitude, reminder, and responsibility. More importantly, this award gave us a clearer picture of why we work and where we want to work towards. It also prompts us to strive without fear, to be gentle but firm in the faces of challenges, difficulties, failures that are bound to come. This honour reminded us to live every day with gratitude because the friends, partners and beneficiaries around the world chose to believe and fight alongside us. Their supports were not mandatory, nor by chance, and not just luck.
We will continue our work to the best of our ability and hopefully, make the differences needed for the future we all wished for. This, I think, is the best way that my team and I could show our appreciation and stay true to our roots.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who followed Little Red Hood from day one and shared our content or actions; thank you for all the different forms of support you have shown. I want to further thank those who provided us with suggestions, feedback or even challenges; you fought alongside of us as predecessors, partners, readers, and doners. You gave us confidence, joy, and the ability to traverse this rugged path without worry.
I would also like to thank Taiwan, the land and home, which nurtured me with everything I needed. As the first Taiwanese recipient of the award, I confidently expressed my wish of adding Taiwan to the country list for the award. Thanks to the award development team, Taiwan was proudly added onto the list. It was the democracy and freedom of our land with the passionate, honest, and hard-working people that led me to truly believe speaking our mind was such a natural thing to do. Love is simple yet powerful. My country nurtured me to who I am today, and I would like to let more people see the beauty and the goodness of Taiwan, even if it were only a small portion.
I want to thank my friends and family, who provided me with advice, support, and encouragement. You allowed me to believe that I, myself, could become a strong person and that I could spread this belief and show everyone that simply being ourselves is good enough.
We were all born differently, which is precisely why everybody is unique and important. One day, I really hope, people would no longer be restricted and affected by their inherent traits, identities, and beliefs, and that you and I could become the light in our lives and spread the warmth to others.
Together, we can make the world a better place.
Vivi Lin 21 July 2021
「live aid名單」的推薦目錄:
- 關於live aid名單 在 林薇Vivi Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於live aid名單 在 XUAN 劉軒 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於live aid名單 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於live aid名單 在 最新趨勢觀測站- live aid 1985 queen的推薦與評價,YOUTUBE 的評價
- 關於live aid名單 在 女神卡卡台灣創意反叛軍粉絲團Lady Gaga Creative Rebellion ... 的評價
- 關於live aid名單 在 [Live] PLG季後賽A組G2 夢想家vs國王- 看板basketballTW 的評價
- 關於live aid名單 在 [分享] 狂威(Dylan Covey) 轉戰費城人隊- Baseball板- Disp BBS 的評價
live aid名單 在 XUAN 劉軒 Facebook 的精選貼文
雖然皇后樂團的成員這麼形容自己,但他們的音樂,顯然不只是打動了邊緣人。他們賣了將近三億張唱片,是歷史上最受歡迎也最具影響力的天團之一。他們1985年在英國Live Aid公益演唱會的短短20分鐘演出,被許多樂評家譽為搖滾史上最偉大的一刻,不僅因為高超的演出水準,而且因為台上的四位演出者與台下七萬五千名觀眾,在那一刻魔幻地心心相連、即興的互動、合為一個巨大的音樂共鳴體。
我必須說,Rami Malek飾演Freddie Mercury,絕對會讓這位之前跑龍套的配角演員一舉登上奧斯卡最佳男主角名單。這豈只是入木三分,他的魅力幾乎可以把螢幕劈開來!
這是一部有關Queen這個樂團的電影,但它更是有關主唱Freddie Mercury的曲折生平。在不爆雷的前提下,我只能說,把Live Aid那場演唱會做為結局,不只是因為它最熱鬧,也是因為它是個完美的Act 3結局。浪子回頭金不換,雖然現實結局並不是happily ever after,但在那一刻,我也感到了生命的希望。
#波希米亞狂想曲 #1102熱唱大銀幕 #做自己的皇后
live aid名單 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[時事英文] 同學!準備好要學習新的詞彙跟國際要聞了嗎? 來看看這週老師幫同學編寫的時事英文。以下所有頭條新聞的詞彙摘要跟完整文章的連結老師都幫同學整理好了。希望同學多多利用這些資源學習英文,更加了解世界,掌握國內外時事脈動!
3.16.2017 World News: https://goo.gl/L6SYK9
1. Kim Jong-nam death: Malaysia and North Korea in tit-for-tat exit bans
ban from… 禁止進入…
growing (diplomatic) row 擴大的(外交)紛爭
tit-for-tat 以牙還牙
ongoing investigation 正在進行的調查
“North Korea and Malaysia have banned each other's citizens from leaving their countries, in a growing row over the killing of Kim Jong-nam. The extraordinary tit-for-tat actions come amid North Korean fury at Malaysia's ongoing investigation into his death at a Kuala Lumpur airport.”
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-39189381
2. THAAD: US begins deploying missile defence system in South Korea
Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) 終端高空防御飛彈
defense system* 防禦系統
deploy a missile defence systematically 部署導彈防禦系統
bolster its ability 加強其能力
ballistic missiles 彈道飛彈; 通常沒有翼,在燒完燃料後只能保持預定的航向,不可改變,其後的航向由彈道學法則支配。
provocative behavior 挑釁行為
stand with its allies 與盟友站在同一線
“The United States is deploying an advanced anti-missile defense system to South Korea as part of steps to bolster its ability to defend against North Korean ballistic missiles, the White House said on Monday. North Korea's launching of four ballistic missiles into the sea off Japan's northwest earlier on Monday is consistent with its history of "provocative behavior" and the United States stands with its allies against the threat, White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters.
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-white-house-idUSKBN16D2EQ?il=0
3. China's Annual National People's Congress meeting begins
in the spotlight 成為關注焦點
maneuver a difficult transition 操縱艱難的轉型
manufacturing and exports 製造和出口業
service sector 服務業
China, the world's second-largest economy, is in the spotlight as the government works to maneuver a difficult transition, moving away from growth led by manufacturing and exports, and toward the services sectors.
4. Donald Trump to sign new travel ban executive order 'excluding Iraq'
executive order 行政命令
ban travel 禁令旅行
be blocked by…被…阻止
blacklisted countries 列入黑名單的國家
block entry 阻止入境
Donald Trump is poised to sign a new executive order banning travel from certain Muslim-majority countries, according to a senior White House source.
The new order, replacing an earlier version that was blocked by federal judges, will exclude Iraq from the blacklisted countries, but continues to block entry to the US for citizens of Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya and Yemen.
Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-travel-ban-muslim-executive-order-sign-iraq-refugees-immigration-restriction-a7613486.html
5. Syrian children in state of 'toxic stress', Save the Children says
state of “toxic stress”「有毒壓力」的狀態
prolonged exposure 長時間暴露
horror of war 戰爭的恐怖
become irreversible 成為不可逆轉的
immediate help 即時的幫助
Millions of Syrian children could be living in a state of "toxic stress" due to prolonged exposure to the horrors of war, aid group Save the Children says. The damage to an entire generation of children could soon become irreversible without immediate help, it adds.
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-39188402
6. Four drug suspects killed as Philippine police resume drugs war operations
resume 再繼續,重新開始
drug war operation 毒品戰爭行動
relaunch 重新發動
Philippine police killed four suspected drug dealers in three separate incidents on Tuesday, a provincial police commander said, just hours after a relaunch of anti-drugs operations that the national police chief said he hoped would be "less bloody".
7. Brexit: UK public overwhelmingly oppose Theresa May's plan to leave EU with no deal in place, new poll reveals
overwhelmingly oppose 壓倒性的反對
no deal in place 沒有達成協議
poll reveals 民意調查顯示
dare to… 敢於…
reject the terms 拒絕條件、條款
Britons overwhelmingly oppose Theresa May’s plan to quit the EU with no deal in place if Parliament dares to reject the terms she agrees with Brussels, an exclusive poll has revealed.
Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-latest-news-theresa-may-plan-leave-eu-no-plan-uk-public-oppose-prime-minister-a7614526.html
時事英文新聞 (Breaking News): http://goo.gl/3EnOO6
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