The Fate of Authoritarian System (Lee Yee)
As the Legislative Council (LegCo) election date is getting closer, the Hong Kong pro-CCP government pondered what tactic to use – the DQ (disqualifying candidates) tactic or the postponement tactic? Then came the latest rumor: the election will be postponed for a year due to the epidemic.
Only the mentally-challenged would believe that excuse.
Although many pan-democratic camp (pan-dems) candidates cannot make up their minds on which direction to go within their response to the confirmation letter, the government is still wary of the DQ tactic: if it excavates what the candidates did or said in the past and uses that to mass DQ them, people would be appalled by it and reaction from the international side would be strong; if it accepts their writings in the confirmation letter and let them through the gate, then it is extremely likely the pan-dems would win the election. So DQ wouldn’t work, postponement it is then.
The postponement tactic is actually directly in breach of the Basic Law Article 69 which sets the term of office for four years. Of course, when such unrefined law like the National Security Law (NSL), which blatantly violates the Basic Law, can be so speedily passed and immediately implemented, then the Basic Law has long become garbage in the eye of the CCP, who can now stamp and approve all the dirty deeds with the National People's Congress (NPC) seal and fool itself that everything is legal.
But this could be another miscalculated blunder in the making. Postponing the election for a year would actually attract more criticism from the international society than the DQ tactic, because although DQ is against human rights, it is not unlawful to do so; however, the postponement has obviously violated the constitution. Maintaining the regulations of a constitutional system is the most basic rule a civilized government required to follow. The western politicians are the most stubborn about this.
Despite the news of last year’s anti-ELAB movement being closely followed worldwide, apart from the US, the western countries did not react too much on the parliamentary levels; hiding Wuhan virus from everyone which led to a global pandemic had also not caused any actions except Trump who flared up plenty of times, and some minor mutterings from some western countries with no real action; The noise surrounding the China-US trade war escalated, but many western countries were reluctant to get involved or ban Huawei as they wanted to maintain a relationship with China. But then when Hong Kong NSL was launched, and all hell broke loose. Within a month, the US stepped up its anti-China action and gradually revealed its sanctioning measurements. The Five Eyes and even the pro-China EU have all halted their extradition treaty with Hong Kong. The UK became the first country that banned Huawei.
Halting the extradition treaty is due to the NSL claims that criminals can be sent to China to go on trial, which was a different scenario when the treaty was signed. The NSL has indicated that Hong Kong’s judicial system is no longer independent from China. Last year, 65% of China’s foreign investment was via Hong Kong. Foreign investors chose Hong Kong as a base because they believed Hong Kong had judicial independence. However, with the implementation of NSL, it is no longer the case.
Right now, there are increased actions against the NSL from western countries daily and this sanctioning circle is growing. China has to utter gibberish like “angry”, “sternly refute” to different countries every day.
The CCP and Hong Kong pro-CCP camp thought postponing LegCo election is just a trivial matter, but Pompeo said he would pay extra attention to Hong Kong’s LegCo election in September; UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has also told Wang Yi, China’s Foreign Minister, the same in a call.
Yan Zeya, a Taiwanese author said yesterday on Facebook, “I hope Taiwan and Hong Kong would break this misconception, that the left-wing in the West are pro-China, and the right-wing are anti-China. Take the New Zealand Prime Minister as an example. She is from the Labor Party, left-wing, but not pro-China. How the left and right are divided in a country depends on internal affairs and its economy, but has nothing to do with foreign policies. Its attitude towards another country is not distinguished by left or right, but hawk and dove. Some country’s hawks ally with the right, some with the left, some do not ally with any side. Furthermore, if there are more than one hostile countries, then the same country could be a hawk to country A, and a dove to country B.
NZ Prime Minister Ardern clearly indicated during last week’s China Business Summit, that the NZ government differ from China on some issues, including Hong Kong NSL, the situation of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and Taiwan joining the WHO. She emphasized, that these subjects are extremely important to the Kiwis (New Zealand people).
Lately, the China policies of the US and western countries are becoming more aligned – they are all becoming the eagle. The catalyst of this drastic change is indeed Hong Kong NSL; and the postponement of the LegCo election would only exacerbate the anti-China and anti-Hong Kong actions.
Once a rule is broken, one would keep breaking it; to use a lie to cover a lie, it must be a bigger lie; to fix the loophole by breaking rules, the hole would only get bigger; to use mistake to mend another mistake would only create a bigger mistake. And this, is the fate of the authoritarian system.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,830的網紅Tracy L. 紙上旅行,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#拼貼 #封蠟 #手作卡片 #手寫字 A letter to ______ 當了半年的老師 離職後又過了半年 因為要見到學生 所以寫了一張滿滿鼓勵卡片 這是拼貼卡片到放入信封的療癒過程紀錄 當老師的半年壓力再大 都因為學生的天真無邪撐過去了 與學生家長交心 是我這個菜鳥老師最堅持的事 因為人與...
letter seal stamp 在 譚凱邦 Roy Tam Facebook 的最讚貼文
就黃世澤在此文章提出的跟進方向,我已向英國Home Office出信:
RE: Mr. Andrew Leung Kwan-Yuen’s Application for Renunciation of British Citizenship
I am the district councillor of Neo Democrats, a political party in Hong Kong. I write to you to inquire about a recent suspected use of a copy of false confirmation letters from your Home Office by Mr. Andrew Leung Kwan-Yuen (“Mr. Leung”) in running for the Presidency of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (“HK LegCo”).
I believe that you must have received a number of similar letters from other parties in Hong Kong raising strong concerns about the matter. In gist, Mr. Leung, a pro-Beijing HK LegCo member, in an attempt to prove his compliance with the constitutional requirements for being HK LegCo president, earlier this month had produced a copy of confirmation letters with letter head of your Home Office. Mr. Leung by these copies claimed his declaration of renunciation had been registered. However, those letters were highly suspicious: unsigned, un-press sealed, with a “stamp of registration” which font and format was not in consistence with official standard, and with name of handling officer and reference number concealed. All these clues are pointing to a worrying conclusion that Mr. Leung may be using a false instrument.
Considering the seriousness of the matter, and that the matter is now of vast public interest in both the United Kingdom and Hong Kong, we ask for prompt and detailed clarifications in pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA 2000”) on the following matters:
1. Had Mr. Leung applied for renunciation of British Citizenship via form RN;
a. if yes, the exact date of such form RN;
b. further, the exact date of such form RN being registered.
2. Are the copies of confirmation letters produced by Mr. Leung valid?
3. If the copies of confirmation letters are confirmed to be valid, then;
a. What is the reason(s) of deviations of standard format, for example the lack of a press seal, over the stamp of registered of Home Office;
b. What is the reasons(s) of extraordinary short period of process time (merely 10 calendar days, from the date of form RN 22th September 2016 to the date of stamp of registered 30th September 2016)(not to mention the mailing time).
c. Was the Home Office in any form of contact with any official from the Chinese authorities on Mr. Leung’s renunciation application, so that the Home Office registered Mr. Leung’s form RN in such unusual manner?
We sincerely wish that Mr. Leung’s case is not a result of political compromise with the Chinese Government, while unfortunately we may now only conceive of the worst. The British Government is reminded with its promise “high degree of autonomy” in the Sino-British Joint Declaration. Hong Kong people are willing to see real actions taken by the British Government to defend its honour by keeping the promise.
We are looking forward to your prompt reply.
Yours faithfully
Tam Hoi-Pong
District Councillor, Neo Democrats
澳洲前首相 Tony Abbott 都夠薑無出示Form RN做國會議員,暗中留住英國國籍無人知,依家梁君彥咁玩,睇嚟要大家齊齊做一個public request,問清問楚。
letter seal stamp 在 Tracy L. 紙上旅行 Youtube 的精選貼文
#拼貼 #封蠟 #手作卡片 #手寫字
A letter to ______
當了半年的老師 離職後又過了半年
因為要見到學生 所以寫了一張滿滿鼓勵卡片
當老師的半年壓力再大 都因為學生的天真無邪撐過去了
與學生家長交心 是我這個菜鳥老師最堅持的事
因為人與人之間 真誠以待才是相處之道
將每一個緣份視為人生的一部分 它將帶給你更多
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